My own eating habits have not gone as well as they should have of late. I need to quit eating the junk food.
About 9 years ago, I went low-carb / keto and lost about 100 pounds. That was huge for me and I've kept off most of it. The last 6 months or so, though, I've been too inclined to "cheat" if you wanna use that word. Basically, it means eating things that I know I shouldn't. Usually, it's for social reasons. "Oh, I've made some of my famous bread pudding, you have to have some." "Oh, I've made chewy man-sized chocolate chip cookies, here, have two, and a pint of ice cream to go with." Etc, etc. "Special occasions." Breads, pastas, potatoes, all stuff I love, not just desserts. Eating out. Friends having us over. The step-son coming to stay with us for a while.
But the scale is warning me that I can't keep that up. I feel so much better when I leave that stuff alone but I get very annoyed that people (my dear wife included) seem to want to poke all of that stuff at me, knowing that I love it. It's a whole lot easier to just give in and eat some but I am not the kind of person that can eat a little. I find it easier to not eat any than to eat a little and when I do eat a little, I want MORE! And I've found myself giving in a lot more than resisting.
I play jazz piano. And I have discovered that I am on top of my game, alert, play well, have my best energy, when for about 24 hours prior to the gig, I eat basically clean carnivore. A typical meal before a gig is something between 1/2 and 1 pound of beef (usually hamburger patties), and 2 or 3 eggs cooked sunny-side-up. And that's it. No veg, no bun, no carbs, no sugar. I feel great with loads of energy and focus. It took me a bit to figure that out. Previously, I'd been finding myself running out of energy and reaching for a sugary drink or a caffeinated drink (or both) trying to keep my energy and focus going through a 2 or 3 or 4 hour gig. And then I tried the above. Now it's water only while I play and I feel great, even after a 4 hour gig. I'm not hungry, either. Might not be for everyone but it definitely works for me. Funny thing, even at some of our gigs, people wanna poke food at me. NO! Just NO!
T'ain't always easy. :/