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If you ever wondered what modern problems the young folks have these days, wonder no more! There are these things called "brushes' for your hair, ever heard of them? Apparently, they are not as easy to deal with as it seems...
I included two screen shot in case you did not want to watch the whole several minute crying delema. I am not including the ending!
In case you were wondering. Yes. This person actually took the time to video themselves and then... posted it for the world to see.

If you ever wondered what modern problems the young folks have these days, wonder no more! There are these things called "brushes' for your hair, ever heard of them? Apparently, they are not as easy to deal with as it seems...
I included two screen shot in case you did not want to watch the whole several minute crying delema. I am not including the ending!
In case you were wondering. Yes. This person actually took the time to video themselves and then... posted it for the world to see.
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View attachment 114216
If you only knew how many times I've done that very thing lmao, but at least my hair is curly-ish, straight hair seems like you'd need skill to tangle it that way
Man, it sucks to get old and start receiving ads like this:


Actually, I do have one of these devices. I got it back when I was having some PVC's. I wholeheartedly recommend it if you have the medical training and experience to read ECG's and can spot abnormal things on your own. For those without this training, it might still be useful, but it can only detect a limited number of things on it's own. Pretty much you'd have to let it send it's stuff off to your doctor for analysis. Which is what it is designed to do. For a subscription fee, of course. But if you have the training you can review things locally yourself for free. Without the subscription it doesn't save your old ECG's. But it's trivial to tell it to email you the PDF of the ECG it just took - and then you store that PDF file on your own. For as inexpensive as it is, it does take quality ECG's, albeit limb leads only, and anything other than Lead I requires you to be a contortionist.

Here's an example of a Lead I ECG that mine took off of me. Not a bad image for checking for bad things (nothing bad illustrated here):

Screenshot at 2023-08-17 18-31-27.png

Here's something a bit more interesting (from before I had the ablation that straightened out things so they now look like the above):

Screenshot at 2023-08-17 18-37-05.png

In my case, these PVC's were benign (and transient), but it's nice to be able to capture that "funny feeling in your chest" to see what it is and discuss it with your doctor. FWIW, this personal ECG device will not detect the above obvious PVC's as an abnormal reading on its own. It only detects things like A-Fib on it's own. So it is mostly reliant on being able to transmit to someone knowledgeable for analysis. Which is why I mentioned that the device might be more valuable if you have some medical training to interpret the results yourself. Although, I can't imagine that even a lump of coal wouldn't question whether the above is normal or not. I guess it is regular/repeatable, so some might misinterpret that as "normal".

Still - I had to laugh at the advertisement for "appreciating Baby Boomers"!
Man, it sucks to get old....
From the files of "You know you are old when..."

The wife and I are dressed up to go out on a Friday night...we're in the car...we pull out of the driveway....

Wife sees younger neighbor wife, and asks me to roll down the window so she can ask a question.

We pull up, and the neighbor says, "Are you two all dressed up to go out? How cute!!"

Yeah...we're so old, it is "cute" when we go on a date. :rolleyes::):cool:

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