Diet, No! Family tradition to help tolerate the heat of July and August. Digesting meat generates more heat than veggies. As it happens, there’s a surplus of veggies during the hot months. In the deep south, if you’re working outside and want to avoid heat stroke, lay off the meat, especially red meat. For protein I rely more heavily on eggs and fish.
In these modern times with air conditioning it’s not as critical. But, until a couple years ago I still cut hay in July and august. Eggs at breakfast, no bacon or sausage, maybe tuna salad for lunch but lots of veggies and fruits. Red meat for dinner if needed since I can sit under the air conditioning at night.
But old habits are hard to break, summer is veggie time. I still eat a lot of veggie only meals. Natural cycle, in winter I eat a lot more meat, lots of carbs, sometimes meat only meals. I also tend to put on an extra 15 or 20 pounds in winter. I lose it in summer but not by design. I don’t care what the scale says, just coping with the heat.
Have to tell this, I was in boot camp in florida in august. I told the guys from up north to lay off meat at lunch. They didn’t listen at first, every afternoon they’d drop like flies while training outside in the sun. Some began to listen and tolerated the heat much better.