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I got some supplies for the ground mount for the solar today. May start digging footings for it tomorrow. Finished cutting up and taking brush to the burn pile from the tree I dropped for the pool too. I just keep plugging along with outdoor projects. Want to fertilize the gardens tomorrow too. Am almost through weed eating everything and about time to start over again. I’m just greatful for the mild days right now as it will be uppper 80’s before we know it.
For the first time in 4 days it did not rain today! Traffic on the road is like someone just opened the barn door. Governor did not have to say it was open twice. Hubby hauled off some garbage today and said the parking lot at the local grocer was packed and not a mask in sight. I have a feeling this is not going to end well. As for me I made some fabric masks today. Not sure how long my mask supply will last and wanted some backups.
I was at Walmart yesterday and the meat shelves were almost empty,,,and it will get worse,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

what bothers me most is the a-holes who don't think this virus is anything to worry about,,when you can't go to the store and get what you need,,,,that is a real problem but some are either to blind to see that or is it stupidity
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I hurt my back last night digging post holes.
You told me to watch out, Brent also, Georgia too, now it is your turn to watch out. You have a short spring and summer but don't try to get it all done alone or in the shortest timeframe. We went to the river and had wine and whiskey/cola for 3 hours yesterday, since we have nothing to do here. Wish I could come and help a few of you guys and gals...GP
You told me to watch out, Brent also, Georgia too, now it is your turn to watch out. You have a short spring and summer but don't try to get it all done alone or in the shortest timeframe. We went to the river and had wine and whiskey/cola for 3 hours yesterday, since we have nothing to do here. Wish I could come and help a few of you guys and gals...GP
No doubt it’s wise to stop and enjoy the little things that make life special. Any one of us, reguardless of health could be dead in two weeks from this virus of any form of accident or illness. I know my kids would be fighting over the assets and wouldn’t care about all the projects I’ve accomplished. I like the sense of satisfaction I get from growing and improving things around here so that’s the main reason I do it. Even though I keep at it and try to accomplish a lot I do know to pace myself and not get obsessive about it. Yesterday I took a nap mid day. If I want to take a whole day and do nothing I’m ok with that too. There is nothing so pressing that it has to be done or the world will end.
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Ohio is starting a staggered reopening.
So far 1099 and self employed have been unable to receive unemployment. The supposed date they can file is the middle of May. Well Dewine is reopening a most of their business a week or two early. I think it's in part so they don't have to pay.
Don't get me wrong. We need to reopen the economy eventually. And a staggered method is smart. I just think PUA played a part in the decision making here.
I don't understand why some people are willing to surrender their rights and then demand other do the same. You have the absolute right to protect yourself. Buy a full face respirator and ware it every time you exit your house. Fantastic, second best option for your protection but YOU DO NOT have the right to mandate what I ware a mask. The government does not have the right to mandate what I ware. Heck, if you are really concerned for YOUR SAFETY, then get bio-hazard suits (best option) to go along with your face mask.

Drunk drivers kill a huge number of people every year, so should the government force people to have a breath analyzers installed into their vehicles? If not, why not, same principal, punish all because some have a medical issue (alcoholism is considered a medical issue).
Here in NC, I once had a guy on probation for attempted murder for giving another male HIV. The attorneys for the defendant struck a deal with the district attorney and was reduced to assault with a deadly weapon. Maybe he should have worn a condom to prevent giving this man a disease? Masks and condoms both protect others from getting life threatening diseases...just saying.
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No it's not easy for me or likely anyone of us preppers are a few paychecks away from being there. The people are there by there lifestyle choices. They where not prepared. They chose to live beyond there means from pay check to pay check.
Many of them are substance abusers or drug addicts. and they play on people's sympathies to get enough money for their next fix. People have drug problems because they have mental health problems and people have mental health problems because they have drug problems. For most, it is a way of life in which they can continue to live the way they want to.
There are scientific views that gloves are not at all useful.

WHAT? In this case I will strongly disagree with the "so called" scientists. When someone sneezes and or coughs, the droplets will stay in the air for a short period of time before settling on to something. I have heard many times that the virus can live for days on some surface. You can come behind someone a day later and pickup the virus by just touching something. While a mask is mostly to prevent someone to infecting their surroundings, the gloves protects someone from picking up the virus from their surroundings.

