What's everybody doing today?

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I've got a Friday evening to myself, and no plans! I think I might just watch a movie and go to bed early. Part of me thinks I'm 29 instead of 49, and I should be headed up to the bar to find a wife for the night. But then I also think, that means I'd have to shower and shave, and right now that sounds like a lot of work...
I fell asleep in the chair and just woke up 10 mins ago. Raging partier here. 😄
It's been super windy, overcast and cold here. Apparently it was in the 70's the last 2 days, I get home last night and now its cold and nasty out.
Drove past your place around 6ish on my way home from work..saw your hubby or some guy in a pickup pulling out and I waved. LOL he doesn't know me from Adam, and I'm not sure he saw me either :)
Probably the farmers - they've been getting the water going. Hubby was at the table "grubbing up" as we used to call it. 😊

Wind has finally died down a little - earlier it was supposedly 27mph with gusts up to ??? Got some writing done today - a good day.
Successful penning, sorting an loading in trailer of my bull, 2 cows and calf this morning. Sale tomorrow. Went to Brazos county to look at bulls. Came home with 2 yr old Beefmaster bull and 2 Beefmaster 16 month old heifers. Son in law came with trailer and brought them home. Happy animals eating grass and hay. May brand tomorrow. If they breed now, calves start in January. Not good, but can’t afford to keep them stockpen til June. All built well, good color, good bone structure and appears they will be calm.
@Double R "The coldest winter I ever spent was summer in San Francisco" - unkown...

I agree, I lived by the bay twice and completely agree with that statement. A good laugh are the tourists, about 6pm everyday the new arrivals can be seen in the nearest clothing store buying long pants and shirts, even light jackets.

Ocean temp is in the 40's. Inland it's 100*+ by late afternoon. Hot air rises sucking cold air from the ocean. The wind will be slow at first but cool. By 6pm it'll 30+40mph off the cold water, gusts to 60. It feels like 40 degrees (windchill)... Tourists show up in shorts and t-shirts. That lasts about as long as a cab ride to the nearest clothing store.

I kept a jacket in my truck, even in August, I wore it often. But inland it's baking!
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Successful penning, sorting an loading in trailer of my bull, 2 cows and calf this morning. Sale tomorrow. Went to Brazos county to look at bulls. Came home with 2 yr old Beefmaster bull and 2 Beefmaster 16 month old heifers. Son in law came with trailer and brought them home. Happy animals eating grass and hay. May brand tomorrow. If they breed now, calves start in January. Not good, but can’t afford to keep them stockpen til June. All built well, good color, good bone structure and appears they will be calm.
Glad everything went well!!
I've got a Friday evening to myself, and no plans! I think I might just watch a movie and go to bed early. Part of me thinks I'm 29 instead of 49, and I should be headed up to the bar to find a wife for the night. But then I also think, that means I'd have to shower and shave, and right now that sounds like a lot of work...
Enjoy your "ME" time!!
Nugget bum 😬
She pecked the snot outta me after we put a few under her. Boy does she have her work cut out for her 😂 She just keeps tucking them under her. One in particular is keeping her busy.
Hubby put a camera in the coop to watch her for the night. Quality entertainment 😍
This morning I made a run to pick up the stuff the DW forgot to put on yesterday's shopping list. Stopped at HD and picked up lumber for the raised bed upgrades, got home and unloaded the groceries. I need to get the lumber unloaded so I can load the truck up for the landfill, I have a range day tomorrow so the truck has to be emptied today... Other than that I slept in....
It's the weekend and I woke up at 0500. 🤬 Not sure what all I'm going to do today. The kid will be with her mom because they have relatives visiting from out of state, and I wouldn't want her to miss out on time with her cousins. So, I'm on my own. I wanted to hit the nearby state park but it's cold and windy again, so that's not happening. Might just be laundry and chores around home. My place could stand a good cleaning, and I haven't cranked the music up loud in a while. Loud tunes and house cleaning go well together. The Equinox needs to go to the quick lube place for an oil change too, but that can be put off for a bit longer if need be.
My only day off today! I'll work hard around here, lol! Got a bunch of push mowing to do. Washing my poor filthy vehicles. Spraying some fence lines to kill grass/weeds. Couple of loads of laundry. Quick clean of the house! Need to water what veggie plants are left, got down to 30° last night. 90° this afternoon, so I'll hit the pool for a bit. Hopefully vacuum and backwash it. Crazy to think it will be SIXTY degrees warmer later than it is right now!!
It's only 32 out right now. Think I'll wait a bit till I do the animals. But warming up to 70. These huge temp changes make me mental.
Two big auctions going on today. One outdoors and is local. One at the fairgrounds indoors for the Mennonite Relief Fund. The twins are both working today, so husband and little granddaughter and I will probably pick one.
This morning I made a run to pick up the stuff the DW forgot to put on yesterday's shopping list. Stopped at HD and picked up lumber for the raised bed upgrades, got home and unloaded the groceries. I need to get the lumber unloaded so I can load the truck up for the landfill, I have a range day tomorrow so the truck has to be emptied today... Other than that I slept in....
Good! You need to sleep 💤 once in a while.
@Pearl I need to wash my car and the trailer but the wind is blowing and it’s a whopping 38*!
Have plenty to do butI’m evidently a fair weather doer today 🤪. Hubby is in fixin up some biscuits and gravy for his breakfast.
It's the weekend and I woke up at 0500. 🤬 Not sure what all I'm going to do today. The kid will be with her mom because they have relatives visiting from out of state, and I wouldn't want her to miss out on time with her cousins. So, I'm on my own. I wanted to hit the nearby state park but it's cold and windy again, so that's not happening. Might just be laundry and chores around home. My place could stand a good cleaning, and I haven't cranked the music up loud in a while. Loud tunes and house cleaning go well together. The Equinox needs to go to the quick lube place for an oil change too, but that can be put off for a bit longer if need be.

