Current Pulse of HCL--counts, and other data

Homesteading & Country Living Forum

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Not sure of the overall membership but this topic is about 18 months old. Where are we now overall?

At the bottom of main forum page.


I went through and counted. There are more than 200 members who have never once commented. There may be close to that many members who have commented once or twice.

I wonder how many regular members there are, people who comment almost every day. I'm not going to do a count on that, because that count could change here and there.
I went through and counted. There are more than 200 members who have never once commented. There may be close to that many members who have commented once or twice.

I wonder how many regular members there are, people who comment almost every day. I'm not going to do a count on that, because that count could change here and there.
There does seem to be a core group, maybe 30 or so, who do the majority of the posting. Checking out the Post Count Leaderboard reveals who they are...
There does seem to be a core group, maybe 30 or so, who do the majority of the posting. Checking out the Post Count Leaderboard reveals who they are...
There are some of us who make several comments in any given day. What about the people who comment almost every day, but in a more limited way? There are some people who I recognize, but who don't post often. We are all different kinds of people. Some people talk too much and some maybe not enough. No judgement from me. We are who we are.
There are some of us who make several comments in any given day. What about the people who comment almost every day, but in a more limited way? There are some people who I recognize, but who don't post often. We are all different kinds of people. Some people talk too much and some maybe not enough. No judgement from me. We are who we are.
There does seem to be a core group, maybe 30 or so, who do the majority of the posting. Checking out the Post Count Leaderboard reveals who they are...

That seems to hold true with all of the forums to which I have belonged. The first one I belonged to had a ranking by the number of posts. It was not surprising to see the names at the top, but all the members were ranked.
I belong to several boards that I never post on. Some I just don't have any reason to go there again because I'm no longer involved with that subject. Like the Dodge RAM forum. Sold my Dodge so I don't go there.
Another reason I abandoned boards was the atmosphere changed and I didn't like it. People got to fighting and the hate and discontent pushed me away.
It's like Youtube channels. I subscribed to several and over time my interest or their content changed so I just don't watch them. Those however I can unsubscribe.
On line forums are similar to most groups in that only a small fraction speak up in a group if not required to do so.

The Princess tells the story that her sister was asked by a teacher "Does your sister ever talk?".

I on the other hand would sit front and center in college classes and would bludgeon professors with questions and comments.

Maybe most people adhere to the proverb

It is better to remain silent and appear a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt.


I see that we keep growing in numbers. Today, we have 811 members.
Yesterday made it 4 years since I joined and around that for many who were invited from PS. There were those who started the forum who were members in November, 2017. I know it was Angie, Havasu, and a few more.
Current Pulse of the Forum.JPG
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I see that we keep growing in numbers. Today, we have 811 people who have joined.
Yesterday made it 4 years since I joined and around that for many who were invited from PS. There were those who started the forum who were members in November, 2017. I know it was Angie, Havasu, and a few more. View attachment 76605
Happy 4th Weedy😃