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Slow day after all, this blasted wind really fouls up plans for outdoor work. Oh, well, could be worse, and tomorrow's another day... at least I got to share quality time with the cats, lol. They don't much like windy days either, too much dust blowing down at their level, I reckon. Part of our yard is graveled so that cuts down on the dust, but there's still plenty to go around, lol. Meh, like I said, tomorrow's another day... this one is pretty much shot except for reading a good book. 😒
That’s the ironic part, this entire week was the corporate gathering of y managers in Las Vegas. While they are having their pat on the back meetings and provided fancy hotel rooms, catered lunches, and I suspect Per Diem the employees got a very disappointing bonus, for most full timers a small fraction of normal.
EDIT: And it wasn't just our store, people are talking with friends at other stores across the state with the same complaint and the companies Yammer sight has many complaints of others around the country saying the same thing.
EDIT: And it wasn't just our store, people are talking with friends at other stores across the state with the same complaint and the companies Yammer sight has many complaints of others around the country saying the same thing.
Last year during our annual hours cuts, corporate had their annual meeting for management and “emerging leaders” in Epcot. While the stores were struggling to meet the the metrics/goals, they were being serenaded by John legend. Sweet, huh?
Well we made it in, got set up. Ate a burger for supper, then had a nice little campfire and had a stogie. Came inside for the night and workin on a glass of brandy
But the weather, Bacpacker! We're all wondering since @Peanut posted the weather. Hope you've battened down the hatches. Looks rough out there in Tennessee Land.
But the weather, Bacpacker! We're all wondering since @Peanut posted the weather. Hope you've battened down the hatches. Looks rough out there in Tennessee Land.
Just another day in the neighborhood. I've been thru similar or worse when backpacking.
March 1983 I was in camp outside Elkmont area in the Smokies, campsite 27. We got into camp around 2 and got set up, had a small fire going and ate supper around 5. We had deer wonder thru camp all afternoon. About 530 we noticed the deer were gone. By 6 pm we were getting wind gust 30 to 40 MPH. By 7 it started raining. By 730 winds were 40 to 50 MPH. Rain got heavy by 830 and we got in the tents. Wind got so strong it snapped 3 of the 4 tent pole on our 2 tents. We put one up using our hickory hiking sticks and left the other flat. 3 guys in one tent, lol. It stayed up till morning. Around 930 or 10 thebwind was chugging coming over thebridge behind us (3500' ➕), we were about 2500'. We counted multiple times the wind hitting the gap 6 times, number 7 always came over and slammed us. One guy wore a hearing aid and turned it off due to the noise.
Next morning we crawled out and found the top beaches from a big ole Tulip Poplar laying across our tent. Ifnit had broke the tip out 20 feet lower it would have killed all three of us we surveyed the damage, packed up, and headed out. A 2.5 hour hike in to camp, took 6 hours to get out (going downhill) due to the trees down and debris on the trail.
Ill never forget that night.
We got word at work, that we are finishing up our project a day earlier than planned. That's no good. We'll load our stuff on the train on Sunday and then go from Vegas to Salt Lake City. Monday will be a day off to travel there, as stipulated by our union contract. Tuesday we will unload and if all goes well, we'll get a few ties put in.

The problem with all this is, my airline tickets are out of Vegas and it is extremely expensive to change them to Salt Lake. So, I'm going to have to drive up there for one day of work, and then turn around and drive back to Vegas.

I'm looking at putting my name in for a new gang that's being put up in Council Bluffs, Iowa. It's a little risky, I don't know who will be in the leadership positions on that gang yet. If it gets a bad foreman, it will be a miserable place to work. And, it will pay just a little less. But, it's only 2.5 hours from home, and the gang will work 7 days on, 7 days off instead of 8 on, 6 off. Being closer to home and having more days off has got to be worth something, right?
Happy Belated Birthday @Amish Heart ! I hope your mom is doing well this morning!

they sure were acting crazy!
I call that the Zoomies! Our schnauzers used to get them frequently!
Being closer to home and having more days off has got to be worth something, right?
I hope that works out for you! It would be nice to be closer to home and have more days off in a row. You could always change again if you need to.