As with a the Mask, this is provided they are used correctly, especially when removing them and not touching the surface. Me, I always clean the gloves with an alcohol wipe before removing and don't touch the outside (even after being sanitized).
why not wear the mask,,,,I worry about this opening things back up ,I believe it will lead to a surge in the virus
Sorry my comment was badly worded. I should have said "I hope people wear masks and are not stupid." Everyone absolutely should be wearing masks based on the evidence out there now. (And the CDC's suggestion that people shouldn't wear masks that they put out months ago never made sense in the first place.)

WHAT? In this case I will strongly disagree with the "so called" scientists. When someone sneezes and or coughs, the droplets will stay in the air for a short period of time before settling on to something. I have heard many times that the virus can live for days on some surface. You can come behind someone a day later and pickup the virus by just touching something. While a mask is mostly to prevent someone to infecting their surroundings, the gloves protects someone from picking up the virus from their surroundings.

As with a the Mask, this is provided they are used correctly, especially when removing them and not touching the surface. Me, I always clean the gloves with an alcohol wipe before removing and don't touch the outside (even after being sanitized).
I agree - gloves only help if used correctly. These people who use put on the gloves, but then just touch everything just like normal? I don't know how they think that's any different than touching everything with your bare hands. But if you put on gloves, carefully touch only contaminated objects and don't touch anything "clean" (like your face) then properly remove the gloves and perform hand hygiene? That will absolutely help to reduce the spread.
I was at Walmart yesterday and the meat shelves were almost empty,,,and it will get worse,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

what bothers me most is the a-holes who don't think this virus is anything to worry about,,when you can't go to the store and get what you need,,,,that is a real problem but some are either to blind to see that or is it stupidity
Or maybe they just happen live in an area that is unaffected. I have no intention of wearing a mask. There's no need to where I live. And that's my choice.
reduced to assault with a deadly weapon
What would be the deal if he was operated on to prevent this from happening to another innocent person instead of spreading any disease further? If the DA was also gay or one of his family, I bet he would not have been so lienient. ( IF he was operated on...then it would be "assault with a DEAD weapon"!!!) GP
What would be the deal if he was operated on to prevent this from happening to another innocent person instead of spreading any disease further? If the DA was also gay or one of his family, I bet he would not have been so lienient. ( IF he was operated on...then it would be "assault with a DEAD weapon"!!!) GP
Most district attorneys are usually very willing to reduce or dismiss a charge if they can still get a guilty plea (conviction) without an expensive and lengthy trial. Say you get a speeding ticket but the officer also cites you for driving while license revoked. You go to court and plead guilty to driving while license revoked and they dismiss your speeding charge. Most people will walk away feeling like they got a pretty good deal.
WHAT? In this case I will strongly disagree with the "so called" scientists. When someone sneezes and or coughs, the droplets will stay in the air for a short period of time before settling on to something. I have heard many times that the virus can live for days on some surface. You can come behind someone a day later and pickup the virus by just touching something. While a mask is mostly to prevent someone to infecting their surroundings, the gloves protects someone from picking up the virus from their surroundings.

As with a the Mask, this is provided they are used correctly, especially when removing them and not touching the surface. Me, I always clean the gloves with an alcohol wipe before removing and don't touch the outside (even after being sanitized).
This was just about inexperienced people wearing the gloves and then still touching their face thinking the gloves would protect them.
Many years ago I was trained in a tattoo parlor as a peircing apprentice and then years in the food service industry. I agree that the way 90+% of the people wearing gloves is 100% ineffective. Anyone with proper training knows that gloves are there to prevent cross contamination. Not as some magic barrier. Most people who wear gloves in say a grocery store will touch the cart, the items they're buying, their shopping list and pen, their phone, adjust their mask, scratch an itch, touch their wallet/purse, their debit card, their car keys, and their car door handle. Then they will take the gloves off incorrectly contaminating their hands anyway and throw them on the ground for someone else to clean up.

They might put hand sanitizer on after they get in the car... But they will touch their keys, their mask, their phone, and all of the items they purchased when they take them in the house.

In a doctor's office the doctor or nurse will put gloves on to do the exam/touch the patient. Then take the gloves off, and wash their hands before touching the computer/chart or anything else.

