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The wife and I use insulated Sorrell boots here. They're good down to something like -45. They keep my feet plenty warm when I'm out sitting on the tractor.
They used to be made in Canada, not sure where they're made now.
Lots of those boots can be seen walking around here in montana. I have several pair of good old pack boots with the removable liners for cold work. The cheap rubber ones are mainly so I don't track chicken poop in the house.
The sun came out for about 5 minutes today. Then more heavy snow settled back in.
I think sunday was the first cold day of this winter -10c, not real cold until yesterday - -20 C an then last night - 30 C , about 6 inches of snow and little wind, sounds like paradise compared to the south and the other side of the rock pile (Clem)
Always good to see you!!😃😉
I think sunday was the first cold day of this winter -10c, not real cold until yesterday - -20 C an then last night - 30 C , about 6 inches of snow and little wind, sounds like paradise compared to the south and the other side of the rock pile (Clem)
I was just thinkin' you should be getting good and snowed in and with no other options might pop in and say howdy :)

I think we are supposed to have a low of 4 tonight and a high of 3 tomorrow - yep you read that right. 🌊🌴🐚🏝️
I saw strange clouds tues and wed. High level winds were screaming by. The clouds are sort of like sand under fast moving water. Makes the ripples on the sand close together. There’s definitely a ripple pattern in the clouds I saw, very closely spaced ripples.

Patch’s picture shows it (below). They are horizontal and high up. Tuesday I saw much lower storms clouds being whipped by wind. They stood like vertical rectangles with swirls, looked like an alligators back. Yep, strange clouds indeed. I ended up with about 3 inches of rain on tuesday’s event.

It’s 59 degrees on my porch at the moment. 80 degrees in the house. My heat is off but I baked another pie. 🤫

Supposed to have tornadoes tomorrow… I have fuel issues with both my generators. Seems stored fuel goes bad in about a month. I poured out gas on the ground today and had trouble getting it to burn. Got 35g in the shop that I might have to dump. I heard at the oil company in town the feds changed the formulas for gasoline, other people having the same issue as me. Don’t know it that's true, sounded plausible.

Dreading the cold monday. I have to have a generator running for the folks.

cloud ripples.jpeg
Just took the Aussie out for a walk. Computer says it was 8 degrees when we left, now it is 7 degrees. Phone says it is 11 degrees. Either way, it is a little cold. Aussie wants to go for walks to do her business, will not do it in the yard like all the other dogs. Looks like I will be have a few brisk walks this weekend and wearing two pairs of pants.
It's been snowing almost non stop for a couple days now. Right now the wind is really blowing hard and its still snowing. The wind is coming out of the west, which our house faces west, and it's blowing snow through the cracks around the windows in to the house. Not sure what the wind speed is but its about as high as I've ever seen it here before. There's no question that we're snowed in now, just don't know for how long. I'll assess the road condition tomorrow. They're calling for up to an additional 20 inches of snow by Saturday and 45 mph winds.
@Mountain trapper y’all don’t put any plastic around your windows for winter weather? I’ve got one I keep plastic on. When we’ve got serious cold I put towels or light blankets or sheets up to the windows, definitely helps keep the warm in, cold out.
See @Pearl ’s weather for similar to mine. Last night was pleasant out! 50s!
Everybody, be safe.
It's warming up here. -38C/-36F. In a few days, it is projected to be -25C/-13F.

LadyLocust, I missed your post about the trees. Nothing will save fruit trees and bushes at -45C. The cold tolerance ends at -40 and that is mostly bunk as well. This is not a fruit growing area, but I thought I would give it a try with some Russian varieties.

On another note, my lilacs that I dug up and brought in because they are small and broke dormancy, are blooming.
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Storms are a couple hrs away, be here before noon. 56 degrees at 8am. Baro has leveled off at 29.37, this storm is going to have a little kick. No tornadoes so far today!

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I think that is Pearl's "round #3" that missed us today.
90% chance of rain today, not happening, updated to 0% :oops:.
Edit: You just gotta change that Baro to millibars!gaah
we have some apple trees that are those special variety and so far have stayed alive down to -38F. The super hardy cherry trees grow but the extra cold weather kills the trunk and branches. We have one that grew back some branches this summer so we will see...
the high temp was around -20F today. I was prepping another load for the freeze drier so I just sat the full trays on the back porch and they chilled right down. I put a pan of soup out to cool down and left it too long.......solid clam chowder.


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