No bad weather here. About to go walk!
You al have a good weekend!
it most certainly is! Time, especially with family, friends and loved ones, is everything!
The older I get, the more truth there is to that statement. My parents are in failing health. My siblings are all 60 or older. My daughter will graduate high school in 2024 and most likely leave for college. Time is everything, and it slips away faster than we can imagine. Who knows when any of those close to us, will become a memory?
Just got done feeding the animals, they are still in because of the weather but we'll let them out in a little bit
In the meantime we are having bacon and eggs. I almost never eat breakfast but today we are going to eat lunch really late so breakfast it is

Amish : happy belated birthday and hope your mom feels better. Did the little horrors move out yet?

Spikedriver: I would really really hate your job....( I hate flying to start and would hate a job I have to travel for). So sorry you have to deal with that

Weedy: LOL You need to come organize my spices...they are all just piled up on a shelf

Sorry for all of you with bad weather, we are having a lot of wind
Nice sunny day, but that stinking wind is already up again, and there's gusty wind in the forecast for the entire week ahead... aaaarrrrrgh! At least the lows will be above freezing, that's a plus. I'm debating whether to go ahead and put the seedlings in the ground and take my chances with 'em, worst that can happen is that they die and I'm out the money, but the seeds were expensive at $140. I dunno, guess I'll play it by ear and see how bad the wind gets today... if it weren't for the wind, this weather would be perfect for spring. If I were near a large body of water, these winds would make for hardcore sailing... :rolleyes:
Hope you have a good time camping, BP... drink an adult beverage and burn a steak or burger for me, aye? ;)

In a way, hanging out in my yard is like camping... y'all should've seen & heard the wild birds this morning when I went out to feed 'em and pour a little hot water into the frozen birdbaths (skim ice on top). :rolleyes:

Too bad these blasted winds are up, otherwise I could have a nice campfire in the stone fire ring in my yard... but wind and campfires don't mix here in Alamo, too much danger of wildfire. :(

However, I can still have an adult beverage later, lol... :cool:
Sleep was terrible and I'm still battling a migraine but I've got to get the garden tilled to plant tomorrow. I'm so tired and just want to lock myself in a meat-locker and sleep. It's going to be hot today. We've started to hit the 90° mark already so may preemptively drink some gatorade before I even go out because dehydration and migraine do NOT mix.
Hey Sonya...nope, the little horrors are still here. 78 more days, unless the judge on Monday allows them to move in with the other couple. Crossing fingers.
Animal chores, all 7 geese accounted for, and one is still on the nest, so whatever ate the one the night before hopefully has moved on. Feed store, 500 lbs of feed, and then I unloaded it to the milkhouse. Talked to my Oklahoma nephew...he'll be out next Friday, two nights out with his wife, so he can help clear out mom's assisted living place with us. Neighbor is helping, too. His mom is the blacksheep awful sister in California, but I don't hold that against him.
Getting ready to visit mom in the hospital, then I have a ton of cleaning to get done.
I tried to dry fit the cementboard in place but its tricky with not having enough strength in my left arm. It's a tight fit and I think the board is slightly bowed (should straighten out when screwed down). Having trouble shimming to right height because it keeps sliding. I'm about to have breakfast if I can convince the kitties to get off my lap and let me get up.
Got up, watched cartoons, fed critters, cleanup up the mess from the winds. Drove up north to look at a property. "Needs TLC" translated into Bring your Own Bulldozer :(. The breaker box had been wired by drunken monkeys. Built in 1969, never updated, and from the looks of it, never cleaned either.

