What's for dinner tonight?

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You definitely live in a rough place!
We just need to be better prepared for winter. The back of my house faces East and is surrounded by trees, so it never sees the sun. We get a huge ice dam built up all along that side of the house. When it warms up it'll all fall at once. I thought the grill was out of the way, but I miscalculated. This summer I'm going to build a roof over the rear deck and hopefully that will eliminate the ice problem and make the deck usable in winter.
Where are the fresh strawberries coming from this time of year?
We live in a really cool time in history. Average people can buy fresh produce year round that’s grown all over the globe. It used to be only the really rich could do that and it was still limited. Of course its best to not think about what some of the countries use for fertilize.....
And I’m seeing loads of strawberries in the grocery stores now too. Speaking of produce, I just had a golden honeydew that was amazingly good.
Our small Amish store gets things trucked in. So the strawberries were trucked in from Florida. There's an Amish connection outside of Sarasota in Pinecraft, Florida. Old saying here, what happens in Pinecraft stays in Pinecraft. Those Amish get to use electricity and still call themselves Old Order. Where the widows go to find a new mate. Ha Ha. Also get peaches from Colorado every year, and pears and apples from I don't know where. Locally grown and sold here are: grapes, rhubarb, some strawberries, some pears, lots of melon like watermelon and cantaloupe, squash of all types, cabbage, lettuce, tomatoes, green beans. Wheat, soybean, milo, and sunflower is what is mostly grown in the fields here, and also alfalfa for animal feed.
Hey Big Paul...is that like what I call Shepherd's Pie? (hamburger, vegetables, with mashed potatoes and cheese on top?)
Our small Amish store gets things trucked in. So the strawberries were trucked in from Florida. There's an Amish connection outside of Sarasota in Pinecraft, Florida. Old saying here, what happens in Pinecraft stays in Pinecraft. Those Amish get to use electricity and still call themselves Old Order. Where the widows go to find a new mate. Ha Ha. Also get peaches from Colorado every year, and pears and apples from I don't know where. Locally grown and sold here are: grapes, rhubarb, some strawberries, some pears, lots of melon like watermelon and cantaloupe, squash of all types, cabbage, lettuce, tomatoes, green beans. Wheat, soybean, milo, and sunflower is what is mostly grown in the fields here, and also alfalfa for animal feed.
Hey Big Paul...is that like what I call Shepherd's Pie? (hamburger, vegetables, with mashed potatoes and cheese on top?)
usually Shepherds Pie is lamb, (I dont like lamb myself I prefer Mutton) Cottage Pie is beef, I called this hunters pie because its got Venison in it, mash on top-at the moment we use Sweet Potatoes, usually like tonight with Brocolli with cheese on top, and also gravy.
My wife works tonight. It is her last 12 hour shift after working for 50 years. She is finally retiring. Breakfast will consist of a slice of bacon, crab leg, shrimp, mushroom and cheese omelet, toast, strawberries, blueberries, watermelon, cantalope, cashews, almonds, Brazil nuts, grapes, hot chocolate, and if she feels up to it a bottle of champagne. And I put a chocolate bar under her pillow.
It amazes me how few of the people that I work with cook at all. Even most of the women don't have 'time' to bother in the kitchen. I guess someone has to keep Burger King and Taco Bell in buisness. Chicken soup is one of the easiest things to throw together, and is so hearty! They all think I'm some kind of gourmet chef or something from the lunches I bring. I'm far from anything close to that, but I do like to eat real food, that's not only healthier, but is a lot cheaper too. I have to admit though, I can cook a mean steak!
I love to cook. Especially Bar B Q. I put my chef hat and my apron on and cook up steaks on the charcoal grill. I move the steaks around so guests can get their desired color. Plenty of beer. I think this concept goes back thousands of years. After a successful hunt there is a celebration and a feast.