What's everybody doing today?

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Oh, never mind....
That was at the pediatricians office.
Yep. They give the kids aged 10-18 a clipboard with a pen and all the questions. The nurse watches to make sure the parents don't fill it out. Grandson knows he'd be in big trouble if he checks yes on something stupid to be goofing around.
Yes! But look at where you are now, Sewing! Patchouli will do the same!
Survived work. Kept the twins home from school today because they had physicals I had to take them to. Love the questions....do you feel safe at home, do you want to hurt yourself, does anyone bully you, do you have guns in your home. Also....do you play over 2 hrs of video games a day, how often do you drink soda pop? They are ordered in advance to say no to the gun stuff. She was surprised at their weight loss from 3 years ago when they came to live with us, and surprised at the lack of video games and doing chores. Nosey, Nosey. They're now good for a year. I put duck and turkey eggs in the incubator. We will see in 28 days. Hatched nine chicken chicks yesterday. Still need to butcher those Cornish. Hopefully son will start them tomorrow when I'm at work. Good thing the kids stayed home from their indoctrination center today, just got an email that they were on lockdown. Because a neighbor was reported with a gun. It was a BB gun. So they go tomorrow for 3 hours to sign yearbooks and then they're done for the school year.
This one, @Amish Heart !
Oh, never mind....
That was at the pediatricians office.
Yep. They give the kids aged 10-18 a clipboard with a pen and all the questions. The nurse watches to make sure the parents don't fill it out. Grandson knows he'd be in big trouble if he checks yes on something stupid to be goofing around.

My daughter just handed the clipboard to me last night. Told the nurse she didn't feel good and wasn't going to do it then laid down. We never did answer those.
Since they are twins, and there were two forms on one clipboard, I had an excuse to take it after granddaughter was done and before grandson got it. Granddaughter knows exactly what to put. I said I needed to put their names on each, so I checked the no guns box on his. I figured he'd get serious questioning if he said he wanted to hurt himself or was psychologically impaired. He did ask me what sexually active meant.
Their questions are insulting.
Had a day of visiting ministering with two sisters today my old friend in an aged care facility and another friend who's husband due to injuries has had to give up work. Had a wonderful time with my old friend and we were talking about being frugal and how most families in the world (not all and present company excluded) spend a lot on unnecessary high priced items whilst struggling to put food on the table for their children. I do recognise that a lot of families are in circumstances beyond their control with job losses, family breakdowns and divorce and other serious circumstances too. The latest statistics in Australia is 40% of families are struggling to put 3 meals on the table for their children (stats according to the Salvation Army) as we have one of the highest price groceries in the world.

Next was visiting our other friend who is really financially struggling and we talked about how to reduce grocery bills by looking out for specials, blanching and freezing cheap produce and subbing brand name products with generic. Over the time we have been seeing her she has implemented quite a few strategies that she finds are helping to reduce her grocery bills.

Got home and I stain removed some clothing and put a load of washing on and hung it out. While I was away DH put the rubbish bins out for collection and watered part of the front yard with saved grey water from our showers and washing machine and used the dish rinsing water to water some of the newly planted seeds and sprouted seedlings in the gardens.
today daughter and i start deep cleaning entire house. she wants the kitchen[:D and i will let her. there is nothing about cleaning cabinets that i enjoy] and i will tackle the dining room. together we can work major miracles or so we hope. after morning :coffee::coffee:.
R.I.P. Sweet Molly!
Sorry to hear about Molly, Snappy. Was that the older dog that you were taking to the vet?
I started to go to work this morning, but husband needed to go to ER...leg and foot was swelling. Thought maybe a fracture from the fall on the 13th or a new clot. Got home after lunch, they didn't find either, so that was good. He needs to elevate and wear compression stockings. He has no patience for either. Enjoyed a root beer float on the patio this afternoon. Son and grandkids butchered 4 of the Cornish. Three more to do tomorrow. I zoomed down to the grocery store before dinner.
my oldest daughter and her hubby went back to hauling cross country. she didn't really want to but she said she had to get the grand boys school c;othes for next year since their mother is not going to. i'm going to look at goodwill and see what i can find to help her out.
@timmie Try hitting the yard sales and check with church friends too. Sometimes folks will pass along all the clothing their kid wore the year before. Sure helps keep down the cost of buying clothing. Sometimes if I have extra $ I buy the next size up for kids when it is the end of a season on big discounts, they can wear it the next year.
From the sweet potato harvest we weighed them today and have 25kg of them so far and with organic sweet potatoes currently selling at $12kg we have made ourselves a tidy profit of $300 over buying them in the local supermarkets :).

