Sharkbait, I have been down this same road with W Ashley many times about firearms. He admits to have no knowledge and does not own any but comes here and talks big. I understand your intentions are well meant but he is not worth responding to.
FWIW, what you post is informative and interesting. Thanks for posting solid information.
Trapper stop communicating with me. I have advised you I will pursue recourse for harassment. That is all I have to say. I'm not here to prove anything. I'm not trying to tell people what to do. Unlike you and some others who seem to be trying to manipulate and control, whereby you resort to personal attacks when the information is missing.More useless threats that you can not back up. Perhaps its time you get banned for your threatening tone.
Anyone can have a website and claim to be anything they want. It still does prove anything. However here you have proven yourself as the Village Idiot, with honors.
Trapper stop communicating with me. I have advised you I will pursue recourse for harassment.
I'm not near a courthouse at the moment but I will be returning to the nearst courthouse in mid october, and I will be pursuing charges as well as civil violations and to get a restraining order against you, I will once again request you stop holding communications with me. there is no need to reply just stop directing communications to me Trapper.
Ok, now that you have shown us canada's law. I am 99.9999999% sure Trapper is a US Citizen, and there fore has this protecting himYou are advised this is a serious matter
"Canadian law makes criminal harassment an offence punishable by summary conviction
or by indictment. This offence currently carries a maximum penalty of ten years in
prison. Section 264. (1) of the Criminal Code specifies:
264. (1) Criminal harassment - No person shall, without lawful authority and knowing
that another person is harassed or recklessly as to whether the other is harassed,
engage in conduct referred to in subsection (2) that causes that other person
reasonable, in all circumstances, to fear for their safety or the safety of anyone known to
(2) Prohibited conduct - The conduct mentioned in subsection (1) consists of
repeatedly following from place to place the other person or anyone known to them;
(a) repeatedly communicating with, either directly or indirectly, the other person or
anyone known to them;
(b) repeatedly communicating with, either directly or indirectly, the other person or
anyone known to them;"
William,converting a Trane furnace from natural to propane or vise versa is more than just changing the orifices.The two fuels run at different operating pressures.Natural runs at 3.5 inches of water column vs 11 inches wc with propane.
The gas control valve needs converted as well by a qualified HVAC technician that has the equipment and can set the pressure with a manometer.On a Trane,it will require a parts kit which will have the proper sized orifices and the conversion/spring kit for the gas valve,the kits will vary depending on what model you have.
Coverting one without doing it properly,not setting the valve outlet pressure or using the incorrect sized orifices can cause the furnace to not burn properly and lead to damaging the heat exchanger,sooting up,releasing of carbon monoxide or even an explosion.Pay for the service call from a reputable heating and cooling company,it could be life or death.
Also,stop rubbing squid juice on yourself and eating it raw,I am a saltwater reef aquarist and have a good deal of experience in marine biology.There are microscopic parasites,fungus' and bacterias that can be very harmful to the body,not to mention many,many species of cephalopods are toxic.Some species are harmless as cooking kills off these toxins,some can be fatal.Hope you know what exact species you are having.
I'm not sure if you are posting this stuff to get a rise out of someone or what,but truth be told,you are playing with fire.Both of your experiments,with your furnace and your squid skin lotion,have the strong potential for being fatal mistakes.
PLEASE call what ever law enforcement agency in Canada that you wish. Show them this entire thread, then report back with what happened. I have not done anything wrong, civil or criminally. Not only will you not get the time of day from any law enforcement agency, you will be talked about and laughed at for days after trying to make a report. You have to be the biggest moron on the internet........ By the way, at this point what you are doing is harassment. Keep it up, I know of several reports that have been made to Clyde over your post. None at this point are from me. So if you get banned don't blame me. Everyone is tired of you.
[quoexactly are you referring to?olt 1911, post: 34894, member: 68"]I can't stand this ********.
i beleave that ashley needs to be banned,on acount of the things he post are wrong.and also because of the threats he' been makeing..and did'nt he actully threaten trapper in a diffrent post?
Stupid people are just stupid, did you read his squid juice sun burn cure ? WTF ?
[quoexactly are you referring to?olt 1911, post: 34894, member: 68"]I can't stand this ********.