What's everybody doing today?

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This is what I think @Double R looks like, except happy.
You know, northern California and the ranch thing.
I've been up for a couple of hours reviewing some presentations getting ready for meetings today. I looked at the weather, nice this morning leading into thunderstorms and high winds this evening, I have a couple of hours free this morning so I think when the sun comes up I will race outside and get things ready and then pop back in and start my regular work day.

Last night at the dinner table I made the comment, "a little hard work never hurt anyone" and my wife responded, "If it did you would have been dead a long time ago".
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Inch of snow on the ground. I thought we were done with all that. Getting ready to go pick up the neighbor girl and bring her and little granddaughter to school. Granddaughter's dentist appt cancelled, so not sure what's going on today. She has a "job shadow" this evening with a livestock agent. It's a thing that they're doing at the High School. Grandson is job shadowing at a tattoo place tomorrow afternoon. Very odd what they chose. Husband has a doc consultation in the way bigger city today, so might possibly go with him.
Not gonna do much today.
Gotta rest my old body.

We got thru the storms in good shape. Only some limbs down.

@hashbrown, I live 4 miles north of a max security prison , called Castle on the river, and 2 miles south of the biggest prison farm in KY. Guess where the bad guys go when they escape...far away...so I never get to play cops and robbers. The farm has prisoners walk off the farm a lot.. they get picked up in TN or IN.

Build a prison...problem solved.😉

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I like to cook.
Me too! That's where my weight problems came from. Didn't start the problem, but didn't help.

Today, I will walk and walk dogs.
Make sweet potato treats for dogs.
Plant garlic and ginger- the last two items to plant for now.
Clean and organize linen closet- that will be fun.
Bible Study tonight--I think it's movie night.
Today I am cleaning water damaged supplies, rounding up loose ends, fixing a scope mount and cursing so much it makes the devil blush.
then if I can still walk, I'm sorting canned goods and storing my winter clothing. looking forward to a painful, aggravating day.
Me too! That's where my weight problems came from. Didn't start the problem, but didn't help.

Today, I will walk and walk dogs.
Make sweet potato treats for dogs.
Plant garlic and ginger- the last two items to plant for now.
Clean and organize linen closet- that will be fun.
Bible Study tonight--I think it's movie night.
You are so right Snappy.
But I finally found a portion control routine that works for me.
I also make tart, pot pie size portions and put into Food Saver bags.
This way I have ready made healthy meals for me.
I also changed from quart jar to pints size for soups etc.
Waiting on trains again today. I think the dispatcher's boss is putting us back in our place because we took the track out of service yesterday. We might not get our equipment out of the hole today. Oh well, win some, lose some. It all pays the same, bit I'd like to get something done today...
Forum Announcement: This is a family forum.
Posting here since some are either choosing to ignore or aren’t reading forum rules.
Cussing is against forum rules. It’s continuing. This also includes trying to beat the rules by using symbols. This will not be tolerated. We’ve given warning. Bumped rules and still it’s continuing.
From now on posters will not be given a chance to edited out the cussing. Posts will now be deleted by staff.
Please reread the rules if there’s any questions as to what was agreed upon when joining. If there’s any additional questions please PM the staff.
Now back to the fun!
Forum Announcement: This is a family forum.
Posting here since some are either choosing to ignore or aren’t reading forum rules.
Cussing is against forum rules. It’s continuing. This also includes trying to beat the rules by using symbols. This will not be tolerated. We’ve given warning. Bumped rules and still it’s continuing.
From now on posters will not be given a chance to edited out the cussing. Posts will now be deleted by staff.
Please reread the rules if there’s any questions as to what was agreed upon when joining. If there’s any additional questions please PM the staff.
Now back to the fun!
Thank you Double R.
I appreciate all you ladies and gentlemen do to keep this forum decent place.
Finished taking down the shop’s overhead fluorescent lighting, install stringers for LEDs and installing the LEDs.

Old Fluorescent lights
View attachment 83562

New LED lights
View attachment 83563
Looks great - I'm finding I need brighter and brighter light as the years go by. I'm sure they're just making the bulbs cheaper now - nothing to do with my getting old ;)
Installed LED fixtures in the kitchen overheads today. I've been wanting to do that for years. The house came with six 3' fluorescent tubes up in a recessed area of the ceiling. Three foot tubes suck, because they and their ballasts are difficult to find. Things are better now than in years past, but they're still nowhere near as common as four footers. And they cost a lot more. The overhead recess is just an inch or so short of being able to handle four foot lights. I was going to flip things perpendicular and use eight foot tubes, but the recess is a few inches short for the eight footers. Grrr! Why they didn't just put a 4x8 foot recess up in the ceiling when they built the house is a mystery. There's tons of available room. But I finally found reasonably priced three foot LED fixtures, and snagged them. The kitchen is really nicely lit now!

