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Working on my painting..then planted my pumpkins..now watching the full moon rise.
It is a beautiful night..slight breeze and probably about 80 out.
I was waiting for the moon to come over directly behind me over my neighbors house..but it is a good ways southeast..
Interesting ...
The crickets are singing..I can hear an occasional vehicle off in the distance..
I'm in my sundress shipping a cold one cheering the moon on and playing wit this new phones cameras..


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Sonny just left for the setup 20 minutes ago the people who needed him to help them get all of THEIR STUFF ready decided they would go down tomorrow BUT he has to pull their side by sides that left him with NO-ONE TO PULL HIS that he works out of.

They are his "supposed to be" girlfriends family and he asked her to pull it with the Tahoe She got pissed because I had a highball glass full of bourbon and told him I couldn't drive it right now when he called me after12pm and told me they had changed the schedule and he was not going to have a driver.

He would have been at the park set up and getting some sleep by midnight if he had not spent all day waiting and helping them get ready for a FREEE 300 dollar trip and they were supposed to help him set up he has been up since 8am and will not be finished setting up till 4 or 5 tomorrow.

He came in and told me he loved me and bye, I told him this was the last time this "stuff" was happening that they did not care if his shows got done or not if I were him I would drop the trailer with their side by sides hook up to his and let them figure it out.

My take on it is they are going down to ride, and coming back on Saturday night. Well they sure are not driving that nearly 100 thousand dollar RAM back, so if I were him I would tell them to hook up the Tahoe to the trailer their stuff is on and head out. because he will need to keep his for the teardown he will do mostly alone.

I won't sleep tonight, I am tired of people taking advantage of his charitable nature.

I need to sleep, drive down and help him early so he can get everything up before it gets so hot that they are burned up, the stage is in the sun all day.

I hope you don't have people like that in our lives, they are stealing the minutes of your life from you and giving you nothing in return.

They are just vile human beings to me.

I wish he could find a decent woman, he seems to attract just divorced women that want to have someone that is steady, loves all kids and just works, stays with them as they hunt their next husband or whatever and takes all the crap they put him through without much pushback.

Well gonna try to sleep some you all

Stop your kids form getting into TOXIC relationships and wasting their lives PLEASE.

Do a Barney Fife and NIP IT IN THE BUD

Seems to be my day to pee off some people on the forum.
You can ask if I care.????
Pretty dang sure I don't.
Coffee, ice my leg the air just kicked on.
Primary Care Nurse told me to drink more water and coffee doesn't count.
By all means drink my coffee, ice tea, but drink plenty of water too.
So sometime in the near future if you faintly hear something sloshing don't worry about it.
It's just me drinking water instead of coffee.
If by chance you have a water bed and you hear sloshing, then I would worry.
Otherwise it's just me drinking water.
Have a nice Day, stay cool.
Friday, I left work early, loaded the ice chest with dry ice and hit the road. Had a bit extra that did not fit in the ice chest, so I tucked a couple of chunks under the driver's seat wrapped in a towel. That helped fight off some of the heat while driving for 5 hours.

A few stops and I made it to my refuge.

At 8:30 in the hills of south central Kentucky, it is already 85, in the shade.

I'm going to pull out the chainsaw and fell a few more trees. I need branches for firewood and logs for barrier around my living space. Eventually, I am going to back fill that space with gravel to make it more comfortable, less dusty and less muddy. Will do the same for the other side of the RV for a workspace.

Anyway ... you all have an incredible day. Stay cool. Don't melt in this heat.
Living in the southlands here I nearly forget what it was like for it to be almost still kind of light at 9:30 where I used to live. That must be interesting for new people but I guess you're used to it, eh, @Tirediron ? Some day I'll see what that's like.
the long days are kind of cool, especially when it gets hot mid summer, it is nice to be able to get stuff done once it cools off in the evening.
Coffee .
Nice paintings, @Hooch and that's a strawberry moon you got to see. It is 80 here right now too. Pleasant enough but for the durn mosquitoes I'd be outside in the evenings.
I guess I am fortunate in that this area up a tad higher doesn't have a mosquito issue hardly at all once it dries out. It isn't even that bad when there is more water in the ponds n creeks at least around here. Down the hill in the little valley just a few miles away at my friends place, its a different story.
I love summer time outside !
I think Jake is enjoying the party at The Farm!D

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I think my daughter is there. She is the one that is a barber and tatted up. Her husband is huge dude and looks like Aquaman. I am still looking for a job in that area. So beautiful there on many different levels.
Seems to be my day to pee people off.
I'm scrolling through tools at Tandy.
Just looking at various things.
Finding out information more than anything.
Comparing my new to me Leather working kit to their tools.
Have identified several more unknown tools to me.
Sales clerk strongly suggests I buy whole new tool kits.
Nope, not happening.
I pretty much try to ignore him.
Looking for ideas, tool information, storage ideas more than anything.
Starting small, I want to know what I got before I buy anything I don't need.
He lost an $149 sale, because I wouldn't buy($79) an hunk of plastic to put my tools in.
Nor would I buy a chunk of wood to put the same tools in for $79.
So off to the local Community college I go with a picture of several projects I would like make.
Block of wood with holes drilled into it is my first project.
Seems the basic carpentry instructor does leather tooling.
Don't ask me I don't know.
He wanted to look at my kit,so I took it over showed him what I had.
He said I had a Major Score.
He told me my block of wood with holes in it could also be used for drill bits, fine detail brushes etc.
So sorry for Tandy Sales Rep. Not.
But having fun learning new life skills.
Right now giving BIG hugs and thanks to all who prayed for My new Little Princess, She is making her way home as I type, Prayers were answered she is all good, all tests good and GOD has given us HIS GREATEST GIFT once again to tend for HIM.
I pray that we can repay HIS GRACE by doing a good job with her.

Other than that just waiting for our turn to see her, touch her little cheek and giver her a top of the head kiss.

On the on the other front sonny has set up everything but some moving head lights and is asleep in the RV resting up for the blitz tonight.

I may ride down and help him close down the stage in the morning and load the stuff he has to bring back. It is a 2+hr each way but it will give me peace of mind to be there and take care of him.

Little Angel will have dozens of people to watch her and her sister for a day or two.
I think she will probably be mostly mom and dad care for the first couple of weeks anyway.
Trying to get things in order so I can fly out on Tuesday, making sure meals are in place, laundry and dishes are done. I need to work outside but 100F is not encouraging. It makes me nervous to be gone for a week, but it's something I need to do. Will enjoy visiting my Canadian counterparts even if I don't speak their language eh...

I watched Oppenheimer early this morning, it got me to thinking about the complexities, politics, and personalities we all have to deal with in life.

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