What Are You Having For Dinner

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Tonight was Huevos Rancheros.
  1. One or two Flour Tortillas. I cut the tortillas into 1/2" strips (I use scissors), then hold all the strips in a cluster in my hand and cut the cluster all at once to make 1/2" squares. This makes it easier to eat - no need to cut/rip tortilla while eating - it's already bite sized. Just leave tortilla whole if you want the more traditional look.
  2. 1/2 Can of Black Beans (preheated)
  3. Two or three eggs (cooked over easy)
  4. About 3/4 cup of 505 Southwestern Medium Green Chili Sauce (preheated). I do not like their Mild Chili Sauce, but the Medium is good.
  5. Shredded Cheese of your favorite variety or mix
  6. Sour Creme
  7. One small Sliced Avocado
  8. One small Tomato. I haven't tried adding this before, but I will next time. I think cutting it into small wedges and arranged among the avocado slices in the final step will look nice. You could get pretty artistic with the sour cream, avocado and tomato and make fun designs. The melted cheese makes a good background to hold all the artwork in place.
I cut up the tortilla first and spread it across a microwaveable plate. Then I heat the beans and chili sauce in bowls in the microwave while I'm cooking the eggs. When the eggs are almost done, I spoon the beans on top of the tortilla, then the eggs on top next, then the green chili over all of that. Then I put a healthy dose of cheese to cover. Into the microwave the plate goes while I slice up the avocado. Out the plate comes once the cheese is completely melted and on goes the sour creme and avocado (next time I'll add some tomato wedges at this final point as well). This is one of the quickest meals you can fix.

If you're a carnivore, throw some shredded cooked chicken, beef or pork into the mix somewhere along the line. I'd probably stick it in between the beans and the eggs. Even browned hamburger or sausage would be good too. You can't really mess up a dish like this. Just add in whatever you want. Onions, mushrooms, black olives. It's like Taco Bell - I think they only have 7 different ingredients in the entire place, but they throw them together in different combinations and name the result as different menu items. If they throw ALL the ingredients in at once, it's called a Supreme something-or-other.
Made Shrimp Taco Salad last night.


Leftovers for Breakfast or Lunch...
Spinach lightly fried in coconut oil with two tablespoons of caramelized onion and half a lemon wedge,
two strips of ham and grilled garlic bread. I'll be having the same tomorrow to finish off my internal spring cleaning.
Nobody better visit before Monday without a full NBC suit on! six months of toxins are getting removed, but I'll have
so much energy to spare about mid week! I can't wait for the butter nut squash and zucchini to come in, might even grill a
Spaghetti squash! Monday I'll need three doses a day of white Sulfur and black strap molasses or honey+ brewer's yeast
to complete the maintenance work for a few days to pump up my metabolism, then Friday, a nice, fresh, steak and egg dinner!
I hate winter now that I no longer have a wood stove to cook over, this canned crap is killing me!

I might stay Asian-Paleo for a while if I can find what I like.

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