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I talked to former colleagues about it. One was in the hospital frequently, and they couldn't figure out what was wrong. She was in her 40's when she was finally diagnosed with celiac.
Another former colleague had celiac in her family that had gone undiagnosed for generations, but many people in her family were unwell and died around the age of 50, probably due to celiac.
There are three kinds of cancers that are associated with celiac. Anyone who has digestive issues and doesn't feel well frequently should be tested for celiac. I know a man whose wife lost an aunt to cancer. The doctors knew the cancer was associated with celiac and all of the relatives got tested. Friend's wife, at the age of 28 found out that she had celiac. They never have gluten anything in their home now.
https://www.niddk.nih.gov/health-in...who have celiac,the world have celiac disease.
"Many people who have celiac disease have not been diagnosed. However, experts estimate about 2 million people in the United States have celiac disease and about 1 percent of people around the world have celiac disease."
I would be curious as to how many of those are actually sensitive to the chemicals used on grain crops and not the grain itself. I know it's the real deal for some, but for many, I think it might be poor diet choices.
I would be curious as to how many of those are actually sensitive to the chemicals used on grain crops and not the grain itself. I know it's the real deal for some, but for many, I think it might be poor diet choices.
It is possible, but my daughter is pretty conscientious about her diet. She likes to eat healthy and organic because of her celiac. Poor diet choices can cause many problems that some are unaware of. I have often wondered what I might have eaten before going into premature labor with her that might have caused problems for her in utero.
@Grimm - I once had over 700 stuffed animals. Couldn't donate them. Toy Story ruined me. I personified everything. Those animals were real and had feelings; how could I abandon them to someone else? I didn't know what would happen to them! What if they got thrown out or used as dog chews? Nope. Nope. Nope. I could donate any other toy, but not my stuffies. Finally when I was like 20 or 21, I donated them, but it took a while. And I still have over 200.

K made a 'zoo' for the stuffed animals but the girls throw everything in there and the bottom is full of barbies and AG dolls.

I had a large toy collection growing up as well. I didn't have friends growing up so my toys were my friends. I have always hated stupid (people) and my toys were anything but. I never got rid of any but when I moved out my parents got rid of anything that wasn't in the attic.

Now my mom is part of the toy hoarding because she makes all kinds of cute stuffed animals and dolls for the girls and I don't have the heart to get rid of them.
Beautiful day today. Got a little bit of rain this morning. Not enough to save the grass by any means but made the weather nice. For the first time in well over a year (due to the neighbors) we have the windows open.
Got lots of calls taken care of as hubby woke up early again. Working with a new Morgage company. Things so far seem to be going well. This gentleman understands us and just made a big move as well so knows how to work it out. Have a meeting with him in the morning. Hopefully some good news coming our way. 🙏🏼
Today was a good day, other than trying to deal with the wife's foot, I think the doctor is looking for an appointment time when I am not available to bring her in...

I put a half-lid on one of my raised beds that is up against the house, it was very easy to do, then I planted some sugar peas in there just to see if they will grow there now (nothing has grown there in the past so what the heck).
@UrbanHunter hope your wife's toe heals quickly and no complications. Glad you got her in, diabetic neuropathy is no joke.

@Patchouli my great grandmother came over from Ireland to Massachusetts. I am mostly Irish and Scottish. I believe my DNA test was something like 47% Irish and 42% Scottish with the other 1% being a mix of stuff

I've been able to trace my ancestors back to Robert the Bruce, several English and Scottish kings. It's pretty fun, I totally got into genealogy during lockdown. I took my grandmothers handwritten records and expanded on them. She had actually gone to Nova Scotia to transcribe documents. She was a Mayflower descendent, and we have about 10 Revolutionary war patriots between my mom and dad.

@Neb your property is quite beautiful, I love how green and lush the landscape is.

@Katie Müller thank you --> I feel like these poor kids have been through so much the last few years and haven't had a real high school experience. Need to let them have some fun. It's my daughter's senior year, I want to make it as good for her as I can.

Catching up on posts, sorry for delay.

