What's for dinner tonight?

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You eat the boiled egg with the yolk still soft? Like a poached egg?
Soft boiled. You use an egg cup to hold the egg upright and open the top up to expose the runny yolk.
My grandmother ate soft boiled eggs in an egg cup, except instead of dipping soldiers in the yolk, she mixed wheat germ into the yolk.
going with my old standby after a rough week on call. Wine and chocolate. One more day on thank goodness.
I'm not a doctor but we do home care for seniors so we have on-call too, and it kind of sucks sometimes. I was on call this past week also and a glass (or so) of wine was definitely part of my dinner tonight :)
Turkey is about my favorite protein source. Just love the flavor. When it's on sale I'll buy about a dozen, chop out the backbone, split the breast bone, remove the ends of the wings, cut off the wings and legs, and pack them into the carcass. Then put it back into the plastic bag, wrap the whole thing in twine so it's not much bigger than a clenched fist, and freeze it. When I make a stew I'll add a cup of wine to the water.
Also good to remove the breast meat and fry them and then make gravy. I could live off them. Chicken doesn't have the flavor of turkey.