Onto today where we didn't get the chance to harvest more sweet potatoes but did get to trim the roots off the ones we harvested earlier and put them in a wheelbarrow and get them up on the veranda behind shade cloth on newspapers on the wooden veranda.

DH started the morning off with stain removing some clothing and putting a load of washing on the clothes line and bringing in the load of washing I did last night. While he was doing that I deep cleaned the bathroom and toilet and when DH got back in he vacuumed the whole house. I then mopped all the floors and then DH washed all the dirty dishes, cleaned the kitchen benches and I wiped them and put them away and put the dish rinsing water on the cauliflower seedlings in the gardens.

Our shopping E-Voucher codes came in from us buying 2 x $350 grocery vouchers for $600 through email. I just used 1 voucher for part of our 2 monthly grocery shop and with specials saved $74 in total. We will now be topped up on meat and other things for a while.

Shortly we shall fold up 3 loads of clean washing and put them away and make the bed with clean sheets. Tonight's dinner was spam and egg toasted sandwiches.

@snappy1 I am so sorry for the loss of your beloved Molly :( and big friend :huggs:to you to know we are thinking of you.
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Hi ho hi ho
It's off to work I go.
Then I think someone is coming over after work to buy baby chicks.
Son and grandkids will finish up the Cornish butchering today
Husband wants homemade pizza tonight
Granddaughter has invited over a group of giggling 13 year old girls for tomorrow for a party to celebrate the end of the school year.
I told her that she needs to prepare the lunch and desserts and activities. And do the clean up. She has decided to let them make their own individual pizzas, and she is making a cherry platz and a cake for dessert. There are lots of waterballoons. I think I'll keep busy cooking and shredding chickens tomorrow for the freezer.
Today I have to prepare the yak ranch for some young and energetic 4-H club members coming tomorrow for a yak visit. 4 years ago I had fenced myself in with the yak herd and so it is always fun to entertain visitors. Yak count is presently at 22. Don't know how many 4-H'ers will be coming. Preparations will include tidying up the place, making sure the yaks haven't dismantled all the outside chairs, ensuring I have adequate grain and cookies (for a few yaks that are cookie-eaters), and instructing the yaks to be on good behavior. They usually are . . . but because I live on a remote site, they don't get to see too many other duo-leggers like myself. If all goes well, it should be fun.
Keeping an eye on the Gulf....NOAA says we have a Tropical Storm (90%+ chance) heading straight for us, and out over the Gulf waters these things have the nasty habit of becoming early season hurricanes.


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I hope it doesn't turn into one! I have family there too and last year's hurricane spared them on the damage but was a huge problem anyway.
I saw the Arabian Peninsula was expecting a "rare" typhoon. Rain in the desert. Geoengineering?
Thank you all for your sweet thoughts and condolences! @Amish Heart Yes, she is the one. She'd been slowing down for awhile, but didn't show signs of illness until about a week and a half ago. I am glad she is not in pain today! The little pups are kind of acting out--potty in house. That should stop soon. Thank you all again, you are appreciated!

Today's missions are to make the waffles to freeze and to can Vidalia onion soup. Maybe eBay photos.

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