What's everybody doing today?

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Thanks @ClemKadiddlehopper! She is doing much better this check. They are climbing on her and pecking her face and she’s being nice. They just all ate together and I was surprised to see she was very careful to eat around them. Big change from sun up. She’s also tucking them under her now out of the box. At this point just waiting for her to get up and move around with them. Another hen started pecking them and she puffed up but didn’t react so we’re keeping them separate a while longer till she figures it out. Time will tell.
Sounds like a relaxing day. That’s a good thing.
I’ve been doing miscellaneous stuff around the house. Going through more stuff. Trying to go through stuff so it’s less to go through if we move. Figure out what’s worth taking and planning where things go if we don’t. Also been checking on the new chicken family. Little rough going this morning for them. Babies aren’t wanting to stay with mom and mom is trying to just hunker down on the ground. When the babies get close to her she pecks them pretty hard. Mostly in the face. She wants them but is clearly confused. Hopefully we can get it worked out.
Hope you continue on with a relaxing afternoon!
Uh-hem 😠 you mean “when we move” right? 😉☺️
Little family has been moved out of the main coop. They are in our quarantine pen together. The babies are quite feisty. Moms not protective of them yet more than puffing up. So they are able to get food and water along with bond while the rest of the flock can be around them but not injure babies. Plus a cover over the family safe from hawks until they all follow and hide with mom. Moved the camera so am able to still monitor from the house. They sure do think mom is a jungle gym. 😂 Getting a lot done now that I’m watching them less. Going to take time but think we should have success.
Jerky is prepped and in the dehydrator.
Sifting bone broth now.
Cooked 2#’s of ground beef for hubby’s “dinner” for the week. He makes all sorts of stuff out of it.
Cooked bacon that needed cooked.
Still need to make soap and package up the freeze drier load. Get it defrosted and the next load in. Those 2 things have to wait till hubby is up so the noise doesn’t wake him.
It’s “very” windy here. Not what most of you probably consider windy but for here it’s windy. 🙃 Going to have to watch the seedlings close and be sure they don’t need extra water. We didn’t get the garden re-tilled last night with all the chicken stuff going on. So we will do that today.
Ok, that's it . I'm too darn old to work non stop , from 9am to 5pm.
Only taking breaks every 30 minutes. I CANT MOVE.

Got the bifold doors hung and adjusted on her new closet.
Go drywall hung on other side, and mudded. 1 more sheet to go , behind washer and dryer.
View attachment 83966

Then lay new laminate flooring....IM DONE.

Those doors are exactly like the ones I installed for our bedroom closet, a 1/2 bath in the bedroom and two closets in our sunroom. I used sheetrock screws in the hinged area of the doors to adjust the flatness of the panels when they are closed because they were overclosing a bit too much.
Went to town today, had to get a new smarter than me phone, Sprint reached out and flicked my last nerve, so to heck with them, they sure have a strange way about treating customers especially after 22 years with them..

Almost had a stroke at the grocery store, meat prices were downright scary. We buy 3 to 3 1/2 pound packages of burger all pre packaged. We used to pay around 8 bucks for it, today they were 25 bucks. Chicken really went up, tuna went up 20 cents a can.
Today was so nice here, that I had to get out of the house. So I called up a friend and we went to a local park ... to practice sighting compass bearings. Well, that was the only excuse to go sit in the park that we could come up with off the top of our heads (not that we needed an excuse).

So I practiced taking bearings with baseplate compasses, lensatic compasses, and mirror compasses. I also used two different apps on my smartphone. And my Kestrel Weather Meter (has an internal compass).

