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Hey ....no good food you cooking.

Well it's late so I don't need my appetite teased anyway.

Will be cooking tomorrow.
Haven't decided on complete menu yet.
15 bean soup
Ham,mushroom,green,yellow,red, orange peppers diced,slivers of green onions, minced garlic quiche
Coffee or iced tea.
Hope this helps your appetite.
I’ve had one hell of a deal happen tonight. Someone has been stealing walnut logs off of the neighbors place. So he set up cameras and tonight in the rain his cameras catch someone cutting walnut in the dark in this rain storm.
He calls the county cops they show up in a car so he loads the cops up and takes them out to catch the log thieves. They chase the thieves all over the hills. The log bandits try to ram my neighbor and the cop several times and chase them around the property as well.

The neighbor calls me while the chase was on and asks me to block the road at our boundary by the creek. I watched them from the other hillside chasing each other back and forth. Then of course they head straight for where I’m posted up on the hill. Down below me there is a washed out slab creek crossing I can see the lights coming they hit the creek hard like 40 mph with the water high they didn’t know that the concrete slab was washed out sideways in the creek bed. When they hit the concrete in the middle of the creek it absolutely destroyed the truck! The passenger stayed in the truck but the driver tried to get away and the cop tazed him hitting him in the leg then the cop shoots 3 times I don’t know if it was at him or to scare him but the guy gets away. So he’s loose in the woods near or on my place at the moment. I came home and made sure we are locked down for the night. Exciting evening on the ridge tonight!
I’ve had one hell of a deal happen tonight. Someone has been stealing walnut logs off of the neighbors place. So he set up cameras and tonight in the rain his cameras catch someone cutting walnut in the dark in this rain storm.
He calls the county cops they show up in a car so he loads the cops up and takes them out to catch the log thieves. They chase the thieves all over the hills. The log bandits try to ram my neighbor and the cop several times and chase them around the property as well.

The neighbor calls me while the chase was on and asks me to block the road at our boundary by the creek. I watched them from the other hillside chasing each other back and forth. Then of course they head straight for where I’m posted up on the hill. Down below me there is a washed out slab creek crossing I can see the lights coming they hit the creek hard like 40 mph with the water high they didn’t know that the concrete slab was washed out sideways in the creek bed. When they hit the concrete in the middle of the creek it absolutely destroyed the truck! The passenger stayed in the truck but the driver tried to get away and the cop tazed him hitting him in the leg then the cop shoots 3 times I don’t know if it was at him or to scare him but the guy gets away. So he’s loose in the woods near or on my place at the moment. I came home and made sure we are locked down for the night. Exciting evening on the ridge tonight!
Will be cooking tomorrow.
Haven't decided on complete menu yet.
15 bean soup
Ham,mushroom,green,yellow,red, orange peppers diced,slivers of green onions, minced garlic quiche
Coffee or iced tea.
Hope this helps your appetite.

I take left overs tomorrow.
I'd die if I had that this late.
Sounds soooo good.

I’ve had one hell of a deal happen tonight. Someone has been stealing walnut logs off of the neighbors place. So he set up cameras and tonight in the rain his cameras catch someone cutting walnut in the dark in this rain storm.
He calls the county cops they show up in a car so he loads the cops up and takes them out to catch the log thieves. They chase the thieves all over the hills. The log bandits try to ram my neighbor and the cop several times and chase them around the property as well.

The neighbor calls me while the chase was on and asks me to block the road at our boundary by the creek. I watched them from the other hillside chasing each other back and forth. Then of course they head straight for where I’m posted up on the hill. Down below me there is a washed out slab creek crossing I can see the lights coming they hit the creek hard like 40 mph with the water high they didn’t know that the concrete slab was washed out sideways in the creek bed. When they hit the concrete in the middle of the creek it absolutely destroyed the truck! The passenger stayed in the truck but the driver tried to get away and the cop tazed him hitting him in the leg then the cop shoots 3 times I don’t know if it was at him or to scare him but the guy gets away. So he’s loose in the woods near or on my place at the moment. I came home and made sure we are locked down for the night. Exciting evening on the ridge tonight!

Maybe he can meet the puppy.😁

I took a photo of the chase coming my way!

