Over the weekend, I watched a couple of skateboarding films and a cool documentary on climbing K2... the mountaineering film was titled '2 On K2' and it featured some German gal and her boyfriend. The film quality was excellent, so the views were magnificent! If ever a stretch of land could be called 'God's Country' I reckon it's the Karakoram Range... tough to travel through it though, that requires some commitment. And K2 itself is challenging, much more difficult to climb than Mt. Everest... what a peak it is, and the views from the summit are amazing! We're lucky to be able to see such footage nowadays while sitting on a couch in the living room, lol... drinking beer or hard cider, no less. As a younger man, I would've loved to climb K2, and in those days I had the energy to do it, lol...
As for the skating films, they were awesome, but I gotta admit that---at my age---it's easier to watch somebody ELSE take the hard slams, lol. I know for a fact that the asphalt & concrete hasn't gotten any SOFTER over the years... and some of those youngsters really eat $h!t when they miscalculate their line, lol. Jeez, some of those wipeouts made me cringe on the living room couch, as I know from hard experience just how much those slams hurt, lol. But even if I could go back in time, I wouldn't change a thing... skateboarding was my first real love when it came to sports, followed later by sailing and technical rock climbing. Don't get me wrong, I loved football back in the day, but I was always drawn to individual sports rather than team sports, ya know? That way there's no excuse for p!ss-poor performance, lol...
Anyway, I might watch another skate film later... that's one thing nice about the Roku Streaming Stick, I can go back to the last film and just click on the "More like this" button, that'll bring up other skate films. I watched one film called 'HALLOWED GROUND' with footage of Bob Burnquist on his HUGE backyard ramp... more like a giant elongated wooden bowl with a wide platform surrounding it, it was a work of art! I hate to think how much it would cost to buy all the lumber nowadays, thanks to Biden Economics, pffffffffft. But that's not my problem, my skating days are over and done, but it was cool to see ol' Bob tear it up on that ramp... those Brazilians are serious about their skateboarding, lol. Even the girls rip on skates, some of 'em skate better than I ever did, go figure... but I was skating vertical before they were BORN, lol.
Edit: After I posted this, I started thinking about BMX, which to me was always intertwined with skating... kind of like a parallel development in each sport. We'd ride our BMX bikes in certain skating venues, as well as in the dirt and on BMX tracks we made back in the day. Nice tracks, with jumps & berms & whoops & everything, lol. Kids armed with shovels and actually working on dirt tracks, instead of sitting on a couch somewhere and playing video games, lol. But I suppose that's why I didn't mention BMX separately before, for me it has always been tied directly to skating. I loved BMX just about as much too, and truth be told, I was probably always a better BMX rider than skater, though I was no slouch as a skater, lol. I just like riding on two wheels, which is why I still have a bike and a thumper in the large shed. Meh, no worries, I'll ride till I die, or until I can't ride any longer...