I started an 8 day stretch today. Was busy on my days off with my kiddo, and trying to pack to move. We are getting there. I'm ready for it to be done, but then that means my girl will be off to college, and I'm not ready. Bittersweet for sure.
Beautiful day today. Got a little bit of rain this morning. Not enough to save the grass by any means but made the weather nice. For the first time in well over a year (due to the neighbors) we have the windows open.
Got lots of calls taken care of as hubby woke up early again. Working with a new Morgage company. Things so far seem to be going well. This gentleman understands us and just made a big move as well so knows how to work it out. Have a meeting with him in the morning. Hopefully some good news coming our way. 🙏🏼
Yay! Praying for happy news 🙏
I've popped on here several times - have gotten a ton done so far yesterday and today (at work) despite having an allergic reaction and endless interruptions. I'm really wanting a nice day to be one of my days off so I can play outside ☺
Whatcha allergic to, Lady L?
The sun, chocolate and a list of other things but those are the two that got me. My face, mostly upper lip is all swollen/cold sores. Milk is usually the culprit that results in the fat lip (& cold sores) but not this time. I hadn't had chocolate for a long time and had some of those chocolate Easter eggs with that shell about the size of robins eggs - they were irresistible! Then got too much sun (I'm very fair-skinned.) I just hide and try not to go anywhere (in public) for a few days.
Got off a bit early tonight compared to the last 2 days. I was home by 9:30! And it looks like tomorrow will be more of the same. There are 2 more yard tracks scheduled to get track panels installed. Panels are pre made sections of track, usually 40 feet long. The old track gets ripped right our of the ground by huge excavators. Then the old trackbed gets dug out by the excavators and bulldozers. The new panels get laid down and bolted together and rock gets dumped on them. That's my time to shine. Problem is, it's late in the day before the track is ready for me. I'm ready for a regular 8 hour day instead of 12 or 13...
@LadyLocust Some friends, a couple, both carried something involving sensitivity to sun and as rare as it is, passed it on to all of their kids, like 6 kids. They became night people. If they are out in the sun, they can get SO sick but i don't remember what happens to them, but they can end up in the hospital.
@Double R it sounds like great things are coming your way.
@DrJenner that is admirable! I used to enjoy family research and haven't been doing much these days. Lots of German, Scottish, English, some Austrian, Irish, Native American, and French. I think it is hard to say this percent this or that because most of my ancestry has been in America with mixing of cultures for a long time. I met a very elderly lady a few years ago, a distant relative, whose home was full of boxes of her research. Part of my line, she showed me, was in the area of what we know as New York and Pennsylvania in the 1600s. Patriots here too. We could exchange trivia sometime.
Just getting back inside and trying to catch up.
Hubby’s off to work. Spent the afternoon trying to get a plan for the new stock trailer figured out. Will ask the Morgage company tomorrow what he thinks is best at this point. I’m leaning towards not making payments to improve credit score more since (took a hit when we paid off the tractor early 🙄) it will be another hit and show as debt. Interest rates are going up it seems as well. Have no interest in paying more interest with the already increased purchase prices.
Unloaded the new skid steer fork lift attachment for the big tractor. Will make a difference around here and if we are eventually able to escape it will come in very handy for the move. What we had before wasn’t worth it’s weight in recycle. 🤷🏻‍♀️
Currently working on sifting bone broth I had going in the roaster. Also packaging up all the organs for the pets food from the butcher.
Got the hanging weight on the cow. 1088#’s 😱 Definitely not going to schedule the steer for a bit. Won’t have freezer space for a while with all the chickens we got stored away too. Might see what family needs meat and butcher it to split amongst them. We’ll see. Need more animals off the pastures.
@Double R it sounds like great things are coming your way.

I hope so. I know god has a plan. Sometimes hard to live through it. Lol
I’m wondering if things are working out this way because we learned a lot of lessons from the first experience and this new Morgage company rep was meant to be. He just moved to the area and I’m wondering if that’s why the delays have occurred. I would think he’s driven to have clients so that will probably help as well. Just keep on a prayin and trying to make the best of it all. Even if it’s hard sometimes.
I know a few people who have Crohn's. Some of these diseases can shorten a person's life if they are not diagnosed and then diet's are not managed. Daughter gets a hint of gluten and is really sick for three days, and then doesn't feel well for a couple weeks. The one thing that has gotten her more than once is gluten free pizza made in a pizza place where other pizza's are made. Gluten allergies have been scoffed at by many people. Not me. I've seen her after she was gluten poisoned. It is not pretty.
Rice and buckwheat mixed make a fine gluten free dough.. I wish we could still get bags of buckwheat here, boil it up like grits with a ham hock and a fried egg, its yummy!
@sonya123 That's interesting about your grandmother. How did being Lutheran change anything? Was she Jewish before? And I'm intrigued about the criminal part of your ancestry hahaha.

