World War Three

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A friends sister is a realtor in komifornia. She says the rich Chinese folk come over on tours, travel by bus, and stop in many fancy neighborhoods and not only buy the house listed for sale they tell the realtor to make offers on several other houses on the street. This started before the 2008 housing crash and is still happening.
This could be bad, or it could be good if they are trying to get their entire family out of china.
My GF's daughter is married to a guy from China. After he got his masters degree from U-Florida he was hired by a tech company in California. He made great money and shared a home with several other people and was able to bank away a bunch of money but he was very unhappy with the amount of taxes he had to pay. He is very anti-socialist and respectfully explains that he is grateful to be here, that he is somewhat glad the company he worked for laid off him and many others via email on a Friday evening, and pleased with our much more conservative state of Utah. However he is job hunting in Florida to be near his college friends and in a relatively conservative state.
Not all Chinese folk are bad, but I still don't like mass immigration regardless of where they come from. We have far too many in the USA already. Unless we can work out a trade, one leftist for one immigrant?
I don't care really as long as they leave China in China. The little guy who owned the liquor store was cool. he had a hot daughter too.
cant you move?
Why? I've made this my home and I knew this when I moved here. In a nuke war no where is safe I might just be vaporized rather than die a slow and painful death from radiation.

As to the caldera, where to if that sucker really lets go there will be no where's in North America that will be spared. I might as well go fast as go slow.
Why? I've made this my home and I knew this when I moved here. In a nuke war no where is safe I might just be vaporized rather than die a slow and painful death from radiation.

As to the caldera, where to if that sucker really lets go there will be no where's in North America that will be spared. I might as well go fast as go slow.
we moved from a city to a medium sized place, lived there for 10 years, then when a nuclear power station was planned- now in construction- we decided to move, we were 15 miles downwind of the site with no high ground in between- we moved to our present location in the middle of the English countryside, we have been here 15 years now.
I agree with Lonewolf , simply move . If this thing goes down as it appears it will , at this point in time , there will be desert waste lands that were made by Nuclear Explosions . Those vaporized will be those for whatever excuse chose to live in the target area . Such decisions not only directly means survival or not for themselves but their families also . As for as " Quark's " claim that everyone will die , I personally disagree . My own prediction it will be much , like the movie " The Road Warrior " except fighting over oil or any fuel will not be much of an issue , after 3 or 4 months into the aftermath .
You guys don't understand if there is nuke war there will be no where's in the US that is safe. You ought to see the map of all the target sites. If there is a nuke war the US and most of North America will be wiped of the planet. If the caldera blows most of Canada, all of the US, Mexico and even Central America will be gone. This volcano will make a nuclear type winter throughout the world. Billions will die over night with more dying within a year.

The nuclear winter from a nuke war or the caldera blowing will last at least a century or more.
You guys don't understand if there is nuke war there will be no where's in the US that is safe. You ought to see the map of all the target sites. If there is a nuke war the US and most of North America will be wiped off the planet. If the caldera blows most of Canada, all of the US, Mexico and even Central America will be gone. This volcano will make a nuclear type winter throughout the world. Billions will die over night with more dying within a year.

The nuclear winter from a nuke war or the caldera blowing will last at least a century or more.
Here we go with the map-makers again. :(
...And every one of them assumes we have zero capability to shoot down any inbound missiles. :mad:
So I don't repeat myself :rolleyes:...
Nuclear winter was a bogus scientific scam dreamt up by nuclear disarmament activists in the try to increase public support for their cause.

The analysis used to derive that specific predicted outcome included a thing called "worst case scenario stacking".....which is where you conduct an analysis involving very many variables and assume the worst case for all of them.

If you did that to all potential events, it would suggest many of those that have come and gone would have made humans extinct.
~~Blond girl in the back of the room raises her hand…..

