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Saturday June 15th
Only 7.30 pm
But I feel tired ..normal I did work a lot outside

I would love if all the Summer would be like today
63f breezy not humid partly sunny ...paradise !!!!
Night will go down 46f babies and myself will sleep well

(*Happy Fathers Day* to all the Fathers
The most important thing is to say and show you love him)

Anyway I will stay up until my face fall on the desk lol

Have a great one evening/night

Bo and I walked a bit ago.
Will walk dogs on perimeter check in a few minutes.
Then go pick up trash by Church parking lot.
Clean and straighten in Church building.
Grab some bananas for DH.
Go to a business open house- take cookies.
Make blueberry Hawaiian danishes for Father's day at Church.
Also our wedding anniversary, tomorrow. 34 years! A good start!
CONGRATS ON 34 years, Lori and are on 33 :)
it's a 2008 with 150000 miles on it and none of those things including the starter have ever been replaced. My guess would be the ignition , usually if the starter or solenoid are bad wouldn't it just not start at all? Click click , that's it?
The relays can hang up, the permanent magnet starters last a really long time, you should locate the relay that Icemaker mentioned and mark it for quick referance. or better yet just swap it out for one of the other ones in the underhood box that operates something less "strandable" make sure it has the same number on top, some have extra circuits inside, diodes or resistors. . the ignition switch mallfunction is ussually no crank
The relays can hang up, the permanent magnet starters last a really long time, you should locate the relay that Icemaker mentioned and mark it for quick referance. or better yet just swap it out for one of the other ones in the underhood box that operates something less "strandable" make sure it has the same number on top, some have extra circuits inside, diodes or resistors. . the ignition switch mallfunction is ussually no crank
I think I am just going to take it to the chevy dealer
the thing about that is it doesn't do it ALL the time, just sometimes, so I am debating on if I should wait until it is REALLY broke ( and doesn't start) because then I will know for sure it got fixed
make sense? I HATE working on vehicles , not something I want to do and I do a lot of stuff. ( and husband has absolutely no clue)
I think I am just going to take it to the chevy dealer
the thing about that is it doesn't do it ALL the time, just sometimes, so I am debating on if I should wait until it is REALLY broke ( and doesn't start) because then I will know for sure it got fixed
make sense? I HATE working on vehicles , not something I want to do and I do a lot of stuff. ( and husband has absolutely no clue)
swapping out a relay is easy, There is no way that the dealer can figure it out unless it does it for them, so they will replace the relay first, and charge an hour for the 5 minute job. AND if it is the relay and it really hangs up you will burn your starter up and perhaps wreck your battery.
swapping out a relay is easy, There is no way that the dealer can figure it out unless it does it for them, so they will replace the relay first, and charge an hour for the 5 minute job. AND if it is the relay and it really hangs up you will burn your starter up and perhaps wreck your battery.
where is the relay exactly? Where should I look? I know where the starter is


where is the relay exactly? Where should I look? I know where the starter is
the pics snowman posted the bottom should be what you are looking for, the locations of the relays are marked on the lid, make sure that you have the map oriented correctly and look for starter relay
I tried to get my evaporative cooler running today. The turbine fan ran, but the water pump didn't pump water. Evaporative coolers, aka swamp coolers, are relatively easy to work on and have few parts: fan, water pump, water float, basket to hold water pump. Unplugging the old water pump and putting the new one in will be a challenge, but I have done it before and can do it again. Many people prefer to have them on their roofs, but I have no desire to climb on the steep roof of my Victorian house, more than 30 feet off the ground and work on it, so I have it in a window on my first floor.

I'm going to try to see if I can get it working tomorrow, and if I can't, I'll call a service person.
Took little granddaughter to the book giveaway in our little town. Our grade school closed, so the library gave everything away. She found a few things.
Filled a cart at Aldi and got it all put away
We had an insane wind and rain storm that came on just like that.
30 min later, it went away just like that.
The top of our picnic table is somewhere.
And buckets flew out of my chore wagon.
It's been an ok day & will probably get better. First off, eye appointment. They had computer problems so I sat in a little room for 30 minutes doing nothing while they tried to put in my info. Finally saw the doctor & I got my eye prescription. She also didn't charge me for something because I had to wait so long & they didn't dilate my eyes. Sounds great but I don't pay for those exams anyway. Now I've got a tech coming out to address our phone/tv problem which I'm betting is water related because we had similar problems years ago. My wife is let's just say on edge so she is going to an appointment & then 2 estate sales. Hopefully she will be in a better mode when she comes home. So my mood will hopefully mellow out & my phone company better hope it does.

