What's everybody doing today?

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I had surgery for skin cancer this morning. Wow! A bigger deal than I expected. Done in a sterile minor OR with masks, drapes, and the whole shebang. Now I'll have about a 2 1/2" scar to match my 5" scar when a grinder blew up on me. He thinks he got it all.

The nurse was a gay guy who used to be our waiter at a local restaurant about 5 years ago. That was a real confidence builder... would you like frys with your surgery? ;) :D Apparently he put himself thru school as a waiter and is now working toward becoming a nurse practitioner. Really nice fellow and a good assistant to the Doc. Anyway it went well, I'm hoping it doesn't become a regular thing. Shouldda worn sunscreen as a kid at the beach. Now I'm paying for it.

Later today there's going to be a balloon twilight "glow" thing at the city park, if the wind stays light. $200 for a ride, per person, so we'll pass and watch from the house.
Our septic plugged up again this morning. I got the tank dug up. That was fun chiseling through frozen gravel. Once I took the cap off it was like a geyser, a really ugly geyser. I got it to where it's draining now. Even though the septic is only a few years old, I might have to put in a new system.
On a good note, the jerky is coming along just fine, and I'm tacking down the tar paper on the chicken coop roof.
worked on a couple of apple trees clearing out from around them to try and keep voles,mice and rabbit winter damage to a minimum. it kicked my rear too...lol
What am I doing? Well I thought I would take it easy after my surgery. My neighbor lady down the street called. She's had an intruder TWICE! Noon yesterday she caught a mexican guy in the backyard who said he was there to "look at a trailer." Yeah, right. Then last night around 10 pm her dogs (ankle biters) chased someone over her locked gate. (Our homes are mostly walled and gated here - more for asthetics than security.) He had moved her trash can to jump the gate. She thinks he's targeting the vacation home next door (they live in Hawaii and fly here to enjoy the Wasteland a couple times a year - rich people, go figger).

And no, she didn't call the police. I don't know why, but everyone calls ME, when there's a problem. So I called the police for an extra patrol over the weekend. Guess I'd better clean the shotgun today...
I picked up beer whiskey and doughnuts for another month. Got home just in time to find a neighbor cut through his extension cord with his hedge clippers. I gave him some of those Wago connectors to fix it.

I put everything away and watered/fed the olive, coffee, and orange trees. The Princess hinted that would like some chef salad so I boiled up a bunch of eggs and sliced some ham.

It is now 4 days until The Princess turns in her retirement letter. She is nervous.

Dinner and dancing tonight with my Irishman is making me nervous.
And he is smiling, winking at me.
Like he knows a secret and I don't.
At least I know it's not meeting his family for the first time.
Already did that.
Met his parents and 2 siblings and their spouses.
And he met my sons and my Dad already. So that's not it.
UPDATE on my neighbor lady. Oh brother... Turns out she has been trying to sell a couple of collectable guns of her late husband's. She had some guy "from church" come out recently to "appraise" them. He apparently brought some tweaker looking guy with him, and tried to low ball her the day before our last gun show a few weeks ago. And now she's got a mexican in her yard. Not too hard to sleuth this one out. Tweaker blabbed. I bet every crook in town knows about those guns now. She at least has a safe.
UPDATE on my neighbor lady. Oh brother... Turns out she has been trying to sell a couple of collectable guns of her late husband's. She had some guy "from church" come out recently to "appraise" them. He apparently brought some tweaker looking guy with him, and tried to low ball her the day before our last gun show a few weeks ago. And now she's got a mexican in her yard. Not too hard to sleuth this one out. Tweaker blabbed. I bet every crook in town knows about those guns now. She at least has a safe.

A safe will stop a tweaker, but not a thief. A safe only slows them down, even the good ones. I hope she also has a Doberman and a shotgun.
A safe will stop a tweaker, but not a thief. A safe only slows them down, even the good ones. I hope she also has a Doberman and a shotgun.
Yeah, she has a Mossy 500, and she brought a cool gun up for me to look at. It's a Smith & Wesson Mod 422. The .22 with a low barrel. I'd never seen one, made from 87-96. Very interesting gun. One mag. Ordinarily I don't recommend .22 for SD. She says she's good with it. I said fine, shoot 'em and don't stop till they are no longer a threat, or she's out of ammo.

I think it will be fine. Doubt anyone comes back. PD is aware and they will make extra patrols for a couple of days. We never have trouble here. This is very unusual. The last time the cops were here for an "intruder" was 8 years ago. The hood buzzed for days.
Yeah, she has a Mossy 500, and she brought a cool gun up for me to look at. It's a Smith & Wesson Mod 422. The .22 with a low barrel. I'd never seen one, made from 87-96. Very interesting gun. One mag. Ordinarily I don't recommend .22 for SD. She says she's good with it. I said fine, shoot 'em and don't stop till they are no longer a threat, or she's out of ammo.

