Personally, I've never had any pushy Jehovah Witnesses at my door. Maybe half a dozen visits in my entire life, and all's they do is politely ask if I'd like a copy of their newsletter, The Watchtower I think it's called.
The LDS (Mormons) came to my door one day asking if I'd like to learn about their religion. I said yes, and invited them in. After their surprise faded, and after I got their hearts restarted with the defibrillator - they came in. We actually had a great talk. I told them the chance of converting me was about as high as me converting them to my religion, and they were OK with that. I genuinely wanted to learn more about their religion, just so I would know. We actually ended up becoming friends (as much as an old guy and two young missionaries can be). They came back for several more visits and discussions at my invitation. One time it was pouring down rain when they were ready to leave. They looked out at their bicycles in dismay. I said, "Look, I won't tell anybody, but we can throw your bikes in the back of my car and I'll haul you over to your place". The wife had the truck and I was stuck with the Mustang convertible. None the less, we took the top down, crammed two bikes and one missionary in the back seat, and the other up front with me. And we drove like hell in the rain over to their church (I forgot the technical name for the place, but I don't think they called it a "church" - it was their place of normal services though). We were soaked, but laughing our butts off. We stopped 100 yards shy of the place, pulled the bikes out and off they rode for the remainder of the trip so as not to be detected. I guess the ride in my car was bad form per missionary protocol. I brought the convertible top down, headed back home, and dried out the car interior.
They invited me to one of their pot luck dinners (the best name I had for it). I was graciously received, even though it was well known that I was just "learning", and not a potential convert. The food was great. And they had a Pinewood Derby track and setup that was to die for. We had so much fun with those little cars.
All in all, I consider the whole thing to have been a very good and fun experience. There were more similarities than differences between their religion and mine.