In a restaurant the cook puts gloves on, picks up the raw chicken puts it on the grill, takes off gloves, washes their hands, puts on new gloves and picks up the utensils.

Gloves are there to do one job. Prevent cross contamination. Gloves are effective. Just not the way most people shopping are using them.
I posted this somewhere else but this is what I strive to do at the grocery. I put on the n95 mask in the car. Since I’m using it over and over I treat it like its contaminated and only touch the strings. I have my debit card and a bottle of hand sanitizer in my shirt pocket before getting out of the car. Even though they are spraying down the carts I still use their wipes to clean the handle. In the store I only use my right hand to push the cart and grab items. I allready know what I want so minimize my time inside. At the self checkout I touch the items and screen with my right hand only and use my debit card with my left hand. Once outside at the car I use hand sanitizer before touching my keys and opening doors. After putting away the groceries I use sanitizer again before getting in the car. I also use my wet hands to clean the outside of the sanitizer bottle. Going to the grocery has some risk but if you use common sense, and especially don’t touch your face while out you can minimize it. Even though I’m a fan of hand sanitizer since this began I still think washing your hands is the best way to clean up when you can.
Thanks for the pointers. After reading this, I realize I take my keys out of my pocket to unlock the truck, then get in, sanitize the gloves and take them off. This can leave the keys contaminated which I then use to start the truck. Thanks for everyone's suggestions. I learn something new every day at this site.
Thanks for the pointers. After reading this, I realize I take my keys out of my pocket to unlock the truck, then get in, sanitize the gloves and take them off. This can leave the keys contaminated which I then use to start the truck. Thanks for everyone's suggestions. I learn something new every day at this site.
I have disinfectant wipes that I use to wipe my phone, keys, and the surfaces in my car, then use hand sanitizer after discarding wipes.
We do the gloves and mask thing, go shopping and I get the stuff, she pays without touching anything, I disinfect her hands before she gets to the car, I put things in the car and carry the in the apt. We both disinfect the gloves and leave them in the bathroom on the windowsill and then wash our hands. Just the things we bought are also disinfected, only the fresh things which are not packed are washed or put away and get cooked which kills anything. There is always a fine line to make mistakes tho. GP
Just to clarify. My post about gloves was directed at no individuals here. I do hope that those that are talking about disinfecting their gloves are not talking about disposable gloves. If so please don't reuse them. These gloves degrade over time and form tiny holes. Maybe not the first time. Maybe not the second time. But who knows. These were made to be worn one time and thrown away. Like I said I'm not singling anyone out or talking bad about anyone's choices. Just want everyone to be safe in their choices
I have disinfectant wipes that I use to wipe my phone, keys, and the surfaces in my car, then use hand sanitizer after discarding wipes.
I never take the keys out of any of my vehicles and I don't even know where my house keys are. I never let anyone use my phone either. If you don't let strangers use your phone or your vehicle, how can you get infected?
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In upstate NY we have been under a shelter in place / state of emergency for the past couple months and most non essential business are closed also if we go outside we have to social distance six feet apart or wear a mask although I've recently been hearing some chatter that the state may be reopened soon so I am hopeful that things will be improving soon
Just to clarify. My post about gloves was directed at no individuals here. I do hope that those that are talking about disinfecting their gloves are not talking about disposable gloves. If so please don't reuse them. These gloves degrade over time and form tiny holes. Maybe not the first time. Maybe not the second time. But who knows. These were made to be worn one time and thrown away. Like I said I'm not singling anyone out or talking bad about anyone's choices. Just want everyone to be safe in their choices

Thanks FreakyJ, I took you post as valid information and not directed at an individual. I have several sets of gloves that I use. I generally keep "work" gloves in my truck with I do sanitize after each use. Those I will use over. I also carry disposable gloves that I use if simply shopping and not need a durable glove. Those I throw away (heck, those gloves may be cheaper than the wipes). As I described above, this conversation pointed out my flaw. I would take my keys out of my pocket, still wearing the gloves. Unlock the truck (or car) and put the keys into the ignition. I would then clean the gloves and anything else I was carrying. In the end, the keys in the ignition where never cleaned. OOOPs Thanks for pointing out proper glove usage. Never too much information.