I think it will be fine. Doubt anyone comes back. PD is aware and they will make extra patrols for a couple of days. We never have trouble here. This is very unusual. The last time the cops were here for an "intruder" was 8 years ago. The hood buzzed for days.

I have one. It was one of the first 22's I ever bought. Uses the original S&W M41 mags too. The 422 is black aluminum where the 622 is silver grey aluminum, the 2206 & 2213 are stainless steel. Comes in a 4" model and a 6", as well as a small gripped compact version with an even shorter barrel. They are really good suppressor hosts and have a very unique mag release. They are based on an old design made by S&W called the 61 Escort.
Thank you :) Sadly, Imitrex and I do not get along. Naproxen and a tincture of Blue Vervain do ok.

Blue Vervain and I are good friends, works great for me!

Trip to town, got another plain brown work shirt at the Ag store. The hot stick they ordered for me didn't come in, said check back monday. Stopped for a haircut, waited 2hrs. The owner/barber can't hire anyone, no one wants to work so it's one chair service. 6 guys were waiting ahead of me. The wait was enjoyable, there's always one guy who can't shut up. This one was entertaining.

Got lunch then picked up my weedeater at the repair shop, new carb did the trick. Started right up and ran fine. Did a few chores when I got home, have one load of laundry to go. Watching a ball game on tv...
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@UserNameTaken I guess your neighbor doesn’t know much about selling guns to strangers. I vote you set her straight.
Most of all, hope you can rest up. Feel better soon.
@dademoss hope your progressive move carries on eventually. Sounds like you need a rest too.
@Peanut you put plywood over your gate and ran the tractor over it a few times…? 🤓😂🤣
@MoBookworm1957 even though marriage might not be on your mind, maybe he’s thinking engagement that lasts forever? Or a house? Or a vacation? Good luck!!! ❤️❤️❤️
Everybody else: y’all are so something or another. 🩵💝
@Neb i hope the Princess can relax a little and you two have big plans for a celebration!
@dademoss hope your progressive move carries on eventually. Sounds like you need a rest too.
oh it's an interesting time, I WILL not move again. I get to rest waiting for parts for trailers right now. :).

Trailers that sit for 13 years need parts now and then :)

REHAB sucks, human or equipment.
Todays temps 45/30F bright and sunny.. Calm and a beautiful day for the school kids Halloween Parade.. There must have been a million of them went by in costumes.. Also 5 or so middle school marching bands.. LOVE, LOVE middle school marching bands.. I bet I put on 1,000 miles following middle school and high school marching bands in the day.. Picking up lost parts of uniforms, music sheets, music holders and instrument parts... Was great fun...

We did get a sprinkle of rain Thursday when the cooler weather front came through.. Not near enough to do much good as we are still under a severe fire danger warning.. Weekend and early next week to be cool like today.. Then a ..warm up.. they say.. Will see..

Out today to get gas, bank errand, buy animal crackers and salted peanuts in the shell for the squirrels in the yard here and at the local McDonalds I get coffee at..
12 phone calls this morning 🤨. I am not so sure this whole phone invention thing was a good idea.
Hubby is having a little snack of crackers with meat, chz, and hot sauce 😳
I’ve been trying to get some cleaning done, have laundry caught up. Found more sourdough starter so have another batch going.
didn't do the cleaning yesterday but watched 4 episodes of my favorite Korean soap instead. So today I WILL clean the floors and finish up with the project. Besides that I will take Otto for a hike and the usual other chores

I don't like it getting light so late, the sun doesn't even come over the mountain till 9
makes me sleep too long
didn't do the cleaning yesterday but watched 4 episodes of my favorite Korean soap instead. So today I WILL clean the floors and finish up with the project. Besides that I will take Otto for a hike and the usual other chores

I don't like it getting light so late, the sun doesn't even come over the mountain till 9
makes me sleep too long
At least when the time changes it will be light earlier for a while! I don't like it getting dark early either!! But we are stuck with it for now!!
At least when the time changes it will be light earlier for a while! I don't like it getting dark early either!! But we are stuck with it for now!!
this was one thing slightly better in Florida, the daylight hours were more consistent ( since it's further south)
Time change won;t matter, the daylight hours aren't going to be any longer , I don't like it getting dark early either LOL
Animal and garden chores this morning. Already warned little granddaughter that this afternoon we are taking everything out of the big closet upstairs. We don't know what is all in there. She likes to throw stuff she doesn't want in there, and I keep paint and extra comforters in there. So I'll probably do a drop off at the thrift store after that. Planning on cooking a large turkey for some cooked freezer meat today, and husband wanted some quinoa bread made.
My one day off today!! Laundry, cleaning, trim Bear's nails. Going through and rearranging the freezers, I have 30 lbs of elk coming this week! I also got a new client, so I need to sit down with my schedule book and figure out how I'm going to squeeze her in!! I think I can and hopefully have two days off a month!! I've known this lady about 25 years and I always told her that when she needs help cleaning to let me know, I'll fit her in, and here I am!!

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