What's for dinner tonight?

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My son in law has celiac disease so my wife had to change her recipe for cornbread (and dressing). It had some flour before, but now has none and uses Dixie Lily Self Rising Cornmeal. She uses egg to hold things together. We can't tell the difference.
Every self rising corn meal I have seen is not gluten free. I don't think we have Dixie Lily here. I'll check on line to see if it's available. Thank you.
I have found that some plain corn meal isn't gluten free either. I guess you have to get gluten free meal to start.

Then it wasn't pure cornmeal. Corn has no gluten. Maybe it was cross contaminated by being processed on equipment that processed wheat?

You can contact the company and ask. Not all gluten free products really need a "gluten free" label. "Gluten free" pure cornmeal is kind of like saying "gluten free" spring water or "gluten free" ribeye steak. It doesn't have gluten unless the gluten is introduced by processing.
We went out to eat for my birthday.
Had a blue cheese wedge salad, then a Angus beef filet and a loaded baked potato.

I made lamb chops on the grill, roasted baby red and white potatoes with garlic and olive oil, and jiffy cornbread with honey tonight. The lamp was amazingly tender. It was the first time I’ve cooked it in ages. It was good enough that I will do it more often now. I found vacuum packs of 4 1.25” thick chops at Aldi for 8$. I just got the one but after tonight’s success with it I will whipe them out the next time I go and stock the freezer.
today I have a "fast day", no meat.
I have sauerkraut, cottage cheese and rice pies, and mashed potatoes.


A few weeks ago I ran out of 20 lbs of Feta in 3 days at work. . . That has never happened before. Found out it was due to a Tik Tok recipe post that my boss lady showed to me on her phone. She put a block of Feta in the middle of a baking dish, surrounded in with a large package of cherry tomatoes, dizzle with olive oil, add in some chopped fresh basil and salt and pepper to your taste. Throw it in the oven for 35 minutes at 400 F degrees. Then boil your favorite pasta and mix together.

So I made my own version doing the same but also added on some minced garlic before throwing in the oven. Boiled some shrimp in crab boil and when the sauce was finished cooking, thru it into a blender before mixing it all together. Add in a salad and garlic bread, dinner was done.

Boss lady told ne she and her daughter made this dish last night and it was good, I texted her and told her I made it tonight and will be a keeper, but I threw into a blender because hunny can not see any pieces of tomato or he will be picking them out during dinner along with my additions and when talking to hunny, never tell him it was Feta, just refer to it as cheese. ;) 😂
My beloved Viking wife works from 1800 until 0630. This morning (something every morning) I made her breakfast. 2 strips lean bacon. Ham, cheese, onion. mushroom, and asparagus omelet. Tater tots. Cubed watermelon. Cubed cantaloupe . Cashews. Grapes. Hot chocolate, with multi colored marsh mallows. Plus a chocolate candy bar under her pillow. How does she stay as scrawny as that 15 year old I fell in love with so long ago? Small portions and exercise. By the way, she has only 12 shifts left before she joins me in retirement.
Sir, I'm wondering what your avatar photo means? dollar, small change and a chicken egg? ...
it seems to me that a good breakfast, this is not enough...
Especially if you are a descendant of the Vikings and have a Beautiful Wife
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Sir, I'm wondering what your avatar photo means? dollar, small change and a chicken egg? ...
it seems to me that a good breakfast, this is not enough...
Especially if you are a descendant of the Vikings and have a Beautiful Wife
I have had an orchard for about 30 years. The deer came in and ate some apples, OK by me. Then the bears came in and broke the limbs off the trees so they could feed their greedy faces on the ground. Not OK. So we put up a 7 foot fence. Then I decided to put the chickens in there. There was a building that I used to reload ammo and store prepper stuff in. I had outgrown it and built a new two story building that was much bigger. (My friends dubbed it "The Fort) I put a chicken door and some nests in the old reloading shed. Now about 40 chickens had an acre of land and a mansion. Most of the time chickens will scratch and peck their barnyard down to bare ground. Now they couldn't. Every year in August we have grasshopper season. The chickens love it. So for a few months out of the year they hardly eat layer pellets, just bugs and grass. They become very productive. This fits in with my theory about giving plenty of space, clean water, healthy food and a low stress environment to make critters happy (works for people to). Then one old hen started giving me one or two rare triple Yolk eggs a week. I've seen lots of doubles but triples are rare. So that avatar is a rare sight. The c-note and the quarters are there for size comparison.
I noticed that hunny finished off the Spice Bars I made a few nights ago so made brownies with pecans tonight. He likes his sweets. Dinner was leftovers since I was at work so late and by the time I got off it was feeding and refilling water in pastures. I had last night of a Shrimp Pasta and Hunny had Chick leg quarters, mashed potatoes with gravy and peas.

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