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Thank you! It was a scary moment that I won't forget!Glad you let go of the dog and didn't get hurt, Weedy.
Thank you! It was a scary moment that I won't forget!Glad you let go of the dog and didn't get hurt, Weedy.
They are incredible dogs! They are personable--greeting almost every person and almost every dog. She has an instinct about people and dogs to stay away from. She also has humans that are her very favorite people. She can go kind of happy crazy when she sees a couple of her favorite people. RR are also very protective. If someone comes in the door, she uses her deep growl and bark and heads to the door, until she is told it is okay. They are playful! Oh she loves to play with other dogs or even us. When the weather is good, she gets lots of walks and dog park time in between the other dogs I care for. She asks for it and needs it. If the weather is not good, she invites us to play tug of war or to throw balls for her to fetch (in the hallway). She loves little dogs and loves to run with them. She sometimes wags her tails when she sees cats, and sometimes growls at them, but mostly it is tail wagging. She is mostly really curious about other animals, especially rabbits. When she found the baby, she had no thought to hurt it, more curiosity about it. Ridgebacks want to be where their people are. If you leave the room, she follows. When one of her favorite people comes in the door, she runs to greet them. They like to sleep under a blanket and she has a few. When she lays down, she makes a noise that we all know is her request to be covered with a blanket. She loves to snuggle. Since she is my daughter's dog, she gets to be on furniture and when I sit down on a couch, she comes and sits right beside me. She has never been in a fight, but has seen a few. She will not put up with being bullied by other dogs. If another dog is not being nice, she gets nose to nose with them and looks them in the eye. Sometimes she uses her nose and touches the other dogs nose to get their attention. Another thing she does with dogs that are not being nice, she runs away and stays away from them. She is never looking for a fight. She has dog friends and if other dogs are giving her friends a hard time, she does the nose thing and looks them in the eye. She is not an alpha dog, but she is not going to be bullied by one either. She is a treat hound. BTW, can you tell how much I love this dog? I spend time with her when my daughter is busy because she has health issues and takes medication. She takes diuretics, so sometimes needs to go out frequently.@Weedygarden I grew up with a Rhodesian ridgeback as a family pet and yes they are very strong and run like the wind and they love children too and despite their size they are incredibly gentle. I used to take our ridgeback for runs along the beach and despite the fact I run fast when he was at full gallop I was airborne behind him hanging onto the leash.
He was a rescue dog we got from the RSPCA and obviously had been brought up around children and taught to bring children back in from the water if they were too deep. When we first got him I took him to the beach and he brought my two in to the shore by hanging onto their shirts and pulling them in. Only problem was he did it with other people's children and one fishermen thought he was attacking mine until I stopped him and told him what was going on. We had about 12 children running in the water deep with the dog bringing them all back in they had a fantastic time and the parents were all glad for a break I think.
Try the blood sugar 2 hours after eating.Thanks y'all. I'm fine. The kid has me worried though. She had breakfast and her blood sugar only got to 109. She had dinner an hr ago and her blood sugar is 79.
Is she diabetic and what meds is she on?It was at 82 at 2 hrs. Oops, that was 3 hrs.
I was walking my daughter's Rhodesian ridgeback today. We came up a flight of 8 steps from one level to another. I had her leash in my right hand, but from behind me, she went to my left side. Then she saw a rabbit, which she loves to chase. She took off running after the rabbit, which spun me around 360 degrees in about 2 seconds. Fortunately there was a tall sturdy bush there that I could grab onto to steady myself. I was sure I was going to fall down and almost did. By the time I could steady myself and look, I saw the dog rounding the corner two buildings away. I ran over there and she was coming back, looking for the rabbit. This is the same place where she found a baby bunny almost 3 weeks ago. I have seen rabbits there, and then they are just gone. I believe they have a den or hole in that area. We looked and looked for a rabbit's den so the baby bunny could go with its family with no luck. The dog is strong and that running and chasing instinct is also strong in her. I often make sure I get a good grip on the leash and for a split second thought that was what I needed to do today, then realized that was not going to work for me, so I let go of the leash. I was also concerned that she would run into the street and get hit, or go chasing somewhere and I would not be able to find her.
