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Cameras on border instead of wall? More money to Planned Parent Hoods, and Sanctuary Cities? More stirring up crapola for more wars.

I have stopped hoping or caring, Trump's election was the last tiny chance and that didn't work out. The federal government has become an enemy of the people and will continue to bleed us dry until the US is another failing third worldish country with a huge military.

Molyneux and Coulter made strong statements about this yesterday and basically said the writing is on the wall and it is time to "find a tribe" and stick with them because things are going to go downhill rapidly from here.
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I have hopes of getting more yard work done today, but the weather is predicting more wind, and cloud cover. It was 53 degrees when I got up yesterday, 40 degrees today. We are supposed to have moisture late Sunday, so it would be great to have as much done as possible before that hits. I will have more weekends worth of work, but I would like to get as much done as possible.

Neighbors are gone. I saw them leave early to go skiing, so it will be a good time to move some food storage out of the garage and get it to the basement. OPSEC!
My daughter in red taking on 2 players
Sorry to hear about the health issues out there. Watch the cortisone shots, my wife has had 2 and the Doc says only one more, after that we have to put her down.;D Wanted to hike into BOL for the weekend, but it was -6 out there. Normally that's perfect, but just getting back from Hawaii I just didn't want to deal with it. So I'm organizing my prepper room while I'm watching Doomsday Preppers.:rolleyes:
Shopping feeding plants, and putting up biddies and pullets.
So now for past couple months my get away trips will have company. 2 - 3 day old biddies and 2 - 3 week old pullets. I'm good at traveling with them at least now we don't have 6 ducks, 22 chickens 4 dogs and 2 cats to take.
Hubby thought he would pull a fast one getting chickies, he forgot how accomadating I can be.
He said, ' well it won't be long till they are big enough to leave'. I told him they are already small enough to take with us.
I have stopped hoping or caring, Trump's election was the last tiny chance and that didn't work out. The federal government has become an enemy of the people and will continue to bleed us dry until the US is another failing third worldish country with a huge military.

Molyneux and Coulter made strong statements about this yesterday and basically said the writing is on the wall and it is time to "find a tribe" and stick with them because things are going to go downhill rapidly from here.

I agree but where do you find a sane tribe now a days? Family is scattered and not worried.

I have hopes of getting more yard work done today, but the weather is predicting more wind, and cloud cover. It was 53 degrees when I got up yesterday, 40 degrees today. We are supposed to have moisture late Sunday, so it would be great to have as much done as possible before that hits. I will have more weekends worth of work, but I would like to get as much done as possible.

Neighbors are gone. I saw them leave early to go skiing, so it will be a good time to move some food storage out of the garage and get it to the basement. OPSEC!

Weedy your having a busy one ,huh? It is a beautiful day here and good for working. It will be 85 here in a few days. But still could have a freeze. Thats n.Florida for you.
When I get dressed today.
I will be taking pictures of things I want to sell.
Getting everything ready to post.
I should have gotten up at 0400 hours might have accomplished more.
But it's rainy here,dreary.

I wish I could ship you some of our sunshine.:huggs: But we don't have it as often as before anymore.
I agree but where do you find a sane tribe now a days? Family is scattered and not worried.

Well as a hermit I can't give much advice other than live in an area heavily populated by like minded people. That is the big trend these days, people are self-segregating by moving to areas where they will be surrounded by others with the same political/social views.

Remember the Ferguson riots? That town went through massive change over a 20-30 year period, now there is a small minority of "old time residents" that are basically screwed. Don't be like those folks, live in a place where you will be surrounded by like minded people until you die of old age.
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I had a very frustrating day today. You know, the kind that Murphy's law is in full effect!

Once I was trying to repair the patient table of an overused, out of date catscan. I was sitting on the floor with circuit boards, parts and pieces scattered everywhere.

The head of radiology walked in and wanted an update, I’d been working for 22 straight hours. He actually asked “Are we going to come out ahead on all these repairs?”

I quoted him my favorite “Murphy’s Law”. “If you take something apart and put it back together often enough… eventually you will have two of them!”

He left the room with a confused look on his face.

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Yesterday went to a church function beside a creek and we all had a good time. We cooked two loaves of bread and made egg sandwiches to take along to the church function and I repaired 2 curtain tiebacks for our 2 curtains in the hallway and cut out some upcycled, washed and soaked white pillow fabric that I will use to make some hankies for myself out of.

Today had a nice morning at church and had our sandwich Sunday and we had heaps of people in attendance so much so we had to open an overflow room up. Got home and picked 3 more cucumbers from the gardens and we juiced them. Neither of us are very hungry after today's late lunch so we are munching on some macadamia nuts as a bit of a snack.

Not much else will be done today as it is our day of rest.
It is church Sunday for the Amish today, so imagine we'll see a bunch of buggies past our place any minute now. We have our nephew and his wife for company this weekend, and they leave tonight back to Oklahoma after we host a supper here for about 30 of us. This morning is a trip to Lowes for some new bathroom parts...shower curtain, rod, tp holder, etc...we had a new bathroom put in the farmhouse before we got here. And this morning is getting some paint on that bathroom.
Got pot of ham and beans.
Make cornbread to go with it,fried potatoes.
Supper will be fixed.
Catching up on my knowledge,reading here.
Strawberry is sitting on my lap right side.
Typing with left hand, drinking coffee right hand.
Strawberry's not mad anymore about timeouts.
Dusting furniture, getting done whatever I didn't do yesterday.
Got pot of ham and beans.
Make cornbread to go with it,fried potatoes.
Supper will be fixed.
Catching up on my knowledge,reading here.
Strawberry is sitting on my lap right side.
Typing with left hand, drinking coffee right hand.
Strawberry's not mad anymore about timeouts.
Dusting furniture, getting done whatever I didn't do yesterday.

We are having buttered cornbread and beans too. Along with big chunk of onion and buttered rice.

So far cooking and boat ,watering greenhouse plants later today will make the fruit cakes. So far about $70 worth of fruit, nuts and brandy. Will have another $20 or more in eggs and butter.
Did yall know you could actually live off a fruit cake? Has all nutruits you need.
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We are having buttered cornbread and beans too. Along with big chunk of onion and buttered rice.

So far cooking and boat ,watering greenhouse plants later today will make the fruit cakes. So far about $70 worth of fruit, nuts and brandy. Will have another $20 or more in eggs and butter.
Did yall know you could actually live off a fruit cake? Has all nutruits you need.
I love fruitcakes.

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