My preference for taking an accurate bearing is the mirror compass. Preference for following that bearing is a baseplate compass. I was amazed at how accurate the smartphone apps were. I guess they are putting pretty darn good geomagnetic sensors in phones these days. Lensatic compasses - even though used by the military (at least in the past) - are not on my recommended list. I have one, but would grab a good baseplate compass as first choice. The minuses outweigh the pluses for a lensatic IMHO. But personal preference does come into play to some extent. If you have older eyes and thus difficulty focusing up close and far away at the same time, look elsewhere besides a lensatic. If you can only have one compass, get a good baseplate model with a longer base for more accurate aiming. If you need to take very precise bearings super accurately, get a mirror compass. In any case, be well clear of ferrous metals (which would include your car, a metal park bench, that handgun in your pocket, etc.) A kestrel will give you a general idea of direction, maybe within 5 degrees or so if you practice aiming it. That's the problem with a Kestrel - difficulty aiming accurately, they're just not designed with that in mind. They're dandy little devices, but not as a compass replacement.

p.s. - For your smartphone to be accurate, you do have to calibrate it. But that is simple. On mine, and I assume all of them, you simply rotate it a couple of times around each axis (three of them).
When we got the chickens we were originally going to let them range in the day. I got to thinking about them scratching around in the garden and the flowerbeds and decided to build a covered run. Today we doubled the size of the covered run and when we got done I noticed we were in feet of our old pig pen. So we decided to hook the run to the pen. When we are home now we can open the chicken run to the old pig pen giving them a lot of scratching room.
Exercised today. Had to stop mid run as I got a terrible headache that just pounded with each step. Of course all I could think about was that I probably had some aneurysm that was going to burst at any minute. :rolleyes:
Cleaned up and did laundry. Picked my daughter up at the airport. She had a good time in CA but definitely missed home and sanity. Her dad has another girl who is 11 and still uses a pacifier if that tells you anything. My daughter remarked how horrible their parenting style was and that she had to tell her sister not to take her cell phone to the table and play on it during dinner as its rude. Then her comment was "what does an 11 year old need with a phone anyway? I never had one at that age". Haha. Pretty sad when your 19 yo is a better parent.
After we picked her up, we took her to the sushi place downtown and ate an early dinner.

DH just left as he starts a 48 hour ER shift tomorrow am at one of the rural hospitals here. They are all getting desperate in these small towns, people are leaving or retiring. He's getting phone calls daily to come help at different little hospitals all within a 5 hour drive.
Worked on my pumps for a while. Drained oil and fuel, pulled the sparkplug from the small pump. I know I have one somewhere but no clue about location. Next trip to town I'll get a couple, also need motor oil in quarts (a case). I have plenty in 5quart jugs but don't want to open one for two small engines.

Now that I no longer have to worry about my grt nephew "borrowing" things from the shop it's time to restock and reorganize it. It's a disaster! He never put anything back where it goes(the few things he actually brought back to the shop).

I got most of my herb jars washed and dried, got the tape and labels off. I'd emptied jars that had dried herbs in them. I'll harvest plenty this summer and fill them back up. I need to order lids, on my list.

Got laundry done, just resting tonight, watching tv. Big day tomorrow, taking Mrs. B to harvest yellowroot. Afterwards I'll teach her to make tincture.

I hope there is enough yellowroot for both she and I at the creek. If not I'll have to show her another one of my secret locations. Or I could take her to the new spot I found 10days ago. It's easy to see from a road so the odds are I'm not the only person who knows about it, what's one more?
@DrJenner the incredible headache seems to be pretty common lately. It kept me down for a couple of days this week. I don't get headaches much. a doctor told me it was just allergies brought on by the strong winds, dirt, dust, pollen and smoke in the air and that a lot of people were suffering from it in my area. Hope you're feeling better.
Today, the 93% lean, 7% fat ground beef at Albertson's was $4.49 lb. Didn't buy any.
@DrJenner the incredible headache seems to be pretty common lately. It kept me down for a couple of days this week. I don't get headaches much. a doctor told me it was just allergies brought on by the strong winds, dirt, dust, pollen and smoke in the air and that a lot of people were suffering from it in my area. Hope you're feeling better.
Today, the 93% lean, 7% fat ground beef at Albertson's was $4.49 lb. Didn't buy any.
That's a good price for 93/7. It's $6.49 here