I’ve had one hell of a deal happen tonight. Someone has been stealing walnut logs off of the neighbors place. So he set up cameras and tonight in the rain his cameras catch someone cutting walnut in the dark in this rain storm.
He calls the county cops they show up in a car so he loads the cops up and takes them out to catch the log thieves. They chase the thieves all over the hills. The log bandits try to ram my neighbor and the cop several times and chase them around the property as well.

The neighbor calls me while the chase was on and asks me to block the road at our boundary by the creek. I watched them from the other hillside chasing each other back and forth. Then of course they head straight for where I’m posted up on the hill. Down below me there is a washed out slab creek crossing I can see the lights coming they hit the creek hard like 40 mph with the water high they didn’t know that the concrete slab was washed out sideways in the creek bed. When they hit the concrete in the middle of the creek it absolutely destroyed the truck! The passenger stayed in the truck but the driver tried to get away and the cop tazed him hitting him in the leg then the cop shoots 3 times I don’t know if it was at him or to scare him but the guy gets away. So he’s loose in the woods near or on my place at the moment. I came home and made sure we are locked down for the night. Exciting evening on the ridge tonight!
I took a photo of the chase coming my way!

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While it’s not good someone is stealing it’s sure nice to hear neighbors helping neighbors and cops not being jerks about it! Can’t wait!
Long day of mowing again. Got a bit of weed eating tomorrow and the bottom habitats are finally done. One more field then I'm done at that facility. One more field after that at a different facility and I'm done for the year. Maybe forever?????
Got some meals prepped for the dogs this evening for when we (hopefully) take a trip to look at places. Not sure when that will be but prepping for it so if its a sudden drop and go the bigger stuff will be done.
Closing up the greenhouse and getting ready for bed while waiting for hubby to get to work safely.
Hope y'all had a good day.
I’ve had one hell of a deal happen tonight
Yikes! You sure did. We've never had bad guy action around here to the extent you did. Bad guys driving your way with cops in pursuit, shooting. :oops: I've never tried to sleep with a shotgun, AK, .308 and a couple of handguns under my pillow, but I think that's exactly what I'd be doing after an ordeal like yours. Doesn't sound comfortable.

FWIW, I'm not terribly worried about your safety. I get the distinct impression that your entire family can take care of themselves. Stay safe, and I hope y'all can get some sleep tonight.
Jeez! The last time I called the sheriffs office they took 47 minutes to get here. He said he hurried (probably got lost).

I had a deputy stop last spring when that boy's cows were out. I didn't find out til later he was supposed to be responding to another group of "cows out" 8 miles away! Hey! At least he found cows!

There are more cows than people out here! 🤣
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How are you? Did you actually get to do work today? Sure miss your late night chats
We did a little work. The mechanic had to come out right away this morning and fix the laser receiver on the other machine. After that got done the dispatcher wouldn't give us the track so my foreman played our trump card. He told the dispatcher the track wasn't safe and he took 6 miles of it out of service. We don't play that card very often, because once you do there are going to be phone calls and emails going all the way up to the chief engineer, but once in a while you gotta put the dispatcher in his place. We got done what we needed to get done. But my foreman probably just got himself into a pissing match with the dispatcher and in the long run that's a fight we usually can't win. After all, it's the company's business to run trains and the trains don't run when we're working on the tracks.

I'll be back around for some late night fun someday but probably not too soon. This job has my stress level through the roof right now. I should be sleeping now instead of dinking around on the forum, but screw it. Gotta check up on everybody here, right?😉
We did a little work. The mechanic had to come out right away this morning and fix the laser receiver on the other machine. After that got done the dispatcher wouldn't give us the track so my foreman played our trump card. He told the dispatcher the track wasn't safe and he took 6 miles of it out of service. We don't play that card very often, because once you do there are going to be phone calls and emails going all the way up to the chief engineer, but once in a while you gotta put the dispatcher in his place. We got done what we needed to get done. But my foreman probably just got himself into a pissing match with the dispatcher and in the long run that's a fight we usually can't win. After all, it's the company's business to run trains and the trains don't run when we're working on the tracks.

I'll be back around for some late night fun someday but probably not too soon. This job has my stress level through the roof right now. I should be sleeping now instead of dinking around on the forum, but screw it. Gotta check up on everybody here, right?😉

Yikes. Well what's work without some drama? lol
Just know you are missed. We'll be waiting for your return :)

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