My grandmothers parents were originally gypsies. I don't know how they did it but they bought a pub in a village and my grandmother was born there. I visited there sometimes when I was a kid, one of her brothers still owned it then. The Nazis didn't like gypsies either, nobody does in Europe and it's understandable, they are thieves, con artists , dirty , don't work and have tons of kids. Sort of like ghetto trash in the U.S. When my parents got married my mom's mom ( the gypsy one) did not get invited and my father always denied her heritage. When we visited my dad's family, the grandmother never came along. It was a little weird growing up. She taught me how to read palms and cards and I still have an evil eye for protection ( don't ask lol) .
2 girls, am about to get check up on them. She popped them out pretty fast after getting started.

Grimm, your bunnies are cute!! Almost as cute as my goat kids :) I need to figure out how to use windows 10 and send some photos on here. I have had a new computer and windows 10 for almost a year now and all I have done is figure out how to get online with it.....
The time change messed with my sleep, didn’t get much done yesterday and raining out today. I did take care of all the critters, always have that to do.

I saw a news article that said Senate voted to keep daylight savings permanent, no more time change! I hope they do it , what a pain that always was when we were still working, especially when the kids were young and really didn't want to get up an hour earlier
Our 31st Wedding Anniversary, so she is gonna go hand with her boyfriend Toby (her horse), then we pick a spot for Supper.

I would be curious as to how many of those are actually sensitive to the chemicals used on grain crops and not the grain itself. I know it's the real deal for some, but for many, I think it might be poor diet choices.
Our Dr. that we used for our daughter's autism thought pesticides and glycophosphate (RoundUp) had a lot to do with it, along with some grains being genetically modified more quickly than we could adapt to them.

@Weedygarden - I emphasize with your daughter. I'm celiac as are 3 of my 4 kids. Eating out almost always results in pain. We make all of our own food from scratch - back when we started my oldest complained we were "cooking like cave men".

@Katie Müller - Sorry your Crohn's has taken pizza from you too. These mortal bodies of our can be complicated, eh? I also relate with your personifying toys - but for us it was the movie "The Brave Little Toaster", so w had household appliances added to the mix too ;P

@Neb - even more beautiful seeing the work that went into it!

@LadyLocust - sorry to hear your having allergic reactions. My wife struggled with that for years, some days she could eat something, some days she couldn't. Allergy tests all came back negative. Found out she has a issue called mast cell activation syndrome where her stomach/guts make too many mast/allergy cells and she can react to anything anytime they decide they don't like it. Meds have helped calm it down quite a bit, but I know how scary it can be when you start swelling up!

And to everyone else a wonderful morning to you!
@Grimm - My mom has hundreds of Barbies that she collects and sews clothes for. She will redo the hair of different dolls. We, as kids, would sometimes cut the Barbie's hair, so she has ripped all that hair out, bought new hair and rerooted it in the doll. She took a Barbie that sort of looked like my cousin, used my cousins own hair and re-rooted it. So the doll actually has my cousins own hair.

She also made me a Sissi doll. She found a Barbie that looked like Empress Elisabeth of Austria and then made the coronation dress for her. I've got that Barbie on display in my room. The hair is a little bit of a mess, lol, but it was my mom's first attempt and the cats have knocked her over one too many times. She eventually wants to make another one.

Not the best quality photo, but here's a picture




I had a good group of friends when I was 8 and 9, then they moved away, and I was friendless for . . . actually I still don't really have friends. LOL But my stuffed animals were my friends, too. Probably another reason why it was hard to get rid of them.
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@sonya123 - I don't know much about the Roma gypsies. I know they were hated in Europe. I always found gypsies interesting though and wanted to learn more about them. Do you know what their religious beliefs were? Besides palm reading and (tarot?) card reading, can you or your grandmother or anyone she knew foretell events?

