I can't recommend a ozone generator to you.
I'm not an expert on them by any means .
I know they will create a 3rd oxygen atom that is harmful to your lungs.(therefore all the warnings , not to breathe generated ozone).
They will eliminate odors, they will remove bacteria and viruses from the air in the room. I don't know how , or if it will affect mold
Like almost anything else, if not used properly, it can be harmful. It can also cause ozone pneumonia.
Do your research , there's tons of info on ozone generators, then decide if it will work for you.
I have been using one for many years to remove odors (skunks, cooking odors, etc).
But, I always, left the house while running it, until this time , because I assumed that I had it isolated...
I'll never run it again if I'm in the house.