It was a nice lot, but I can do a lot better on a bare lot and then put a house up.
Weedy: LOL You need to come organize my spices...they are all just piled up on a shelf
I've worked in a few libraries in my life. I always prefer alphabetical order if I can get it done. This is a project that I have put off for years because I couldn't find what I thought would work for me for the racks. I made a couple spice shelves a few years ago, but they were not big enough to hold the collection of spice jars that is just the ones that I might need at any time. So far, the new racks hold 6 bottles each, times 8 racks= room for 48 spices, not counting salts and extracts. I know people who have more than 100 spices. I am now on day 3 of it, and I know I have a few more days to go. I have another stash of spices that I haven't even dug out yet. This is something that needed to be tackled a while ago.
Today I spent a couple of hours downloading stuff from Shutterfly (online photo storage/printing service). If you have an account there, but haven't bought anything recently, they will be deleting all your photos and projects in a few days (end of March 2023). I had an account there for our high school 40th reunion. Lots of pictures and a Memory Book project where my classmates could order a nice book documenting our reunion. Anyway, I have a hard copy of that memory book for myself, but there were lots of pictures on the Shutterfly website that were submitted by classmates but didn't make it into the memory book that I didn't want to lose. Also, I had gone through each and every picture submitted (hundreds and hundreds of them) and painstakingly identified everyone who was in each picture (including spouses). That data was stored on the Shutterfly website as a caption for each picture. I certainly did not want to lose all those ID's, because our 50th reunion is coming up soon and I will once again go and add ID's to each future picture that my classmates submit. Having the old ID's will help in identifying people in the new pictures. It was a bit difficult the first go-round, because not everybody is easily identifiable 40 years after the last time you saw them! Especially when spouses are mixed in.

Shutterfly provides a simple procedure to download all your original pictures. But the originals do not have all those captions embedded in their metadata. So I ended up taking screenshots of the captioned pictures as well as downloading the originals. And Shutterfly won't let you download a project. So that memory book would be lost to time. So I also took screenshots of every design/layout page of the memory book (several of us classmates collaborated in creating that book). Not that we'd want to go back and edit it later (which we won't be able to do anyway, after a few more days). But seeing the old design layouts and templates might help us when we go to create the new 50th reunion memory book.

Anyway - mostly tedious work, but something that needed to be done. I will admit, it was kind of fun to go back through all those pictures and see how many people I could identify without cheating and looking at my previous captions. We had a graduating class of 450 students. Downloading the whole mess and ZIP'ing it up into a convenient archive file only came to about 200Mb. Smaller than I would have guessed. This file may never be used, but it's there for posterity in case anyone needs it in the future. I'll mail out the link to download it from my personal cloud server to all the other members of the last 40th reunion committee. So copies will potentially be available from multiple people if I (or my cloud server) croak.
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Jake turned 15 today we have been out celebrating his birthday.

Got up, watched cartoons, fed critters, cleanup up the mess from the winds. Drove up north to look at a property. "Needs TLC" translated into Bring your Own Bulldozer :(. The breaker box had been wired by drunken monkeys. Built in 1969, never updated, and from the looks of it, never cleaned either.

It was a nice lot, but I can do a lot better on a bare lot and then put a house up.

Were those union monkeys? Lol... during my search for a home, I learned that there's a "magic number" (in price) where a property goes from "demo job" to "fixer-upper." The "magic number" would vary from state to state, same way home prices varied state to state. Anything below the "magic number" wasn't worth buying, it would've cost more to fix up than buying a home in somewhat better shape (but still a fixer). First-time home buyers with limited funds should determine what that "magic number" is and move forward (or upward) from there. :rolleyes:

Some fixers require a lot of work, but they're quite nice once the work is done... I say this as a "home moaner" who still has home rehab work to do. However, I'm happy here in Alamo and my home isn't in that bad shape overall, it just needs some TLC. One of the first things I did was repair the cracked & broken roof vents (open to the sky) to prevent any more water damage... thankfully, not much damage had occurred before I knocked out this task. Fresh paint & new carpet inside made a HUGE difference... though I'm not quite done with the interior painting, I've been lagging in that regard. :confused: