What's for dinner tonight?

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When I invite my Son and his Wife to my dacha, ...
They are preparing "shashlik".
This is not barbecue meat, but baked over a fire.
Then we put the Table.
We eat and drink some alcohol.
- Strong acogol (vodka, koyak) for men
. - Low alcohol (wine, champagne) for women.

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When I invite my Son and his Wife to my dacha, ...
They are preparing "shashlik".
This is not barbecue meat, but baked over a fire.
Then we put the Table.
We eat and drink some alcohol.
- Strong acogol (vodka, koyak) for men
. - Low alcohol (wine, champagne) for women.

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When I worked in Russia and Kazakhstan I ate a lot of shashlik. I especially liked sturgeon shashlik with caviar sauce. But also liked the lamb and horse shashlik. And of course a lot of vodka and Baltika piva was a must.
When I worked in Russia and Kazakhstan I ate a lot of shashlik. I especially liked sturgeon shashlik with caviar sauce. But also liked the lamb and horse shashlik. And of course a lot of vodka and Baltika piva was a must.

1. Russians don't drink beer when they meet with their families
2. Russians drink vodka with "закуска" (snack).
Americans drink vodka without a snack or make cocktails and get drunk quickly.
Therefore, a Russian will drink more vodka than an American.
It's true.
To be honest, I don't like the "sturgeon shashlik" .. it's just fried fish that got spoiled. -
Much better: "Royal sturgeon"
. Very expensive and very tasty.
I ate this dish in a gangster restaurant in Russia in 1995. Since then I have not seen how it is prepared
- well well well...
Simple Russian food from the 19th century as well .. black caviar
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Good morning all, Yesterday was a 1:30 pm to 10 pm shift after a long tiring day at work I would normally just go through McDonald's drive through but just lately just got tired of eating fast foods. Not sure how other McDonald's are in other states but down here they try to kill people off with all that salt and grease. So I saved the money went home and made my wife and our son Spanish rice and tacos.
Good morning all, Yesterday was a 1:30 pm to 10 pm shift after a long tiring day at work I would normally just go through McDonald's drive through but just lately just got tired of eating fast foods. Not sure how other McDonald's are in other states but down here they try to kill people off with all that salt and grease. So I saved the money went home and made my wife and our son Spanish rice and tacos.
Cooking yourself not only saves money but more importantly is healthier. Also its tailored to your tastes. I love onion, garlic and pepper so use more of it in dishes.
Last night I had a meatloaf made with ground pork and beef, mashed potatoes and gravy, sweet corn and green beans with black eyed peas. My wife felt good enough to make dinner for the first time in a while and makes the best meatloaf I’ve ever had. I’m good without cooking for a couple days at least now.
I won't deny that at times I have succumbed to "Big Mac Attacks" LOL, but they are few and far between. The only thing really worth going to the Golden Arches for is their Egg McMuffin.

Usually if I get a craving for a fast food burger I get either a Whopper Junior + bacon, or a Wendy's Junior Bacon Cheesburger. I can count on one hand how many I've had in the last few months.
Cooking yourself not only saves money but more importantly is healthier. Also its tailored to your tastes. I love onion, garlic and pepper so use more of it in dishes.
Last night I had a meatloaf made with ground pork and beef, mashed potatoes and gravy, sweet corn and green beans with black eyed peas. My wife felt good enough to make dinner for the first time in a while and makes the best meatloaf I’ve ever had. I’m good without cooking for a couple days at least now.

That's true to we always had ordered out fast food alot. But gonna cut back drop all fast food chain restaurants and do maybe chilies or Texas roadhouse once or twice a month. Oh we love onions and all kinds of peppers too.
I won't deny that at times I have succumbed to "Big Mac Attacks" LOL, but they are few and far between. The only thing really worth going to the Golden Arches for is their Egg McMuffin.

Usually if I get a craving for a fast food burger I get either a Whopper Junior + bacon, or a Wendy's Junior Bacon Cheesburger. I can count on one hand how many I've had in the last few months.

I like the Big Macs and their Egg McMuffins too. I get cravings for Whopper Junior + bacon too and Wendy's Junior Bacon Cheesburger but I am banded from my towns Wendy's cause I jumped the counter and beat the crap out of 1 of the employs for making racists comments towards me
I am a mushroom picker, pick mushrooms in the forest, then we fry, cook, pickle, salt - (fermentation) ...
In Russia there is such a mushroom "White mushroom".
He is the best.

Finding such a mushroom in the forest is a great success.
this mushroom is very good for cooking mushroom soup because of its amazing aroma and taste.