Did you know that a Rhodesian ridgeback is part greyhound? They are the second fastest dogs, after greyhounds. And they are very strong dogs.
Husband feeling worse today painwise, so we went to the ER this morning...home about 8 hrs later. Got his breathing under control, xrayed hip, shoulder, and lungs. Nothing broken and no pneumonia. He tore something on his upper thigh and on his shoulder. So pain pills, but having to keep him on oxygen because the oxy will make his sleep apnea worse. All in all he's better. Son took care of the grandkids for the day. Two daughters joined us at the hospital, and another one came to the house to make sure all was well. She works at the same hospital, but graveshift. Luckily we got home about 6 p.m. Funny thing happened, our son has two very broody silkies. They sit on everyones eggs in one nest. They take turns getting up. He put a few large chicken eggs under them, and three hatched last week. He also put two of our turkey eggs under them. Today two turkeys hatched! Can't imagine what went through that silkies mind when she hatched two large turkeys. They're in the brooder now, cute as buttons. One Royal Palm, and one Slate. Need to get in the shower and get ready for an early morning at work.
I went to a funeral this afternoon, my aunt, she fought cancer almost a decade. My dad held the graveside service. It's been a while since I heard him preach. I'd forgotten how long winded he was. 20 minutes in and I'm thinking "Dad, it's 92 degrees and a bunch of old people standing in the hot alabama sun. If you don't wind this up soon you'll be holding more services"
I finally got to see my head stone. My parents and I purchased our head stones last winter. Sort of gave me the willies. I was happy to see there was only one date carved in it.
Tonight my great nephew is graduating from high school. I guess I'll attend, at least it's outside on the football field.
Just sitting on the couch feeling shaky. Albuterol...I feel like I have butterflies in my lungs but the elephant that sat on me left so I guess its getting better.
I have been reliving my near fall yesterday and realize that falling is dangerous. I hope both of you are doing better today.Finished the grape vines with granddaughters help, then planted more tomatoes and did yard cleanup. Husband took a fall and is not good. Bruised his shoulder and hip. Waiting on him. Back to using the walker. Stubborn man won't go to the ER. I was outside spraying with the water hose and the old heeler we have mistook my thumb for the nozzle. Nearly took off my whole thumb nail. Glad I have antibiotics on hand. So that is wrapped. We are a sorry looking pair.
Yep. Thanks Weedy. Husband is working from home this week. He is horribly bruised by the fall, but bruises easy on his meds anyway. I took some antibiotic just in case for the dog bite. Things were almost normal after work yesterday...sitting down for dinner and realized grandson was nowhere around. Decided to run away to his friends house. Left a note saying he was teased by some girls at school so he decided to go to his friends to stay. Ha! He's been feeding his friends mom a bunch of woe is me baloney and hoped to have takeout and play video games. His sister said some girls at recess told him he needed to get a bra, after he puffed out his chest gangster style to them. This grandson is giving me gray hair. So dinner was way late, called the kids mom, she had already sent him home. He comes in the door and gets an earful. I told him if he took off again, we'd call foster care and find another home for him. I can't deal with him and everything else. There is the end of year band concert tonight the kids play in. Usually they stay after school, and help set up and the band teacher orders in pizza for supper before the concert. Granddaughter will go to school today. I've decided grandson will go to work with me today. He can bring the schoolwork that I assign and work all day, and I'll bring him to the concert to play when I go to watch.
Rain rain rain ( 4inches so far)....been raining everyday for about 4 days now ( some big storms in there too) supposed rain ( 80% chance) for the next 2 days and then it drops down to 40% over the weekend.
SO that means just getting things done inside and no outside gardening done
Cleaning and hanging out online I guess today
It can get bothersome but forest fires are the worst. I was really starting to worry about fires here till this past week it finally rained.