weather where you are?

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we now have heavy rains passing through north of us..but yet,it looks like we're gonna get hit with it as well..

my yard is the same..the san Augustine grass is the thickest it's ever been,in some areas.and it's spreading over into new/other i have my mower set 1 setting higher..
N.E. Ohio, getting ready for a rain. I hope.

Our 3 acre "pond" is 14 inches low, the garden is getting too dry so I'm
hoping for an all night soaking rain.

Maybe the fish will start biting again.
Looks like a good time to have preps, for sure. Be careful Jim and everyone else in the area.
gotta be careful. when it comes that storm..especially those in it's direct path..their calling for 70% on saturday,sunday,and monday. when it comes to where i am..
Still hot, dry and dusty here and no rain in sight. Temps in the low 80's. Sounds like a broken record. We had a few drops of rain a couple weeks ago but it didn't even amount to a trace. So we're still zero rain since early June. Our pond has dropped about 8 feet now. I don't think there's any chance of it going dry though. The springs are still in good shape. Just about every day the dogs go over the hill and swim in the spring closest to the house.
Your summer sounds like ours last year - we couldn't buy rain.

This year, however, is way different. I mowed the yard last weekend. If I had cattle and a hay bailer I'd have been set... and that was from a week....
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Heat index 104, but should be cooling down tomorrow with expected rains of anywhere between 10 - 20 inches depending where Harvey makes landfall. . . can you tell we will be on the east side? I got a call this morning from my friend in hospice care's mom saying today was a good day to visit, but she was concerned with preparation that we would need to do to get ready for the storms. Told her I'd see them in a couple hours. Only thing we have left is some work on the pigpen to help keep it from flooding so bad, but that will be done after work tomorrow, also topping off water barrels for the critters and filling a few more jugs for us. The storm is really slow moving so don't really expect the bad weather till Fri maybe or Sat. I wouldnt get another chance to go until probably the middle of next week so didnt want to miss my chance of a nice visit. It was the start of week 5 today. . . they thought she only had maybe a couple weeks left.
Heat index 104, but should be cooling down tomorrow with expected rains of anywhere between 10 - 20 inches depending where Harvey makes landfall. . . can you tell we will be on the east side? I got a call this morning from my friend in hospice care's mom saying today was a good day to visit, but she was concerned with preparation that we would need to do to get ready for the storms. Told her I'd see them in a couple hours. Only thing we have left is some work on the pigpen to help keep it from flooding so bad, but that will be done after work tomorrow, also topping off water barrels for the critters and filling a few more jugs for us. The storm is really slow moving so don't really expect the bad weather till Fri maybe or Sat. I wouldnt get another chance to go until probably the middle of next week so didnt want to miss my chance of a nice visit. It was the start of week 5 today. . . they thought she only had maybe a couple weeks left.
Everyone should have a friend as good as you. I wish your friend well. As far as the storm, what I've seen so far looks like the flooding will be he biggest issue. Hope you and Jim are high and dry as can be.
I'm not stressing about the house flooded ng, but the goat pasture is another story. I may have to move them to the back deck and ask hunny for forgiveness later. ;) Being on the east side I'm more concerned with tornadoes.
I'm not stressing about the house flooded ng, but the goat pasture is another story. I may have to move them to the back deck and ask hunny for forgiveness later. ;) Being on the east side I'm more concerned with tornadoes.

Sometimes that's what you have to do...

Hope y'all don't get slammed as much as they're talking about.

Keeping y'all in my prayers!
We are under heavy smoke, curtailing any outdoor work, temps are supposed to reach 103. Washington State Governor declared a state of emergency for all Counties. Picture below is the sky and sun.

I've been watching Irma. Kinda concerns me. Last night the weather said they expect in to go up the east coast. Today, I looked at the hurricane center and saw this:

Wow May!! Are the fires close? Sorry I have noticed you hadn't been around much lately. . . . insure you have been on fire watch.must stay safe.!

Yes they are, we have the center pivot going saturating the ground. 949 fires in Oregon and Washington according to the local news and some of these are being deliberately set, one of the fires was set by fireworks, the house smells like smoke on the inside we sent all the grandkids to the house in town but even smokey their. This is the worst fire season I ever seen.
Hoping with that low it will push keep it away from us. . . poor FL is going to get hammered no matter what. At least it won't be sandwiched between two highs to stall it.
Hoping with that low it will push keep it away from us. . . poor FL is going to get hammered no matter what. At least it won't be sandwiched between two highs to stall it.
Now I'm concerned about my elderly MIL. She lives alone in central fla. I would love to have her come here but she has 11 cats and refuses to leave them and doesn't feel that she could transport them. Why are older people stubborn and independent! Lol. Seriously, I am concerned some, but we will just have to see what comes. Worse case is an average 8 hr trip one way to go grab her, more if a bad storm.
Now I'm concerned about my elderly MIL. She lives alone in central fla. I would love to have her come here but she has 11 cats and refuses to leave them and doesn't feel that she could transport them. Why are older people stubborn and independent! Lol. Seriously, I am concerned some, but we will just have to see what comes. Worse case is an average 8 hr trip one way to go grab her, more if a bad storm.

Hey Brent, is there a local shelter near you that may be able to house the cats if you explain the circumstances to them? 11 cats... ouch

I was reading this may be similar to Andrew and possibly the same area (Dade county) as Andrew if it hits Florida :(
Hey Brent, is there a local shelter near you that may be able to house the cats if you explain the circumstances to them? 11 cats... ouch

I was reading this may be similar to Andrew and possibly the same area (Dade county) as Andrew if it hits Florida :(
There welcome here as well. Two little hiccups, one I'm allergic to cats and two my two real dogs, as in the outside ones, would love to eat all of them. Seriously, I would find some arrangement for them. But as long as that 77yr old woman feels she can live and be independent I'm just wasting my breath trying to convince her to move up here. :)
Social media was used big time during and the flooding here. Lots couldn't get thru to 911 cause they were overloaded with calls so started posting on fb and twitter their location with rising waters. Everyone with high lift trucks tractor whatever used first then boats when too high. . . point is with older people, most don't use twitter or fb. Their only hope is getting thru to 911, a neighbor helping them or just plain luck. It is already a 4 . . . I totally understand her wanting her independence, but this could potentially be one of the worst in history. . . . is she still going to be able to live there by herself if she has no electricity for days or weeks, can she haul water to flush toilets and do laundry. It maybe childhood memories of doing all that, but her body has changed over that time too. Can't do what you used to be able to do. As granny says. . . never get old, its for the birds! Just things to consider.
Social media was used big time during and the flooding here. Lots couldn't get thru to 911 cause they were overloaded with calls so started posting on fb and twitter their location with rising waters. Everyone with high lift trucks tractor whatever used first then boats when too high. . . point is with older people, most don't use twitter or fb. Their only hope is getting thru to 911, a neighbor helping them or just plain luck. It is already a 4 . . . I totally understand her wanting her independence, but this could potentially be one of the worst in history. . . . is she still going to be able to live there by herself if she has no electricity for days or weeks, can she haul water to flush toilets and do laundry. It maybe childhood memories of doing all that, but her body has changed over that time too. Can't do what you used to be able to do. As granny says. . . never get old, its for the birds! Just things to consider.
She can send emails but is far from computer savvy. She did recently use a 12 ft ladder and hung a light fixture on the front of her garage. I guess she still has some self reliance in her. I just sent her info on the rocket stove made from bricks and the zeer pot cooler. I have no doubt she could set up both to use with what she has lying around. Even though she's pretty tough, I do wish I was closer. I think landfall is still predicted for fri. In S fla so far.

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