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Pacing. That’s what I’m doing 😆
Waiting to hear back from possible Morgage company. This one actually called at the scheduled time! 👏🏼👏🏼 So far night and day experience.
I see the light! Wait….. which light is it? The train or our dreams getting closer? 🤔
Guess I’d better get something else done. Time to cut fat for rendering and run a water test on the freeze drier.
@Grimm - You and my mom would be best friends. 5 totes! Mom's got maybe 2 or 3? Mom's got a few vintage Barbie dolls from 1950-1960s. I was looking at one the other day; I don't think it was anything special but I noticed it was made in Indonesia. I then went on a search for a Made in U.S.A. Barbie and couldn't find one. Were they always made overseas?

I have actually never seen a Chatty Cathy doll. :oops: Now I know where the phrase comes from. Lol. My mom, unfortunately, was really poor growing up. If she had run away from home she could carry all her belongings in a sheet on a stick on her back. Because she didn't have many toys or Barbies she enjoys working 'playing' with them now. Just more upscale; remodeling them and making clothes etc.

Adulthood is a myth. We just learned to behave in public.

Mom's also got a Welly-Wisher doll. Back when I was a kid mom bought me 'Baby Beautiful'. It looked like me and I wanted it so bad. Mom always remembers the day she got it for me because I was cranky that morning. Ha ha. Mom fixed her up recently for me.

Mom's next project is to redo a Barbie to look like the Lady of Shalott.
@phideaux Awe. I'm sorry. My dad hates carpentry work. My brother put new flooring in his house and by the end he was burn out and glad it was over. Is the laundry room at least the last remodel?

Yes it is.
I've spent every waking minute since last September remodeling the entire house.

I'm sick of it.

I want to get outside and do things

Got the twins off bright and early to meet the band bus going to Branson. Spent the day at mom's going through junk and filling up the car trunk with trash. We're moving her Saturday. She already forgot she was moving, thought I was pulling her leg. Drove her the half mile up the road to show her again where she's moving to.
Yes it is.
I've spent every waking minute since last September remodeling the entire house.

I'm sick of it.

I want to get outside and do things

I can relate!

I started the remodel place 4 years ago.

I was till working back then so I could only do weekends and evenings AND there was another house rehab in the meanwhile...

I want to get this over with.

@Grimm - You and my mom would be best friends. 5 totes! Mom's got maybe 2 or 3? Mom's got a few vintage Barbie dolls from 1950-1960s. I was looking at one the other day; I don't think it was anything special but I noticed it was made in Indonesia. I then went on a search for a Made in U.S.A. Barbie and couldn't find one. Were they always made overseas?

I have actually never seen a Chatty Cathy doll. :oops: Now I know where the phrase comes from. Lol. My mom, unfortunately, was really poor growing up. If she had run away from home she could carry all her belongings in a sheet on a stick on her back. Because she didn't have many toys or Barbies she enjoys working 'playing' with them now. Just more upscale; remodeling them and making clothes etc.

Adulthood is a myth. We just learned to behave in public.

Mom's also got a Welly-Wisher doll. Back when I was a kid mom bought me 'Baby Beautiful'. It looked like me and I wanted it so bad. Mom always remembers the day she got it for me because I was cranky that morning. Ha ha. Mom fixed her up recently for me.

Mom's next project is to redo a Barbie to look like the Lady of Shalott.

Welly-Wishers are so expensive for what they are. Target brand Glitter Girls dolls are basically the same thing for a third the cost and acrylic eyes rather than painted. Juju has a few GG dolls. They are her "AG" dolls. Even Roo doesn't have a true AG doll. I got her a Gotz doll that was the Pottery Barn edition from a thrift store and fixed her up. She was better than new. I have a second one packed up for when Juju is old enough for a "AG" doll. Gotz are great for play as they have rooted hair verses the AGs that have wigs. The wigs do make them better for OOAK but the rooted hair is nice for rough play. Even the girls' Bitty Babies were thrifted and fixed up. Why pay $60 for a baby doll when you can get it for $5-10 at Goodwill and use preemie clothes (which can be found on the clearance rack at most stores)!?
@Double R - hope your mortgage goes smoothly and you can make your escape!

@Grimm & @Katie Müller - it sounds like deferred childhoods come around if you don't get a 1st one. My wife is definitely going through hers. However her Barbie work usually involves a hacksaw or scissors. She makes jewelry from the parts mixed in with other items to get a feeling across. They're actually less creepy than you would think :)

@phideaux & @Neb - I've been impressed with your rebuilds. It takes a lot of persistence to tackle a project of that magnitude!

I'm dragging today, but doing better than yesterday which is good. My doc prescribed another two weeks of antibiotics which is awful because they always make me feel awful and leave me in rough shape. He recommended a probiotic that's supposed to be really good that's supposed to help, but I'm thinking I'll grab some cabbage and carrots on the way home and start some sauerkraut and other probiotic dishes to keep the GI system as happy as possible.
@sonya123 - I don't know much about the Roma gypsies. I know they were hated in Europe. I always found gypsies interesting though and wanted to learn more about them. Do you know what their religious beliefs were? Besides palm reading and (tarot?) card reading, can you or your grandmother or anyone she knew foretell events?