Fresh mushroom soup ..
- White mushroom
- Pearl barley
- Potatoes
- onion
- salt
After making the soup, you can add mayonnaise or sour cream.


sorry, I can't show food beautifully. I just know how delicious this food is.
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1. Russians don't drink beer when they meet with their families
2. Russians drink vodka with "закуска" (snack).
Americans drink vodka without a snack or make cocktails and get drunk quickly.
Therefore, a Russian will drink more vodka than an American.
It's true.
To be honest, I don't like the "sturgeon shashlik" .. it's just fried fish that got spoiled. -
Much better: "Royal sturgeon"
. Very expensive and very tasty.
I ate this dish in a gangster restaurant in Russia in 1995. Since then I have not seen how it is prepared
- well well well...
Simple Russian food from the 19th century as well .. black caviar
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Russia is a big country so there is many different ways that food is prepared. None of the sturgeon shaslik that I ate was ever fried. It was always cooked over hot coals on a stick.
Some of the restaurants that I ate in did serve a lightly fried sturgeon covered with a beluga caviar sauce.
I like the Big Macs and their Egg McMuffins too. I get cravings for Whopper Junior + bacon too and Wendy's Junior Bacon Cheesburger but I am banded from my towns Wendy's cause I jumped the counter and beat the crap out of 1 of the employs for making racists comments towards me
Victory for Jamie Oliver in the U.S. as McDonald's is forced to stop using 'pink slime' in its burger recipe. After years of trying to break America, Jamie Oliver has finally made his mark by persuading one of the biggest U.S fast food chains in the world to change their burger recipe.


Celebrity British chef Jemie Oliver won a lawsuit against McDonald's.
He very strangely went bankrupt after winning 2019.
What it is?
Conspiracy theories or the CIA?
Russians have a bad queuing mentality, we love queuing up to watch something new.
Queue at McDonald's in 1990.
Без названия (2).jpeg

But in modern Russia, only young people, students go to McDonald's
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I just had wild caught salmon for dinner. Ive never been a real fish fan before but am really starting to like this stuff! Blackened with a baked potato and side salad. Life is good. Now I’m sipping on the first of my two nightly beers. i worked a 15 hour day yesterday in the heat mostly up on a rooftop, so today has been pretty much relaxing, and eating well.
I bought a whole sirloin today for 2.98 a pound On sale. I would have gotten two of them but my freezer is full and I really don’t need to keep eating so much. I will cut it up tomorrow for a roast, some thick steaks and some beef tips. Haven’t decided which will be for dinner tomorrow.
That's true to we always had ordered out fast food alot. But gonna cut back drop all fast food chain restaurants and do maybe chilies or Texas roadhouse once or twice a month. Oh we love onions and all kinds of peppers too.
It's hard sometimes but I have been trying to get better about meal prepping so I don't feel like I have to buy fast food or eat out. I make something that I can eat for several days, and put some portions in the freezer as well, often times. That way I can choose something from the freezer when the meal-preps are gone, but I don't have time to cook again yet.
It doesn't mean I don't ever eat out or grab something but do try to be intentional about it, rather than just defaulting to "grab McD on the way home because I don't have anything I want to eat."
It's hard sometimes but I have been trying to get better about meal prepping so I don't feel like I have to buy fast food or eat out. I make something that I can eat for several days, and put some portions in the freezer as well, often times. That way I can choose something from the freezer when the meal-preps are gone, but I don't have time to cook again yet.
It doesn't mean I don't ever eat out or grab something but do try to be intentional about it, rather than just defaulting to "grab McD on the way home because I don't have anything I want to eat."

That's true to when grocery shopping we tend to buy foods that can be used for many different uses.
I bought a whole sirloin today for 2.98 a pound On sale. I would have gotten two of them but my freezer is full and I really don’t need to keep eating so much. I will cut it up tomorrow for a roast, some thick steaks and some beef tips. Haven’t decided which will be for dinner tomorrow.
I'm getting low on beef in the freezer too. But I did manage to find a couple steaks that I marinated for a couple days and grilled last night.
I've got a steer in the feed lot that I'm fattening up now. We'll butcher him next month. That'll fill the freezer up again.
I got the sirloin cut up into thick steaks and a couple roasts today. All trimmed of fat, freezer bagged and labeled. I have one ziplock full of the chunks I cut off while working it and will do something tomorrow with them. Maybe skewers or beef tips over rice? I was going to cook it tonight but decided to finish off the meatloaf, mashed potatoes and gravy and green beans in the fridge.
I did takeout from a good restaurant today. There are plenty of good leftovers in the fridge but I just wanted something different and special. I got a huge salmon filet, loaded baked potato and salad. My wife got chicken and waffles with Mac and cheese. I’ve been on this salmon kick for a month or so now, so much for something different..... good stuff though. Now the question is I’m full and content, will I relax or accomplish anything else tonight?
We had steak off the grill, salad and tomatoes with fresh mozzarella slices on them, sprinkled with balsamic vinegar and olive oil.

My hubby is all hyped about his new grill in the outdoor kitchen. We had a Wolf, but he replaced it with a Kalamazoo Grill. The man can’t stop raving about it. It is a hybrid grill. Uses gas, wood and charcoal.

Why are men so crazy about their grills?

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