The Walking Dead

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You'd think they would kind of do an all over check as part of the "food" prep, but if not, that's on them, hehe.
Hell its just entertainment, good for a laugh and a modicum of contemplation, I preferred Jericho but the half wits who made the show cancelled it early. One bit I don't get is the show is set in Georgia which I believe is usually warm/ hot and quite humid, Shirley the Zombies should have almost rotted away by now?

I definitely preferred Jericho as well. I think there's another thread here somewhere about it, along with conspiracy theories of why it was cancelled.

I think walking dead is a far superior show to Jericho. I mean its so much better on so many platforms. Before I get into this note I enjoyed the show Jericho. I did not dislike it at all however, The first is the cinematography. The way the show is shot is so much better. Jericho uses basic lighting in almost all aspects. They have it the same, dark moments that are sad or when we find out crazy information really isn't lit or displayed very differently than when something is happy. this is just weird and felt awkward. The writing is next, the dialogue in Jericho could really use some help. The young boy and girl are just a dramatic storyline that doesn't make sense. It is over dramatic between the two and so overacted that is makes them very unbelievable. And overall the dialogue is much worse. Not to mention the acting doesn't have much range. For the first chunk of episodes I didn't mind until I realized the actors make the same facial expressions for every dramatic moment. Plus the main character has this look on his face for about 99% of his emotions hahahaha
Now Jericho is a good show and could have run for a lot longer but that is what was wrong with it at the very basic level. Thats pure technicalities. thats not even the artistic, interpretative part of the show that is meant for our enjoyment. But for film people like me I can see why the show wouldn't continue to air.

While people who like post apocalyptic shows will definitely enjoy Jericho, people who don't necessarily gravitate towards that genre won't. It didn't have enough storyline that we cared about outside of figuring out what is happening. There is some romance that I really just never connected with. I personally think this is where the Walking Dead does well. Not the romance hahah, even though I do really like Maggie and Glen, but the outside of the main story. There is so much more to care about outside of whatever the main character (Rick and Carl in this case) are doing. There are so many subsections that we actually care about and that aren not just a filler. They bring back the side stories and connect it with the main plot almost every time. It is incredible.

Now being a film major, I could be a good 32841239874123 times more effective if I could actually sit here and visually show you examples and honestly I could go on about this forever and compare literally everything but I am already tired of typing and I haven't even touched the surface. Hahah
If anything, both the Walking Dead and Game of Thrones shows have really shown that when characters face the very real (on the show) chance of dying, it equals good ratings because you really share in the peril these characters are in. I mean, losing Hershel, was like losing a friend.
same here,do watch B5 more or less over and over again...addicted to it

and Star Gate..and the spin-offs....ok I love me a nerd ;)
I did enjoy Jericho, but it was straining credulity at times and overly melodramatic. Walking Dead seems much more credible, with characters that feel genuine. The Governor was a bit over the top though, I was glad to see him go.

Stargate was one of my all-time favorite shows. Possibly due to Carter...Carter had a lot of similarities with a girl I knew in high school that I had a long held crush on, she even looked a lot like her. A no-nonsense atypical blonde, good looking, smart as a whip, hard working, etc. Stargate Atlantis was pretty good too. But I got a bit tired of the whole good Rush/bad Rush thing in Stargate Universe.
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the universe spin-off never did sink in with me...
but they have very nice strong and smart women characters on both star gate and atlantis...and boy,they are beautiful aswell
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So they just added the show The 100 to Netflix. I have only seen the pilot but it actually seems super promising. Has anyone else seen it?
Yeah we got the 100 on Sky a few months ago, quite enjoyable, When the show first kicks off it comes across slightly like a show for teens, but it quickly develops into quite a good PA drama.
So it seems Bob never was part of Terminus they knew everyones names from the join us or feed us talk . looks like Carol has taken off agin mabe she is hideing somthing from when she was exiled .
SPOILER ALERTS! (if you aren't up to date on episodes).

Daryll and Carol took off chasing a car they thought had Beth in it.

Seems we were right about Bob being tainted meat. Their bad for not checking. Not sure if that would have gotten them sick, but moot point now, eh?

I'm SO glad Rick got to use that machete though, as promised. Classic.

"Didn't want to waste the bullets..." Nice.

Rick's plan was a pretty good one. I didn't even see it at first (and I'm a big fan of whack-a-do strategies). Nicely done! I didn't see it until I realized Carl didn't have a machine gun. Then I knew Rick and the team's whole strategy was to draw in the watchers, and catch them unawares. Risky though, with that baby in there and all.