Hey you got all day. Time to find you a wife for the weekend. 😁
I harvested the copper yesterday.


Added to the stock bucket.


Then The Princess and I settled in to watch scary videos.

Glenn is pretty scary.

So that got us talking about coal fired stoves, battery banks...


And shifting toward more junk silver than gold.

We did recover by escaping some binge watching Nerd of the Rings. :thumbs:

Today is a day of reflection and figuring out priorities and what to work on next.


Spent the day at a big auction. There were three callers going in different sections. Was going to go on till evening, I'm sure. Saw a lot of interesting things there, but not wanting to wait all did. Bid on a few things, but didn't walk away with any. I bid up to $45 for a salad bar, but didn't get it. It was big, on wheels, and had the cover on top. Thought it would of made a good lettuce growing area. We had a good lunch there, the amish school was doing burgers, potato salad, and pie. Saw our friends and neighbors. Taking a break and then going into our little town to check the mail and do a little shopping.
Rolled polyurethane on the bedroom floor, now spending some quality time digging crap grass off the top of the raised septic bed. After that, cover it with black plastic and when the time comes, plant blueberries and haskaps on it.

Thinking of small terraces down the sides and planting strawberries and asparagus. I don't want to mow an inverted cake pan shaped grass heap.
Hi Erica. What's up today? I did very little this morning, just some reading about early church history. Been doing dishes and just had lunch. Nothing exciting here.
Sounds like a relaxing day. That’s a good thing.
I’ve been doing miscellaneous stuff around the house. Going through more stuff. Trying to go through stuff so it’s less to go through if we move. Figure out what’s worth taking and planning where things go if we don’t. Also been checking on the new chicken family. Little rough going this morning for them. Babies aren’t wanting to stay with mom and mom is trying to just hunker down on the ground. When the babies get close to her she pecks them pretty hard. Mostly in the face. She wants them but is clearly confused. Hopefully we can get it worked out.
Hope you continue on with a relaxing afternoon!
Careful, she is rejecting them. They will either get cold and die or she may end up killing them. Two heat lamps may be in order. One for the broody to hog and one a little further away for the chick's out of pecking range. If she is still pecking them in the morning, it might be safest to remove her.