Was there nuclear winter or some form of it in a lesser degree during all that nuke testing that was conducted in the ‘40s and ‘50s?
.....yep.......545 Megatons of testing done without any nuclear winter.

That is more than 1000 typical current warheads......which may be more than how many would actually make it to targets and detonate in a realistic nuclear exchange.
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~~Blond girl in the back of the room raises her hand…..

Was there nuclear winter or some form of it in a lesser degree during all that nuke testing that was conducted in the ‘40s and ‘50s?
Those were single bombs and most were A-bombs NOT hydrogen bombs. Now eventually hydrogen bombs were tested but most were tested under ground.

Testing is much different from sending hundreds or even thousands of war heads all at once. Right now most countries threatening any kind of a nuclear action are threatening using tactical nukes rather than all out nuclear war. The question is would the war stay tactical or go strategic.

Tactical nukes are low yield bombs fried from artillery or tactical bombers. Still dangerous in the area but not necessarily to the whole world.
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Trying to convince someone as to the outcome of a Nuclear exchange appears to be pointless as people have convinced themselves of what will be the outcome and want to cling to their derived notion . -- Personally my plan is to prepare to survive the blasts , Nuclear Fallout and the " war " with accidental , starving , unprepared survivors of the aftermath . Realization that survival preparations may or may not , be the survival factor , but curling up in fear as the ground begins to tremble is not my future . I prepare not just for my personal back side , but for the survival of about 20 other souls . Preparing for 20 people to survive a Nuclear War takes a serious prepper and a lot of planning .
While I am not discounting a hotter WWIII, we are in this.

Question , when you see a Nuclear cloud , E.M.P:. collapsing the power grid , hear the blast or feel the ground trembling from Nuclear Impact , do you have a preplanned action of response ?
Survive the radioactive fallout that will kill millions more than the blasts.
Know how much is out there, (how 'hot' it is).
Know when it is safe to go out.
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Question , when you see a Nuclear cloud , E.M.P:. collapsing the power grid , hear the blast or feel the ground trembling from Nuclear Impact , do you have a preplanned action of response ?
For EMP yes. Fill a water bottle and check if battery powered tools are toast. If so grab my bolt cutters and trex over the hill and cut the chains on the buffalo enclosure. Set them free then return home.

I agree with Quark, in an all out nuclear war no one will survive and the planet will be a dead burnt out globe in space.
a limited exchange is a different matter and some areas away from the main targets may be liveable.
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Question , when you see a Nuclear cloud , E.M.P:. collapsing the power grid , hear the blast or feel the ground trembling from Nuclear Impact , do you have a preplanned action of response ?
Yes change my under pants before I get roasted☮️ , On The Beach by Neville Shut was a great film I think it was made in the 60's about Australia the only country left but the radiation clouds were coming
When it begins , " those without a plan " will be like a deer caught in the headlight of a vehicle speeding towards them . Trying to ignore or pretending it just won't happen , will not end well . Those without a plan will be in the group of panicked , indecisions and simply their survivability is dim .
A thought....
Would a couple, or more bomb strikes set off the Yellowstone caldera ?? If so that would pretty much be the new version of the space rock that hit the Gulf of Mexico and ended the dinosaurs.. ?? And that is, was a geological fact...

Facts, details, thoughts.. ??
Important considerations. Opinions will vary.

Wear a mask to prevent breathing in fallout, you don't want that in your lungs.
Rinse all possibly exposed food prior to eating. The fallout would be on the outside and you don't want that in your innards.
Rinse off your skin when returning indoors, or any chance you get if stuck outside. Fallout wont hurt you (much) for a short while on your skin but rinsing off after exposure will prevent burns/irritation on your skin. Running water is best, soap is not mandatory.

You can't completely make your home air tight but you can tape off most areas and limit exit and entry to one door, preferably not facing the prevailing winds, and rinse off and change clothes immediately upon entering. This will keep contamination out of your primary living area.