Dumb move splitting up though. Wonder when they are going to realize Eugene is full of it? Will be a bad day for him then. My guess is that Eugene already figures there isn't anyone in Washington, so knows he won't have to deliver on that cure malarky. Just his way of keeping more skilled folks around, and all with one priority, keeping HIM safe. Smart move, though, have to admit. Just a gamble that they won't demand more details.
So apparently it was the zombies outside the cabin that Tyreese told Carol he "had to kill" and not the Termite they'd taken captive.

There's a feeling that the show is winding down. Seriously, how much more drama can they manufacture at this point beyond the possibility that Eugene really does have the cure. Otherwise, it's just travelling from place to place fighting zombies. There is the man from Rick's hometown that is following them. I'm wondering why he hasn't appeared to help out yet. And Beth in the hospital. But eventually, these things are going to be just boring reruns of a similar past drama.

What do you think they could do to create some new excitement in the show?
Well, they have source material (comics), so not like they are shooting blind. I purposefully am avoiding those though, as I don't want to spoil anything on the show. (even though only loosely following it).
Well, they have source material (comics), so not like they are shooting blind. I purposefully am avoiding those though, as I don't want to spoil anything on the show. (even though only loosely following it).
So apparently it was the zombies outside the cabin that Tyreese told Carol he "had to kill" and not the Termite they'd taken captive.

There's a feeling that the show is winding down. Seriously, how much more drama can they manufacture at this point beyond the possibility that Eugene really does have the cure. Otherwise, it's just travelling from place to place fighting zombies. There is the man from Rick's hometown that is following them. I'm wondering why he hasn't appeared to help out yet. And Beth in the hospital. But eventually, these things are going to be just boring reruns of a similar past drama.

What do you think they could do to create some new excitement in the show?

My friend has read all the graphic novels and he said that we are only like a 30-40% of the way through. There is so much more to come and he said they definitely keep your interest and actually gets better. he said a couple of his top favorite characters aren't even in the show yet.
They have put togeather some talent off screen . As long as the actors hold up they could go on for years like Gun Smoke .
Just got around and cought up on the last episode of the walking dead!
All i can say is:


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I didn't notice but my Son pointed out that Noah is the kid from Everybody hates Chris . Tuff flash backs with SGT Abrham . Talking Dead explained a little more back ground on why he killed the guys in the store . And previews for next week blew some of my ideas on what would happen with Daryl and Carrol .
Do you guys watch THE LAST SHIP, I really enjoyed S1 its nothing like the book though but still a damn good series. I like TEX as the best character.
I watched a few episodes of Last Ship. It was good, hoping to actually catch up on it a bit at some point (been recording it).

Can't believe the Eugene finally outed himself. I mean, c'mon, they were pretty much idiots for believing that nonsense anyhow, and really should have figured it out (I mean, I know I did, first episode with him), but Abraham pretty much reacted just how I expected him to. (and I'm kind of glad he did).

And the fact that he sabotaged the bus....even worse. I would have pretty much left him for the walkers at that point. (then again, I never would have fallen for his BS). I'm sure the fire hose incident was meant to try and get the audience on his side, but even after that, I won't shed a tear for Eugene if he bites it. He killed people's hope, which can be even worse than killing them really.

Abraham looks poised to off himself. If he does (via a shot to the noggin), he's going to bring that entire base of walkers down on them as soon as he'd rung a dinner bell. Bet he doesn't do it though. I just hope he doesn't apologize to Eugene. He had it coming, and deserved those licks.

From the previews, my suspicion that Carol got "captured" to rescue Beth seems to be dead on. Guess that's what the next episode will be all about. That storyline is kind of a weird hope that wraps up, and we get folks back together soon. I'd really rather see what's going on with Rick and company.
Yeah I was a little bit shocked by this past weeks show but not much. I sort of thought he was lying all that time. However Abraham is starting to go nuts, you could see that from the get go this last show. He was doing all kinds of rethinking, and the look on his face makes me think he will kill himself, he was going to just before Eugene showed up so maybe he will then all the walkers will show up. I am taking it that Daryl got Beth back where he showed up there with Rick and told them to come out of the bushes, however they are going to drag it all out for us.
If you seen the long preview I wonder why Carrol and Daryl had the carefully wrapped body they were putting on the burn pile outside the Hospital ? So Carrol made it through the Hospital I think she took off on her own for some reason she dosn't think she is part of the group anymore .
It's all guesswork until the next episode anyways. Glen and Maggie gotta feel like idiots now, tagging along with that lunatic for a bogus mission. If I were them, I'd be even more ticked than Abraham, because it means I left my friends for nothing!
Seems like we won't see any fallout from Eugene yet though, as next week seems to be the Daryl, Carol, Beth storyline.