What's for dinner tonight?

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I'm seasoning my beef ribeye roast now.
My family tradition is pizza for Christmas, but currently I don't have any family close by. So I'm going to a coworker's for the holiday and we're having a "traditional" Christmas dinner with ham, etc. I'll be seeing family next week at new year's.
My family tradition is pizza for Christmas, but currently I don't have any family close by. So I'm going to a coworker's for the holiday and we're having a "traditional" Christmas dinner with ham, etc. I'll be seeing family next week at new year's.
i am happy you can be with someone. No one should be alone at this time of year.
Peking is Cantonese, Beijing is Mandarin. Guangdong Province is called Canton in Cantonese.
We had a lot of Cantonese in this country at one time that came over to work on the railroads, and the Chinatowns were mostly Cantonese, so a lot of Cantonese words were familiar to Americans before Mandarin words were.

The discouragement to use Cantonese words is all the CCP's doing. Hong Kong speaks Cantonese. Google Translate does not even list Cantonese as an option now. (CCP's doing)

So your daughter in law is obeying the CCP.
We used to have a Peking restaurant not too far from here. Unfortunately they went out of business a couple years ago. I still miss them since it was the only descent Chinese food we could get around here.
Beef wellingtons and a cab side by side taste test!View attachment 14572
We did beef wellington for the Christmas party for my Sunday school class. (Unfortunately no wine due to some conservative ideas about alcoholic beverages at my church🙄.) Your pairing seems pretty solid though.

Also I love that serving platter with the frog decor crawling off the plate 😀.
After work I did a Honey Maple Glazed Ham, Sauteed cabbage in bacon grease, dressed up field peas (cause hunny doesn't like black-eyed) and made al grantin potatoes using the left over French Onion dip and Chili con Queso I have leftover from Christmas. Also an Apple cake for dessert provided from my dear co-worker. I continue to help her work on her English. She is the one that I recently posted about who got her citizenship. I truly love this Honduran woman. She works full time so she can send money back home for her family. A brother who just recently has his leg amputated because of infection. She is such a good hearted woman. She brought me lunch of ribs she cook along with the cake, So very good!
We have some college friends visiting, and we were down on the coast, so we went by Joe Patti's Seafood in Pensacola and loaded up on seafood.
Tonight we went all out. Got out the fine china, crystal, silver and had a formal dinner.
1st course Carprese salad
2nd course lemon and butter sauteed bay scallops
3rd course Spring mix with homemade balsamic vinegar dressing (Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Rosemary, Dried Minced Garlic, Freshly Ground Pepper). Salad had mushrooms and thinly slice shallots marinated in the dressing.
Served Perrier with the appetizers.
Main course, Red Snapper pan fried in olive oil with Progresso Italian Bread Crumb crust, Quaker Old Fashioned Grits with some whole milk added to make it creamy, Butter Beans (Baby Limas cooked with butter of course), Garlic Bread
Served White Zinfandel with the fish.
I think they liked it...
We have some college friends visiting, and we were down on the coast, so we went by Joe Patti's Seafood in Pensacola and loaded up on seafood.
Tonight we went all out. Got out the fine china, crystal, silver and had a formal dinner.
1st course Carprese salad
2nd course lemon and butter sauteed bay scallops
3rd course Spring mix with homemade balsamic vinegar dressing (Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Rosemary, Dried Minced Garlic, Freshly Ground Pepper). Salad had mushrooms and thinly slice shallots marinated in the dressing.
Served Perrier with the appetizers.
Main course, Red Snapper pan fried in olive oil with Progresso Italian Bread Crumb crust, Quaker Old Fashioned Grits with some whole milk added to make it creamy, Butter Beans (Baby Limas cooked with butter of course), Garlic Bread
Served White Zinfandel with the fish.
I think they liked it...
You had me until Lima beans. 😀😁
You had me until Lima beans. 😀😁

Just a bowl of butter beans
Pass the cornbread if you please
I don't want no collard greens
All I want, is a bowl of butter beans.

Just a piece of country ham
Pass the butter and the jam
Pass the biscuits if you please
And some more
o' them good ol' butter beans.

Red eye gravy is all right
Turnip sandwich a delight
But my children all still scream
For another bowl of butter beans.

Some folks think that cornpones best
Some likes grits more than the rest
But if I was a man of means
I'd just want them good ol' butter beans.

See that Lady over there
With the curlers in her hair
She's not pregnant as she seems
She's just full o' them good ol' butter beans.

When they lay my bones to rest
Place no roses upon my chest
Plant no blooming evergreens
All I want is' a bowl of butter beans.

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