Ah, it is to protect others B.S. again. You want to protect other, then YOU ware all the Hazmat suits and then you can walk through YOUR decontamination chamber. Then you have done YOUR part to protect. The bleating heart images are not pertinent to the discussion of rights vs. government control.
The stores do have the right to refuse entry or service to people that do not follow their policies, just as I would have the right to not patronize their establishment. Again people are not understanding the issue. It is Constitutional rights vs. fear and government control. The stores are private property and they do have the "Right" to set policy. I have the "Right" to not use a store, if I disagree with their policy. The stores cannot "FORCE" me to enter and follow their rules. Companies do have the right to not hire me. I also have the right to not work for a company I disagree with, and they can't force me to stay and comply with their policies. Individuals have a "Right" to use or not use protective gear. Individual choice does have responsibilities. I am responsible to wear as much protective gear as I feel is needed to protect ME. If you choose to not protect yourself, then that is your problem. It is not my right to tell you what you have to do or not do. AND no, you are not jeopardizing me, if I have taken responsibility and protected myself. The issue is not common sense vs, free choice. The issue is government through force of arms or threat of force of arms, requiring a person to surrender their freedoms. That is the real issue.