If you are far enough away, before fallout reaches your area, use a large water proof tarp to cover your garden, raised beds, a possible future planting area, etc. After the fallout is out of the air (times may vary) you can uncover this area and try planting food again. Limiting or preventing fallout in your garden areas will reduce the chance of food contamination.
A thought....
Would a couple, or more bomb strikes set off the Yellowstone caldera ?? If so that would pretty much be the new version of the space rock that hit the Gulf of Mexico and ended the dinosaurs.. ?? And that is, was a geological fact...

Facts, details, thoughts.. ??
That's good question that I don't have answer to and I doubt if any scientist does either. The volcano is a tectonic plate type volcano that is always active some months more so than others. Most people driving through Yellowstone do not know they are driving through one of the most active volcanos in the world. I don't think anybody has ever dropped a nuclear bomb on an active volcano that I'm aware of.

The Toba super volcano eruption in Indonesia 74,000 years is thought by some scientists to have all most wiped out most of humanity. However, there are those scientists who think that is not possible to do. I guess someday we will find out.
The Toba super volcano eruption in Indonesia 74,000 years is thought by some scientists to have all most wiped out most of humanity. However, there are those scientists who think that is not possible to do. I guess someday we will find out.
The timing is off. Toba doesn't line up with the genetic bottleneck. SOMETHING almost wiped us out, but it wasn't Toba. It doesn't line up with any mass extinction in fact.
I guess from small tid-bits I read different places most are in one of two camps...
WW3 on a scale as much or more than what was WW2.. But to my thinking that would take some time to develope.. After all Germany was in Spain in the mid 1930s and Japan was in China in the early 1930s long before Pearl Harbor and all...

The other belief seems to be there will be many more ..conflicts.. come and go, like the current Ukraine and Israel.. These to number anywhere between 20-30-100 conflicts that could possibly include pretty much the whole world, maybe not all at one time.. And some countries involved in multiple ...issues... depending on who they border with..

I'm kind of leaning to the thought of the latter scenario...
Facts, details, experience, thoughts, rumors..

By the way... The latest ..rumor.. seems to be the US has everything in place to bring back the military draft.. I suspect all it would need is an executive order or the like to initiate.. ??
and how many Years has it been since that happened...?!? Just how many Years does it take to Plan a Civilization Wipeout...?
Russia recently " changed " its political doctrine to authorize a " first Nuclear Strike " on any country they see as might strike them . So as to how long will it take for a World War Three to go full blown ? About 15 minutes from the time the nukes are launched . A poll shows 70 % of Russians are expecting a Nuclear strike from the " United States " . That puts the United States squarely front and center for a potential Russian first Nuclear strike .
Another wild card to throw in the mix is the presidential election coming in November. Ding Ding and Ho Ho will be served with an eviction notice. Ukraine will be in very hot water because funding went away and no one else is going to support them.
Another wild card to throw in the mix is the presidential election coming in November. Ding Ding and Ho Ho will be served with an eviction notice. Ukraine will be in very hot water because funding went away and no one else is going to support them.
After the debate, I'm really worried we won't last that long. China and Russia have to be licking their chops after that 'performance'.
After the debate, I'm really worried we won't last that long. China and Russia have to be licking their chops after that 'performance'.
A fly-in-the-ointment for China is India. According to an article I read in the printed version of The Epoch Times India and China have a big beef over territory. If China starts after Taiwan or the Philippines India might think it's a good time to settle a score. China could find itself in a two front war.

Russia is not close to India so Russia would have to cross a lot of countries to get to India. Also Russia has it's hands full with Ukraine and may not be in a position to help China and of course I don't think Iran would be of much help to China either. Over land Iran would have to take on Pakistan on the way to India. And by sea Iran doesn't have much of a navy to take on India. And of course the US, NATO, and SEATO would be involved on the side of India.

This could get real interesting real fast seeing as how Russia, China, Pakistan, India, US, etc. are all nuclear countries.
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