What's everybody doing today?

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I took Fippy for a walk. He got flanked and stepped on by excited pups and was not too happy. Cow came running over because she smelled the food. I had to hold up a gutter sprayer hose attachment to get her to back off long enough for me to cut her sweet feed bag open. She was circling the truck like a shark. I called the younger cow over to come eat.
Then I put the 10ft pole for the satellite in the car port so I could spray it with metal primer. Went on nicely. Some kind of Rustoleum "professional" primer that supposedly gets 2x coverage. Have to say it did have good coverage. Puppies were investigating but ran away because they didn't like the smell. I will have to see how well it dried by morning and finish the primer (I only got 3 sides because I didn't want to roll it and make primer come off while wet.
It is supposed to be the fast-drying stuff that is dry in 15 minutes but with the humidity I give it a few hours. If it dries fast enough tomorrow I can put on the main coat of paint. I'll have to wait for it to dry enough to roll it for main coat of course. I hope the bugs stay off of it. There were a bunch of carpenter bees buzzing around.
Didn't get a whole lot done today. My neck is still bothering me. Dogs have been hanging out in the house for a bit, I just kicked them outside to run around before they go to bed for the night.
Sugar is constantly licking herself, I think we need to treat her again for fleas or something. I don't know why that sound grosses me out so much. I can handle the worst stuff from humans, GI bleed, vomit, sputum, etc...(except gross skin flakes) but I can't stand the sound of a dog licking themselves 😄
Been busy here n there.now having car issues due to bad gas.a family member has been a issue for the last 2 years.i now might have a way to get that person out of my life. So prepping is pretty much on hold for me until that's straightened out.
Haven't seen you in a long time! Sorry about the bad gas! I had bad gas once and kept changing out my fuel filter until it cleaned out the junk.
Finished my older sister’s taxes. Hand delivered them to her before I forget.

This winter I had a gun smith look over my aging rifle. First competition is coming up soon. Gun range to test the rifle. 20 rounds, 5 took two hits to fire and 2 more rounds refused to fire. Gun Smith told me he had lighten the hammer spring, worked with his ammo. Two bolts to remove the stock to remove the washer he had placed under the hammer spring. Fired another 30 rounds without any problems. :)

On the way home from the range I stopped at the gravel yard. Ordered 40 tons of #73 limestone with fines. They are running two weeks out. If folks would stay on the driveway instead of in the yard. ..:(

Deprime the brass I used testing the rifle. Wet tumbled and then air dry.

Reloaded freedom seeds until I ran out of small rifle primers.

Ran the RV chassis engine and generator for the month.

Debating with myself if I should take a nap or go see if the Mail is here.
You should use discarded sickle blades for yard edging. :devil:
Been dragging for a week or so now, I've got an upper respiratory bug that just won't die. Lately it's seemed to be a groundhog day-like cycle of work late at the day job putting out fires, hit the store on the way home (keeping every square inch of the freezer & pantry stocked), make dinner, do a quick chore or two and hit the sack. Between energy levels and lousy weather, I'm not getting any of my spring projects done and falling behind on the basic cleaning. Tonight after dinner I deep cleaned the kitchen (which needed it badly), which was really satisfying. Hoping it's an indicator that my energy is on the rebound :)
Ugh I completely crashed in my chair at 6:30. Didn't have supper, didn't make supper for the kid, just died in the chair. Luckily the kid is smart enough to fend for herself for supper. Woke up at 12:30AM to my glucose monitor yelling at me. Apparently it had been beeping for a while. My blood glucose was 56 and had been below 70 for an hour. This is part of the reason I got a glucose monitor, so it can wake me up before I get too low. Apparently it needs a louder setting...

Now I have to get myself back to sleep. Grrrrr...
Ugh I completely crashed in my chair at 6:30. Didn't have supper, didn't make supper for the kid, just died in the chair. Luckily the kid is smart enough to fend for herself for supper. Woke up at 12:30AM to my glucose monitor yelling at me. Apparently it had been beeping for a while. My blood glucose was 56 and had been below 70 for an hour. This is part of the reason I got a glucose monitor, so it can wake me up before I get too low. Apparently it needs a louder setting...

Now I have to get myself back to sleep. Grrrrr...
Hope your ok. Very glad it finally woke you up.
Hope you get more sleep.
@Spikedriver glad it woke you up! That is scary.
I'm actually able to function at ridiculously low blood glucose levels. It's both a blessing and a curse. I don't pass out easily, but it's dangerous if I'm really concentrating on something. I might miss the hypoglycemia symptoms. The lowest I've ever recorded on my own finger stick meter was 25. That was years ago and I was mowing the yard. Had to take a little break for a while...
I'm actually able to function at ridiculously low blood glucose levels. It's both a blessing and a curse. I don't pass out easily, but it's dangerous if I'm really concentrating on something. I might miss the hypoglycemia symptoms. The lowest I've ever recorded on my own finger stick meter was 25. That was years ago and I was mowing the yard. Had to take a little break for a while...
Well take care. And 25 is really low, like coma level! Hope you get some sleep.
im going to try and sleep. For some reason I’m all wound up and not tired at all. 😩
@DrJenner I've tried all kinds of flea treatments on my dogs and cats but thus far the only thing that has worked is Adams flea collars. They are supposed to last 7 months. I got a 2 pack at walmart for my youngest cats bc Namir was full of scabs and Temjin chewed her fur off and was chewing her skin off. Her fur is still short but she's much better and no longer chewing her skin. Namir no longer has scabs. So I just got some for the dogs. They break away so the pets won't choke if they catch the collars on something, but they can be put back on. I've had to put Namir's back on a few times already. We'll see if they truly last 7 months.