I'm not sure what it is about my corner of the U.S.A. but we seem to experience more psychic phenomena than other areas, either that, or we're just accepting or superstitious and talk about it more. I've met some people who are clairvoyant, but they don't read palms or read cards. It's rather interesting.

@TeeJ - I remember the 'Brave Little Toaster'. There was a scene where the vacuum was choking on its own cord, and my sister was always paranoid not to run over the vacuum cord while vacuuming because she was sure she's cause it to choke and kill it. Lol.

@Patchouli - We've traced some family lines back to the 1600s as well. One family member fought in the Revolutionary War as a scout (same one who married the Mohawk Indian). He was involved in the Battle of Fort Ticonderoga and according to notes was 'intimately acquainted with George Washington'.

@Double R - Man. If I had money and you were local I'd be lined up to buy beef from you. I miss cattle :'( I really, really miss cattle.
It's going to get up to 50 today. Woohoo. Heat wave. Lol. So I'm going to go outside later. Right now just catching up on news and then going to write. Also have to call the doctor and ask them to fix my script. Someone can't count. I was given Flagyll for 14 days, 2x / day, but they only put 20 tablets down on the script. I'm missing 8. >.<
Are you a member of the Cherokee nation? I think you can get in with an 1/8, the wife and boy are members but they are a bit more than 1/8.
Oddly, I'm an honorary member of an Alaskan Innuit clan lodge, I made a ceremonial harpoon and Ulu for one of the higher ups, then told him it was Christmas.
Working on utility/laundry room remodel.

That's enough.

It's like, I finished remodeling the whole house and really enjoying it.

I tried talking her outta doing the laundry room, but , nnoooo.

Hanging drywall. Uuugghh.
Once I get all the drywall done , then I gotta build a small closet type room.
Glad I got all the electrical done earlier .

Then lay all new floor.

My heart's just not in it.

@Grimm - My mom has hundreds of Barbies that she collects and sews clothes for. She will redo the hair of different dolls. We, as kids, would sometimes cut the Barbie's hair, so she has ripped all that hair out, bought new hair and rerooted it in the doll. She took a Barbie that sort of looked like my cousin, used my cousins own hair and re-rooted it. So the doll actually has my cousins own hair.

She also made me a Sissi doll. She found a Barbie that looked like Empress Elisabeth of Austria and then made the coronation dress for her. I've got that Barbie on display in my room. The hair is a little bit of a mess, lol, but it was my mom's first attempt and the cats have knocked her over one too many times. She eventually wants to make another one.

Not the best quality photo, but here's a picture

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View attachment 82510

I had a good group of friends when I was 8 and 9, then they moved away, and I was friendless for . . . actually I still don't really have friends. LOL But my stuffed animals were my friends, too. Probably another reason why it was hard to get rid of them.

I have 5 totes full of dolls. Not from my childhood (except some of the Barbies) but dolls I always wanted as a child. I started collecting them when I worked as a teen at a doll shop next to a Barbie collectors shop in a shopping center called Hobby City. Working there was BAD! There was a place in the center called the Bear Tree that sold teddybears and stuffed animals. I still have some of the bears I bought from there. Boyds Bears. I spent more money there than I should have. I did learn a lot about doll restoration and price values.

One tote is Barbies- the 1950-1960s repros and vintage. Another is Chatty Cathy repros. One Cathy is in the middle of a reroot. Her eyes went pink/purple so I decided to reroot her with black catsilk. Time consuming on a doll that big. I have a second tote for Chatty that has clothes and accessories- all vintage. Another is American Girl dolls. I fixed them up and made them look like new. They are the original 5 from the late 1980s. I had to replace some of their clothes so I got repro clothes because originals were expensive. They still look good. I even have a OOAK AG doll that I made look like me when I was in my late twenties. Another tote is Magic Attic dolls. Those are harder to find and have little value for collectors because they are slim 18" dolls verses the thicker AG dolls. The last tote is Gene dolls. Love those. They are neat for 16" fashion dolls. I have tried to get all the ball jointed ones but the newer edition of the dolls are made from a crappy vinyl that yellows. The original company that made them sold the design to a known doll designer and he opted to change the material and they look bad. The original ones are the desired ones by collectors.

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