We drove to Costco today. As usual, we both wore gloves and N95s, and about half the shoppers there were doing that as well. We got what we could and came back home. Lucy, one of our Nigerians is set to kid any day now, and we finished setting up a kidding stable with all the stuff she might need for the delivery. It's our first animal delivery, too; and we're pretty apprehensive.
We have 14 laying hens now and ten more pullets who'll be laying in about two or three more months. We're averaging almost a dozen eggs a day, and this coming week we're getting some unslaked lime to start water-glassing them for long-term storage. Meanwhile, we're pretty popular with the neighbors; a couple dozen eggs to the guy down the road and he came by with a rear-time tiller to do the rest of our garden!
We still have about three weeks frost left, but we did put in three different potato sets and two onion sets. Next week, they're coming by to install a backup hand-pump for our well, which will go in the same hole as our regular pump. I have been getting really paranoid about not having any water if the electrical grid goes down. But everyone here (this is a pretty rural county in Idaho) seems to be as prepared as possible, and we're all hoping to be able to pull through together.