They are not interesting in the least. A group had an encampment across the street from my dad's business for a while until they got chased off by the town. I went there to play with the kids, and promptly got headlice. Religion depends, some are catholic in name but they are mostly just superstitious. The work at carnivals and the circus sometimes, or we had some come around sharpening tools and knifes and my grandmother would talk to them. They have their own language. I think fortune telling is just bogus. Nobody can foretell events. You tell people either what you think they want to hear, or what will scare them.

Oh, the doll is beautiful! Your mother is very talented
2 more goat kids today. It's raining and ugly outside.
Very tired still from yesterday. I hope no more goats go into labor until tomorrow, want to go to bed early.

All this talk about ancestors made me look up my grandmother's village to see if the pub is still there. I found the village ( it will be ash if WW3 starts first thing, it's very close to Rammstein , biggest airbase in Europe) but couldn't find the pub. I don't know the address.

I hope it doesn't rain tomorrow, we have stuff to do outside. I want to finish my fence
Got the twins off bright and early to meet the band bus going to Branson. Spent the day at mom's going through junk and filling up the car trunk with trash. We're moving her Saturday. She already forgot she was moving, thought I was pulling her leg. Drove her the half mile up the road to show her again where she's moving to.

Where are they going down here?
Rice and buckwheat mixed make a fine gluten free dough.. I wish we could still get bags of buckwheat here, boil it up like grits with a ham hock and a fried egg, its yummy!
I wonder if you could get some sent to you. Buckwheat is something I've never eaten, but I knew someone who loved buckwheat pancakes. It would be the kind of thing that one of my uncles would like to grow. He liked to grow odd things, like blue corn, special kind of rye, and other specialty grains.
This place has it, but it is not close to you! I have to make a plan when I decide to go there. It's out of my way. Product List – Golden Organics

I am toast...

In the last 4 days I've made just shy of $1,000 overtime pay, on top of regular wages. I need a break.

Tonight I'm at the laundromat trying to get 2 loads done before closing time. I haven't even had a chance to do laundry in the last 4 days. The earliest I've been off is Tonight, at 8:15. Better get it done cuz I'm not sure when I'll get another chance!
I am toast...

In the last 4 days I've made just shy of $1,000 overtime pay, on top of regular wages. I need a break.

Tonight I'm at the laundromat trying to get 2 loads done before closing time. I haven't even had a chance to do laundry in the last 4 days. The earliest I've been off is Tonight, at 8:15. Better get it done cuz I'm not sure when I'll get another chance!
You'll have $ and no time to spend it :ghostly:

Almost everyone I talk to is saying this. We are all messed up.
I resemble that remark 😂

@Amish Heart What was your surprise that your cousin wouldn't tell you?
Well the twins left early this morning, evidentally had lunch at Taco Bell. Had an early supper at a steakhouse (saw facebook photos, but don't know the name of the place), went to see a show....Shanghai Acrobats, and then they were performing on the same stage tonight (Haven Band), then off to bed. They are going to Silver Dollar all day tomorrow. Friday morning they're scheduled for a riverboat ride with a lunch, and then the drive back home. Grandson's girlfriend had some photos up on facebook, but they're basically selfies with kissyface, and had to laugh...the girlfriend's dad is a chaperone, and I can see him standing nearby, not looking very amused.
Busy day. Four dogs, three dog park visits. Wrong, six dogs! I am house sitting for two dogs, the other four went to dog parks, two together because they do better together.

I was at a dog park when a young man walked in. There was a lot going on. I looked at him and realized it was someone who used to be at the dog park frequently and his dog Marley and Crosby played together a lot. Marley is half ridgeback, so he likes to run and chase, like Crosby did. This young man was a troubled teen. His mother sent him to military school in high school and he claims it saved his life. He is about 25 at the most now, but was honored by the school for his accomplishments when he graduated and asked to come back for other graduations. I hadn't seen him in a couple of years because he has a newer job that is different hours than before. He came and gave me a hug. He is young enough to be my grandson. He has other friends at the dog park that are old enough to be his grandparents. I've had many great conversations with him in the five years I've known him. It made my day to see him and Marley. Marley came over and stood right next to me, close enough that he was rubbing up against me. I loved on that dog, petting, scratching, talking to him. He remembered me after not seeing me in two years. Young man was heading to Kansas to visit his mother and grandmother. He gave me another hug before he left.
@LadyLocust Some friends, a couple, both carried something involving sensitivity to sun and as rare as it is, passed it on to all of their kids, like 6 kids. They became night people. If they are out in the sun, they can get SO sick but i don't remember what happens to them, but they can end up in the hospital.
@Double R it sounds like great things are coming your way.
@DrJenner that is admirable! I used to enjoy family research and haven't been doing much these days. Lots of German, Scottish, English, some Austrian, Irish, Native American, and French. I think it is hard to say this percent this or that because most of my ancestry has been in America with mixing of cultures for a long time. I met a very elderly lady a few years ago, a distant relative, whose home was full of boxes of her research. Part of my line, she showed me, was in the area of what we know as New York and Pennsylvania in the 1600s. Patriots here too. We could exchange trivia sometime.
That would be fun!! Most of my family came into Massachusetts. Then to NY with the last generation.
My moms family fled to Nova Scotia when the revolution started. We always joke as my mom will call my dad a Yankee barbarian 🤣

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