What's everybody doing today?

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Family has my weekend planned for me. Plus I'm on call for work.


Mom's. Find the roof leak in the house roof. Fix if the thunderstorms hold off. Mow her lawn.

SIL. Cutup fallen tree. Mow her lawn if the thunderstorms hold off. Load up and take my mower because unknown if SIL's mower works (sitting all winter) and she has a history of no preventive maintenance.

Home. Clean out and wash out the chicken coop in prep for the new flock.

Unload mower and put away, unhitch trailer truck and put it away too.



Meet with the in-laws at a restaurant for Mother's day.

Then to MIL's for wife's Birthday celbration.

Then to my mom's for Mother's day.

Get my afternoon nap in before bed time if I'm lucky.
Not sure if I said this in an earlier post but DH does have COPD and some kind of bacteria colonizing in his lungs. Antibiotics for now and maybe oxygen down the road. Great diagnosis as far as we are concerned!

Today, I finally made the mango pie, made mashed potatoes to go with the meatloaf I thawed, cooked corn on the cob, ran to the grocery store and the hardware store. Took some eBay photos. Now, taking it easy
Deep cleaned the bathroom: shower,tub,sink,mirrors,toilet.
Ran sweeper in living room.bedroom,sewing room,kitchen
Wiped down kitchen cabinets, table,top of chest freezer.
Removed the sheer curtains off of living room windows.
Had little lady here today for a few hours helping Granny.
Estelle and Strawberry had to get reaquainted today.
Peroxided my left foot a couple times today.
Estelle ran over Granny's foot yesterday, bled like stuck hog.
Finally got bleeding stopped,got the blood out of baby blanket too.
Been working getting the leftovers used up this week.
Will start fresh Sunday.
Still got to get mom her Petunia's for Mother's Day.
Told my sons wanted a couple more raise beds.
But if they hold true to pattern, I'll get dirt, potting soil. lol...lol..:ghostly::):thumbs::woo hoo::clapping:
@The Innkeeper I hope your back pain is easing today, husband seizes up like that too and I back car up to back stairs and I carry him to car to get to he hospital and we spend some hours in emergency. You will be tender for a few days but hopefully the pain will ease and by all means no lifting and take it easy.

@The Lazy L you are a good man doing all that you do for others. Try encouraging and showing SIL to maintain mower and tell her to start it up every now and again to keep it going. Although you have probably tried to do that already keep trying :).

@MoBookworm1957 no good about your foot try and keep it up for a while and I hope it heals really quickly.
Continuing on from last night is that we got the quadruple batch of granola made and instead of more cooking and prepping we folded up 4 loads of washing and put them away and made the bed with clean sheets. Started getting cold (got down to 4 oc last) so we mellowed in front of the slow combustion stove.

More prepping, cooking and food and garden lavender separating and herb picking from the gardens today.
Continuing on from last night is that we got the quadruple batch of granola made and instead of more cooking and prepping we folded up 4 loads of washing and put them away and made the bed with clean sheets. Started getting cold (got down to 4 oc last) so we mellowed in front of the slow combustion stove.

More prepping, cooking and food and garden lavender separating and herb picking from the gardens today.

Even up here it was so cool I had to put a blanket on the bed and drag out the sweats and the hoodie.
I even put sock and shoes on to water the garden!

Then again I'm a little tropical hothouse orchid so if it gets down to 25 degrees C I'm shivering.
Rug up then @Tank-Girl and you would do no good here on the cold mountain plateau unless you had layers on to resemble the Michelin woman :D .

Sitting here in track pants & thermie bottom, thermie top, tshirt and Sherpa lined jacket, wool socks and to top it off sheep skin ugg boots and we have the fire dying down to relight tonight. It hadn't reached double figures with the wind chill factor until after 9am.
I'll give y'all some warm. It was 87°F here in rhe Sooner State. I got my back, side, and front yards mowed today after we got back from OKC and my hubby getting his staples out. If my Sil and grandsons come and finish the rest and put thr gravel back in the driveway, I'll be caught up for a week, maybe.
And a yummy port to finish the long day......
Been feeling under the weather, so went to the Dr today. Dr ordered blood work, and is scheduling me for a test. Probably nothing wrong, but felt a Dr visit was a good idea. I'll probably feel worse when I get the Dr's bill, lol, yikes!

Tomorrow is Saturday, Yea! Going outside to breathe the fresh air all day... can't wait! :)
The gun show is in town! Everything else is on hold until we find out if it is a bust or a joy.
Since Washington required the transfer of all arms to go through an FFL the gun shows have been getting more ridiculous. It is more like a "flea market" than the old gun shows but sometimes there are bargains to be found. We are looking for canning supplies, powder, dies and primers. Time will tell. See you all later!
Recovering. While gardening yesterday I moved wrong and seized my back up I couldn’t get upright. I have a history of back issues due to numerous MVAs and a couple skydiving accidents. Couldn’t get into car or truck, ended up fill of nitrous oxide in back of an ambulance. Muscle relaxants and pain drugs. Pretty tender today
You've only one back. Take care of it!
Today I'm making colloidal copper for the first time.