4.39 for 80/20
4.79 for 85/15
5.79 for 90/10
6.49 to 6.99 for 93/7 and 96/4, with the fresh stuff at the counter being even higher
Tomorrow is my birthday so we went out to an early dinner this evening. It was delicious pappardelle bourguignon (I just had to look up how to spell it properly 😂 ) and chocolate torte for desert. Lovely. Also got a "new" fun tool which I posted over in the tool thread. I'm old so easily entertained. Hubby is already snoring in his chair.
We rented a cottage on a pier, over the ocean. Getting some sun, and currently on bottle two of wine
I'm letting my hair down tonight, but still have tank girl on my mind, as I lay here listening to the Beach Boys (Don't worry Baby).
I saw some of those the last time I was in San Diego, 2005. Those looked like a great place for a vacation.
Jim, those are very nice bifold doors.
HB, love the chicken run.

I meant to get up earlier today, but Yasuke (one of the cats) climbed on me and wouldn't budge. He's never climbed on me like that before so I didn't want to move him. But when I eventually had to get up he whined and didn't want to get off of me. Plus, he was warming my tummy and I had been having really bad tummy ache earlier. Felt nauseous and awful this morning.

Another day of rest and binge-watching Midsomer Murders. Cleaned up puppy mess, fed puppies and kitties, cooked for Mom, and walked in place on an anti-fatigue mat.

Tomorrow I need to be more productive.
Yesterday, I did a bunch of cleaning out, got 1 load delivered to the dump and now I have enough stuff gathered for another run. I got 4 loads of laundry done, the wife reminded me that the son is coming for a visit which means I will lose use of the laundry (he ties up everything when he visits).

Today is a range day and I am wasting time. Will post more this afternoon.
@LadyLocust , happy birthday. Hope you have a bunch more.

Wife and I usually go to church on Sunday, but we're both feeling a Little off today , stomach issues . Weak, and we think allergies .

So just laying around today. Did you know puppies gotta go pee every 2 hours at least. At least he tells us when it's time.

Lunch today ...don't know . May just run up to grocery store deli and grab some fried chicken .

Watching Wagon Train, waiting to watch Daniel Boone.😊

Thinking about our friend TankGirl.

Hope yalls day is filled with happy happy.

Just woke up a little bit ago- slept in until 7 am, glorious!
Slept wrong though and now I have a horrid kink in my neck! I was hoping to finish packing up the office today. Guess we will see how things go.
Wish my son was home so he could help me break down some of the furniture and get it hauled into the container. We are getting down to the wire especially as we aren’t home much between now and move day.
37 deg right now and snow on the mountains. I was hoping to get some plants in containers today - but that may have to wait until my next stretch off. Looks like we are having some freezing temps this week. I’m worried as we are in between places and we don’t have great access to our property- it’s going to be hard to get a garden in this year. DH has the frame together for a greenhouse and chicken coop - just need to haul it up there and assemble it all (but that takes time off!).
Right now I’m enjoying my peace and quiet, a cup of coffee and I think i am going to read a book for a bit.
Thinking about TG- does she have anyone on this forum who has her phone or contact info? I wish she would’ve sought medical attention earlier. 😢
Just woke up a little bit ago- slept in until 7 am, glorious!
Slept wrong though and now I have a horrid kink in my neck! I was hoping to finish packing up the office today. Guess we will see how things go.
Wish my son was home so he could help me break down some of the furniture and get it hauled into the container. We are getting down to the wire especially as we aren’t home much between now and move day.
37 deg right now and snow on the mountains. I was hoping to get some plants in containers today - but that may have to wait until my next stretch off. Looks like we are having some freezing temps this week. I’m worried as we are in between places and we don’t have great access to our property- it’s going to be hard to get a garden in this year. DH has the frame together for a greenhouse and chicken coop - just need to haul it up there and assemble it all (but that takes time off!).
Right now I’m enjoying my peace and quiet, a cup of coffee and I think i am going to read a book for a bit.
Thinking about TG- does she have anyone on this forum who has her phone or contact info? I wish she would’ve sought medical attention earlier. 😢
She tried but was denied due to vax status. 🤬
I wanted to play in the dirt too! Enjoy the coffee - sounds good.

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