What's everybody doing today?

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Last night I spent a lot of time gathering post from old gardening threads to populate a paper gardening journal, I just got lost in all the good stuff...

As I was reading I saw members names who have not been on in over a year, I know some have passed and I was thinking (need to check) that a memorial thread where people can post (positive) comments about our lost members. It would also be nice if the Moderators could change one of the boxes under their Avatar's to something "RIP - Lifetime HCL", so when new members come they can appreciate the work of those before and not waste time arguing with the dead....

Now, hearsay can be troublesome, when I was a freshman in high school I kinda blew myself up and missed the last 3 weeks of school (couldn't see for a while), when I returned to school the next year one of my black friends turned white as a ghost and took off like a stripped ape, it was all I could do to chase him down and get him to realize I was not dead.....

Sorry, TMI.....
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Glad your storms were not too bad, Pearl. I think we'll be picking up some branches after today.
Seems like the wind has been crazy everywhere!! Yesterday we had a wind advisory ahead of a front. Today we will have winds again, just out of the north! The March winds only have a few more days, mother nature better stay on schedule!😀
If I decide to put clothes on.
But may not.

Hey, I don't have to put sunscreen on today.

Sit on back porch and enjoy my coffee and 50+ mpg winds and severe thunderstorms and floods.

Let my body recover from hard labor.

Eat a bowl of corn flakes .

Look out for any tornados that the weather guy is predicting.

Have an afternoon snack ...a 🍌 banana.

Y'all should take a break today. Hey Wiil and Chris kissed and made-up...what more could you ask for.

War...what war?🤔

I digress...
If I decide to put clothes on.
But may not.

Hey, I don't have to put sunscreen on today.

Sit on back porch and enjoy my coffee and 50+ mpg winds and severe thunderstorms and floods.

Let my body recover from hard labor.

Eat a bowl of corn flakes .

Look out for any tornados that the weather guy is predicting.

Have an afternoon snack ...a 🍌 banana.

Y'all should take a break today. Hey Wiil and Chris kissed and made-up...what more could you ask for.

War...what war?🤔

I digress...

A lot more rain heading towards you!
My back porch , facing due west. When I'm done with remodel of utility room , we get to clean up the porch and paint it.

Wind is from South, but there's some woods to help break the wind a little.

Finishing up my taxes! Uhg!

Arguing with the VA. Finally got my congressman involved. Might be making progress now ... maybe!

Getting packed up to head back home for the summer. (Currently in AZ.) Have my first knee replacement scheduled in May. Pre-op appointments start April 12.

Bought a bandsaw lumber mill. It's waiting at home. Anxious to get started with it. I have 20 acres of woods and lots of building projects to get done.
Finally back at the farm to work on the house some more. This flooring is killing me. Like so many things on this building project, I’m learning lots that I hope I’ll never use again - because I don’t ever plan to build a house again! 😂 But getting really anxious about being able to make the full-time move out here.
Today was researching how to get rid of a skunk that has apparently taken up residence under a concrete slab back porch foundation.
Update on Mr. Skunk:

The wife did not want to evict the thing when it was cold outside. Now it's warmer. So I started back in my skunk foreclosure plans a week or so ago. We hadn't smelled him (or her) recently, and no sighting on the outside cameras. I was talking with the neighbor the other day and he mentioned, "Have you smelled a skunk?" My answer was, "Well yes, yes, we have!" He's been smelling the creature for a while too. Turns out he found the wretched thing, in his basement window well, deader than a door nail.

Could this be our skunk? Was he actually living under our slab as we had assumed? I filled our under-slab hole with some leaves from the backyard to check for disturbances over the span of a few days, which would indicate something was actually going in and out of that hole. Nothing. So if Mr. Skunk was living there, he's apparently gone now. So I will fence in the slab hole with metal mesh and then cover it with dirt.

I didn't even get a chance to order my disco light electronic eviction device. 😪
View of my backyard . My neighbor behind me is a multi millionaire, he's nicest guy , in his 40s, 15 acre lake in his front yard, about 200 yards from me.
View attachment 83483

My back yard .
View attachment 83484
We love it here.

Love it Jim! Your killing me with this! Rub in the dream why don’t cha! 😉 Someday I hope to rub it in a bit in return 😉
Love it Jim! Your killing me with this! Rub in the dream why don’t cha! 😉 Someday I hope to rub it in a bit in return 😉
There's plenty old farmhouses for sale in West KY.
Most of em are solid just need updating and cleaning up.
Come on over...we can find you one with acreage to go with it.

Our wind is bad today, so I'll be seeding more plants inside. I set up a folding table to do the work on. Granddaughter got her old glasses repaired this morning at the eye doc, and we got a new pair ordered for her, then dropped her off back at the High School. Too yuck to be outside, but there's plenty to do inside. Brought a few brooder tubs in to set up. Hoping for turkeys and chickens hatching tomorrow.
There's plenty old farmhouses for sale in West KY.
Most of em are solid just need updating and cleaning up.
Come on over...we can find you one with acreage to go with it.

Alex showed a 2 bedroom farm house built in 1930 last weekend on 4 acres it had new roof siding and windows. It was listed at 178k the client made an offer at 176k the house brought almost 200k by the time the bidding war ended!
Alex showed a 2 bedroom farm house built in 1930 last weekend on 4 acres it had new roof siding and windows. It was listed at 178k the client made an offer at 176k the house brought almost 200k by the time the bidding war ended!
Mine had all new electric, new windows, all new heat duct work. I paid 87k.
I could sell it now for around 250k.
But I put lots of work and money in it. On 1 acre.
1 mile from small town.

Real estate is still going crazy here.

You got the Ozarks and Branson.
We got the lakes and fishing and good hillbillies.😆

I’m starting to think buying something just isn’t going to be possible

Oh , the right one is out there. Just gotta keep searching .
We looked for a farm house on 1 acre, to downsize , close by my kids, for 5 years.
Look at a bunch of em .
Then ,bang , one day it just jumped out of nowhere.
Seen it Friday , for sale by owner , bought it Saturday .

6 months in, it's 99 % where we want it.

Just keep looking. Don't quit.


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