What's everybody doing today?

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Mom passed this morning. She was 91.
My condolences ...
sorry for the loss of your mother :confused:
Took half a day off from work to rip out kitchen and bathroom floors. Dad had to take grandma to various places so hubby and I took the opportunity to get busy. There were several head scratching moments. The picture is from just before we tore the joists out. We are going to start with all new and there’s a bit of work to be done on the exterior wall sill, rim joist, and bottom plate. I’m sitting on the couch watching the Welkers on YouTube and enjoying feeling clean after a shower and having a full stomach. My boys dug a mess of dirt out of the crawl space after school and work. I imagine we will all sleep well tonight.
Coffee, well wishes to all who need or want them, generated a few extra stiff and sores yesterday, but Got what needed done (at least in my mind) ,done woke up to a bit of a winter wonderland effect this morning, the aspen are starting to bud, and there was a wet snow last evening. every thing is covered in a sparkly white coat, until the sun hits it. I forgot to hit the post button this morning
Just got off work. Smoked half a J. Vaped a little, talked to Magus on the phone. Prepared some files for a project. lamented the fact that I don't have a good drawing app anymore that I'd use for this project.

Plan on making tea later.
Tea is good 🫖. Good to see you. Are you still considering getting some critters?
Coffee, well wishes to all who need or want them, generated a few extra stiff and sores yesterday, but Got what needed done (at least in my mind) ,done woke up to a bit of a winter wonderland effect this morning, the aspen are starting to bud, and there was a wet snow last evening. every thing is covered in a sparkly white coat, until the sun hits it. I forgot to hit the post button this morning
Isn’t that poorman’s fertilizer? Sounds like you’re getting things done though 😁
Had to put in some overtime today. The Federal rail inspector was out and about, and he found a rail joint with both bars broken about 4 miles north of us. That's a defect that takes the track out of service. The local section gang was at the south end of the territory, near Kansas City, over 100 miles away. So we did our good deed for the day and said we'd handle it for them. It was going great until our foreman put the F550 in park and the shifter broke, leaving the truck stuck on the rails in park. He got under the truck and found a clip that came off a cable underneath and Jimmy rigged it so we could drive, but it wouldn't hold so he had to sit in the truck and hold the brake while two of us worked. We finally finished that when the FRA inspector found another similar spot a couple miles away and took that out of service too so we fixed that, went back to our curve to continue clean up, and finally finished up at 5:30. I'm pooped. Tomorrow we take the truck to the shop, and I've been "voluntold" to assist the mechanic with maintenance and oil changes on our equipment. Hopefully it's a short day and then I'm looking forward to a three day weekend...
Cooking today, so I will have food assembled for next week's Doctor's appointments.
See the surgeons on Monday.
I have a small Pork Loin Roast doing a low and slow simmer in the crock pot.
Trying to decide which wine to use in my Sweet and Tart Cherry Wine Sauce.
A very nice Dry White wine?
Or a Robust Red?
Either will be delicious.
Just can't decide.
Instead a nice Dry White wine or the Robust Red wine?
I used Vodka instead.
Let's just say my Sweet and Tart Cherry wine sauce was sauced too.
But it was good just the same.
Sending prayers of comfort and peace to you and your family, @Amish Heart
I know there is too much to do and too many things to take care of but I know your good community will help you. Having people just show up with meals and people reaching out to see what they could do to help, all full of love and not knowing how else to help were things that helped get me through when I've lost a family member.
Amish, I'm so sorry about your Mom. No matter how old a loved one is, it always sucks to lose them.

Dade, those shelves look very cool!

Bluedanube, those joists looked like a mess! Reminds me of the ones in my friend's bathroom when he had to gut it. Hope the repairs are going well.

Power went out this morning so Mom sent me to get food at McDonalds. I tried to nap afterward but it was hard to sleep without AC on. Then I had to take my brother to a medical appointment. Power came back on just before we got home. At least while at the doctor's office I got him to write an RX for the generic version of my meds so instead of being $200+ it was $13. I also talked to the pharmacist at Walmart who is a really great guy. He filled my RX in 5 minutes and looked in to what was causing the other one to be so high. Something about the code that was put in, but he found the lowest price version for me. It was cheaper than the 220mg otc version.

I'd had trouble sleeping the night before because my dog kept jumping on me in fear of the thunderstorms. Finally got an hour nap in after getting back and then the cat, Itsy, wanted to be petted so she kept waking me up. And Mom then wanted food. I think I napped after that and she woke me up again wanting me to help with her state taxes.

I was able to file them electronically and now we wait to see if they get accepted.
The day started as usual at 4am. On my journey from the bedroom to the backdoor I had to clean up cat puke, kill a spider, and kill a scorpion! The scorpion was probably going to kill the spider, but it's services were no longer needed! Heading to work in a bit, two jobs today. Sunny and lower 70's today, glad the rain is done!
resetting passwords in new computer I have had for a month, old one the battery finally really died. I have a new one, it just needs to be installed . The thing you plug the power cord into needs to be installed also . I hate computers!!!!! Grrrrrr

it's raining, so more barn cleaning for the new babies today, plus cooking more freezer meals
Mom woke me up to take her to get her bloodwork to satisfy the idiots at Medicare so maybe they might approve her insulin pump. I dropped her off while I picked up McDonalds breakfast per her request. I ordered on the app before driving in and then waited at curbside for 5min before they brought the food out and she was done with her blood being drawn by the time I got back.

I'll probably nap today if I can. Not feeling great and need to catch up on rest. Wasn't able to rest well yesterday or the day before.

Hoping Rusty will be feeling better soon.
The rain kept me inside today so I worked in my shop. The bench is covered with only about a 12x12 inch surface clear. A project my son wanted me do was extend some wires between some PCBs and heating pads. The wires are delicate and short so splicing in extension, soldering and heat shrinking was a nice tedious task. Finished one of two pads. My hands aren't as steady as they were in my youth!

So that is one step closer to clearing the bench. I need to clear the bench to be able to dismantle the old rug shampooer. It works fine save dispensing the cleaning fluid. So there is a pump, a motor, a heater, and two switches to harvest.

I may be doing more benchwork tomorrow due to more rain. I enjoy my shop.

Easy work day today. Took my paperwork to the accountant after work, he should have it for me this weekend or Monday ..... since Monday is doomsday. I am glad to have that gorilla off my back, and he seemed comfortable with what I brought him so hopefully I don't owe too much. I was able to toss in plenty of business expenses for my T-shirt/Promotional Products gig so that was very helpful. As much money as I spent last year buying shirts and supplies and stuff for the business I was able to load that up pretty good. He asked how much inventory I still had on hand and I had to think long and hard and settled on a reasonably low number based on what I have on the shelves in my workshop. It is amazing how fast that stuff sells and depreciates. And, of course, at the end of last year i was selling the old stuff at discounted prices to make room for new product. Nobody wants an old T-shirt. :cool:

Now that I done did that stuff I am relaxing, waiting for the chicken legs to be done cookin' and testing some adult beverages to make sure they are not expired and losing their taste or effectiveness. I need to do a bunch of shirts and other orders this weekend so I will be resting and relaxing tonight.

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