Phone problems: Randomly about 70% of the time nobody can hear us. Frustrating! But to make it mind blowingly upsetting is that we complained about the problem & our phone service provide keeps CALLING US to talk about our problem!!! It rings & hello, hello, hello because they can't hear us. And even more, I drove there yesterday & made an appointment & today they CALLED US to confirm the appointment. They are going to email me a how did we do after this service call today & they better hope that I'm too "mellow" to fill it out or they will learn new words.
If it’s just one phone, the speaker might be going out. I had the happen- annoying.
worked late saturday....now it's sunday getting stuff positioned and ready for a small group coming in for a tour here in montana.
Since rain is forecast I had to dig out all the pieces for our 10 by 17 canvas garage. We set it up at our primitive camp site so we have a pace to cook and hang out if the weather is bad.
Taking a couple of extra tents and sleeping bags for the people flying in or coming from warm areas....".here, put your sleeping bag inside this big sleeping bag and you will stay warm even tho the temps are supposed to be 35 tonight...".
So loaded stuff up and we will shuttle the old motorhome out to the woods and then I will make a couple of loads of stuff.
Had one person call and ask about any bus lines that run close to where we are meeting.........Nope no buses, and uber wanted $200 to get from the airport to the small town where we group up before heading out to our dispersed camping spot. We also found out a rental car for five days on late notice would be $900.. So we amazed the person who obviously is a traveler and is used to big cities by telling her to just wait at the airport and we will pick her up and drop her off when the tour is over...She wanted to know where to meet us at the airport and we had to tell her it won't be a problem as it basicly has one long room where everything takes place and we know half the people there already...I love small town montana.
Sorry to hear about your uncle, Backpacker.

I took a shower at night and it was great. But I woke up drenched with sweat. Slept through my alarm for curbside pickup at Samsclub. Worked out because the rotisserie chickens were ready when I got up there. Grabbed Chinese takeout, argued with myself most of the ride home about whether or not I should stop at McDonalds and get a chocolate shake because it was hot as hell and I was thirsty. Decided to have chocolate milk at home instead. Unloaded groceries, got food for Mom, fed kitties, shredded meat from the rotisserie chickens, cleaned and refilled cats' waterer, rummaged through a bin to try to find something that I could have sworn was in that bin but it wasn't so now I have to figure out where I put the stuff. I hate when I can't remember where I put something.

Racked out hard for a nap. Woke up and got food for Mom again. Watched My Lottery Dream Home and am about to try to sleep again.
If it’s just one phone, the speaker might be going out. I had the happen- annoying.
Good guess but we have 4 phones. As it turned out there was a connection out back that the guy replaced because they don't use those any more. They also replaced our modem. As for the TV problems (pixels go wild & dance around randomly) that's another appointment because they have to access a different connection that's up high. And yes in my in box is a How did we do questionnaire. I'll fill that out when I'm more awake.
I guess I will be looking for the relay today....wish me luck!

Plus animal care of course and I am going to try to bake regular sourdough bread ( not my German rye one I sell). I have been getting many requests at the market for it. I have starter already, just need to find a good recipe for white sourdough

it has been REALLY dry here, can't believe it. The weather is not normal this year at all. Usually I complain about the endless rain, this year no rain . I think it has only rained once since we got back from the trip and that was more than 2 weeks ago
Got up, worked out, cleaned up, strapped on a gun, checked the property, loaded a cooler full of vacuum sealed smoked meats and a few frozen steaks, put the cooler into the trunk of that ladys car and now I am just sitting here waiting for the 'queen of the can' to finish getting ready so we can head out. Going to visit my pops and do some chores/tasks for him, take him to do some shopping then out for dinner. He eats earlier than we do but thats not a big deal.
Going to clean my building shortly, Hubby is coming with me to do a few repairs for the owner!🙄 May run by Walmart and Tractor Supply after, time and tolerance level will tell!! A nap is in my afternoon plans!!
Done cleaning my building, now I'm sitting WAITING on Hubby!!🙄🙄🙄 I'll make him take me to Walmart, that will teach him!😉

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