I'm pretty sure that my beans have halo blight and from what I've read copper based sprays are a fix.
We'll see how well this works because even though I've chosen blight resistant tomato and bean varieties having a spray that helps with bacterial and fungal issues will be a God sent.
Today I'm making colloidal copper for the first time.

I'm pretty sure that my beans have halo blight and from what I've read copper based sprays are a fix.
We'll see how well this works because even though I've chosen blight resistant tomato and bean varieties having a spray that helps with bacterial and fungal issues will be a God sent.
I use this on fungal issues on my fruit trees. Haven't used it on veggies yet but it's VERY effective on fruit trees.
I use this on fungal issues on my fruit trees. Haven't used it on veggies yet but it's VERY effective on fruit trees.View attachment 6878

I've used something similar on roses when I had them but I brought copper pipe and done a fair amount of study especially to make colloidal copper for the garden.
ATM things are a bit grim so I don't have the luxury of going to the garden center to buy spray so you do the best with what you've got.

I plan on cutting the CC in a 1 to 1 ratio with filtered water and I may add a teaspoon of dish soap to the mix.
Finished the grape vines with granddaughters help, then planted more tomatoes and did yard cleanup. Husband took a fall and is not good. Bruised his shoulder and hip. Waiting on him. Back to using the walker. Stubborn man won't go to the ER. I was outside spraying with the water hose and the old heeler we have mistook my thumb for the nozzle. Nearly took off my whole thumb nail. Glad I have antibiotics on hand. So that is wrapped. We are a sorry looking pair.
Finished the grape vines with granddaughters help, then planted more tomatoes and did yard cleanup. Husband took a fall and is not good. Bruised his shoulder and hip. Waiting on him. Back to using the walker. Stubborn man won't go to the ER. I was outside spraying with the water hose and the old heeler we have mistook my thumb for the nozzle. Nearly took off my whole thumb nail. Glad I have antibiotics on hand. So that is wrapped. We are a sorry looking pair.
hope everything gets better for you and yours. prayers sent.
Finished the grape vines with granddaughters help, then planted more tomatoes and did yard cleanup. Husband took a fall and is not good. Bruised his shoulder and hip. Waiting on him. Back to using the walker. Stubborn man won't go to the ER. I was outside spraying with the water hose and the old heeler we have mistook my thumb for the nozzle. Nearly took off my whole thumb nail. Glad I have antibiotics on hand. So that is wrapped. We are a sorry looking pair.
Dang. . I hope you both heal quickly!
Finished the grape vines with granddaughters help, then planted more tomatoes and did yard cleanup. Husband took a fall and is not good. Bruised his shoulder and hip. Waiting on him. Back to using the walker. Stubborn man won't go to the ER. I was outside spraying with the water hose and the old heeler we have mistook my thumb for the nozzle. Nearly took off my whole thumb nail. Glad I have antibiotics on hand. So that is wrapped. We are a sorry looking pair.
At least you didn't get punctured by old heeler.
Sorry your husband took a fall.
Sometimes, I have found, that NH (dude, guy, man, husband) needs a verbal kick in the butt and the strong message that I'll be waiting out in the car/truck/van, or will call son to take him to ER, etc.
Last time he had to go for something like that, he knew he needed stitches right quick across the palm of his hand. At the time, he had no employment or insurance and they never sent a bill. (About two weeks before his mishap, I tripped over a heavy box while carrying a box, probably fractured a rib, definitely bruised my arm, jammed a finger, and bruised my shin. Moving is dangerous business).
Still debating whether we go to ER. Have helped him to the bathroom twice. Son moved the recliner into our bedroom. So he can go very slowly from the computer chair to the recliner or the bed by using the walker. And yelling it hurts. He's sitting up with a heating pad now, did ice earlier. Stubborn old man. Hard getting him to the bathroom and back. Two of our grown kids live with us, so they are lots of help.
Ever have one of those afternoons where you've done a fair amount of work in the morning and gone inside as it heats up and come afternoon
just can't find the energy to go back outside and finish up?

I got my whippersnipper fuelled up, protective long sleeved work gear on...yeah...gloves (lol), hat, safety glasses.....
No energy.
Flat as a bucket of warm beer.
I REALLY want a nap BUT....
the grass isn't going to cut it's self and the resident Eastern Brown snake Johny Death has been pretty active before he
hybernates for the winter.
I don't want to step on him and I'm sure he feels the same way.


This is the reason why I need a goat or seven.

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