On to the master bathroom tomorrow. It has the same stupid three foot tubes in a ceiling recess that is not wide enough to handle four footers. But it only has four tubes as opposed to the kitchen's six.

I am going to be SOOO glad to get rid of all these high maintenance overhead fluorescents! There's always a bulb or a ballast going out it seems. No more! I've almost got the entire house switched over to LEDs now. Only a few fluorescents left - the basement ceiling lights and the garage overhead light, and two ceiling fans. Those are just screw-in bulbs, so they're not a maintenance issue, and they last forever. But LEDs are better and more efficient. 800 lumens of light output is 60 watts incandescent, or 15 watts fluorescent, or 9 watts LED.

The "problem" with LEDs can be flicker. Say you have a dimmer switch hooked up to a lamp with a 9 watt LED in it. You may get flicker even though the LED bulb claims to be dimmable and you're not even using the dim feature. This is often times because 9 watts of electricity draw through the dimmer is sometimes not enough to keep things stable. Add a second lamp with a second 9 watt LED in it and the total of 18 watts may well get rid of your flicker. Also, different brands of bulbs perform better/worse with different brands of dimmer. So changing your bulb (or dimmer) to another that should be the exact same thing - except from a different manufacturer - may fix flickering. You can also try replacing your dimmer wall switch with a non-dimmable switch (assuming you don't need the dimming feature). For a "smart switch", you can also try one based on a relay rather than electronics (an SCR, etc.) I'm talking about the the actual 120v power switch itself - smart switches are always going to have some kind of electronics inside to facilitate their "smartness".
We get an LED flicker when I use the remote to turn off our bedroom lights. Glad I'm not epilectic.
Went to the Overstock Store and the Dollar General next to it. Found a few good deals. Then to visit mom, who lives just around the corner. She introduced me to her neighbors and the staff (again). Today she loves it there and says it's the best place she's lived, so I'm glad.
We replaced all the 30 year old florescent 2 x 4 fixtures in our school with led panels. The living room had 16 of them. They are now divided into 4 quadrants, each with their own switch and a special dimmer switch which allows each quadrant to be dimmed separately using only one dimmer switch.

The hall was changed to two rows of pot lights, replacing 8...2 x 4 fixtures.

The kitchen and office each had 3 panels and were changed to led panels with light color options to suit ones eye requirements.

Just one year, and the drop in hydro paid for them all. Mind you, we don't light the place up, either.

The electrician installed some shop quality 2 x 2 led fixtures in there and now we practically need sun glasses they are so crazy bright. Looking up is like looking into the sun.
Got 20+ quail and about 1/2 dozen (forgot to count) chicks in the incubator this morning. Hopefully we don't have the great rooster uprising like we had a couple years back where 75% of our chicks were actually roos. It's a new rooster, so hopefully we'll get a better mix. 18-21 days for cuteness in this neck of the Rockies! I like keeping 6 hens and 1 rooster, so any roos that hatch will end up in the pot and we'll have to pick some fun new breeds for us to freshen the barnyard mix :)
Earlier in this thread Neb mentioned Or and And, when I was still working for Square D in Denver in the early 1970's they were just starting to come out with Norpack, fairly small Bakelite containers of switching transistors that were the beginnings of replacing mechanical contactors, I tried to push myself into learning about them but was pushed out, I think the guy they had working on them was afraid I'd take his job over, but I really wanted to get in the ground floor of this And, Or, Nor thing, I knew it was ground floor stuff and electronics had been a hobby for me for many years. Most all of the work I was doing for Square D was high amperage buss work with huge contactors and large circuit breakers, like the one in Jurassic Park that the woman pumped up the spring to close. I left Square D to go logging Beatle Killed Pine, that didn't work out well but it did get me out of a factory that was demeaning work. Anyway, it was a long road from Denver to out here in the woods of southern Oregon, but at least we are living in what we consider paradise, as far as I'm concerned, old tech for us is far better than new tech and it's far less stressful and much more rewarding.
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