@TeeJ I hope you're on the mend and that the cleaning is a good sign for your health. I get the urge to clean right before I seem to come down with something.

@Spikedriver Yikes. I'm glad your monitor woke you up and that you're ok.

My brain won't let me rest. I ended up cleaning up some trash in the kitchen and almost filled one of the contractor bags. Dogs have knocked it over repeatedly and stuff scattered. My brother's foot is hurting pretty badly still- he thinks it is fractured but the doctor only asked for an x-ray on his ankle so they wouldn't x-ray his foot. Might have to see if he can get the doctor to ask for one. My feet were sore for quite awhile after I twisted my ankles before so it might just be that. I hope anyway.

One of the pups wouldn't come back in so I had to go out and drag her back in. While I was out and since I had a headlamp (flashlight with a strap go on the head) I checked the 10ft pole. Bone dry so I rolled it, shook the primer for 2+min and finished priming it. If I'm lucky it will be dry enough in the morning to put the finishing coat on it. Someone suggested running a rope through it and hanging it up but I don't really have anywhere to hang it from and I don't have any decent rope left. Its an interesting idea though. I have it lying over an old mattress that has no fabric left-- just springs and some old corrugated plastic for now.
Well take care. And 25 is really low, like coma level! Hope you get some sleep.
im going to try and sleep. For some reason I’m all wound up and not tired at all. 😩
Lol yeah, 25 is really, really low. I've been doing this for almost 34 years, and I've seen it all. I have way more problems with lows than highs, simply because of that ability to function at low BG levels. I've always been like that, right from the start.
Yesterday the DW made roast beef for lunch meat, with the price of deli meat and her need to avoid salt she said that it was time to start roasting our own turkey and beef for slicing (I think she saw a deli package it a $15/pound price tag and that put her over the edge); I'm thinking that we could do the same with venison. The wife was complaining that she can't get anything done, I reminded her that she had taken a shower, had the nurse change the IV lines on her central port, cleaned herbs for drying, made roast beef, and cooked supper. What would you expect from someone who was suppose to be dead from Congestive Heart Failure over 2 years ago?

If any of you ever have to deal with a central port IV (goes into your chest from the jugular vein) taking a shower is a PIA - the site must stay dry to avoid infection. We use a rain jacked that has been heavily modified to have short sleeves with elastic cuffs, a shortened body with a draw string, and the hood removed and the neck lengthened to allow for a double elastic seal up to her chin. Under that she wears a water proof beauty salon cape. So taking a shower is no longer a simple task. Before we made the rain jacket I would have to wrap her in cling wrap, so the rain jacket gives her back some of her independence. I know it's TMI, but it could be valuable information if you ever have to face it.

Yesterday at work I was able to clear today's schedule so I took the day off.... Well most of it. I loaded the truck half way yesterday and will be going to the land fill today. I made the measurements for my new raised bed tops and will do the cutting after around 8AM to avoid waking the "normal sleepers". I have a lot of small trash that is hard to clean out of the truck bed, I am using 17 gallon tubs that just fit under my tonneau bed cover to hold that stuff, it makes unloading go very fast. I need to mow the lawn this afternoon. The indoor growing station is overflowing so I hope to spend a few hours transplanting things into larger pots and moving them out doors. I need to do a run to HD but I may let that slide a day or 2. Tonight, I have a board meeting at the hunting club, I'm not on the board but I am the Chief RSO and have to give a report on our last range day. I love having all this free time to just sit back and relax.

Quick update, I stepped outside and it's raining :(
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If you love the free time, Urban, then you'll love retiring. Except there's always something to do, but you know that now.
We have high winds today, and I knew it, so glad I planted the onions yesterday.
Need to pick up the neighbor girl for school, drop little granddaughter off for school, too. Make husband breakfast and feed all the animals. The goslings are doing well in the milkhouse cage, and I added a heatlamp since they do not have actual feathers yet. Need to bring older granddaughter to the dentist for a bunch of dental work. Todays trip and two more to schedule.
Set the junk out beside the road for pickup.

Wife wrapped one of her sick Socialist stray cats with a towel while I forced a syringe of pink goop down its throat.

A non-driving friend asked if I could visit with them this morning. I'm their "heir apparent" and they have some details they want to discuss. After I confirmed the visit they added me picking up their pay check before the visit.

Right tail light on the utility trailer has a bad connection. Cheap light has a wire friction connection that corrodes easily. If I try to solder the connection the heat will melt the plastic housing. Replacement LED lights are scheduled to be delivered today. Replacement lights have prewired pigtails. :) I'll solder with heat shrink tubing to the existing trailer wiring, problem solved.
Urban, I hope your wife will be able to get the central line removed sometime soon. My father had to have one in after a botched surgery. It was pretty awful.

I was set to go to sleep when my brother came and told me our friend was in the ER and needed a lift home. Large kidney stone and enlarged prostate. Could be cancer. He was told to get it checked out asap. I'm hoping the place he goes to will take his insurance.

I'm going to take a nap before going out to do the finishing coat of paint on the pole.

Puppies have been let out and are sitting at the foot of my bed. Kitties are piled around me.
Urban, I hope your wife will be able to get the central line removed sometime soon. My father had to have one in after a botched surgery. It was pretty awful.

The line is feeding the medicine that is keeping her alive, it's in for the duration.... The lines get cleaned every 24 hours and we get to change the IV Bag every 72 hours, I have become adapt at resetting machines, clearing line bubbles, and a host of other tasks that only a nurse should deal with. She hates all the lines, but she has enough of a tether that she can move around the main floor of the house.
@Spikedriver - those are some pretty crazy levels, how amazing we live in a day and age where they have little computers you can wear that will monitor it in real time!

@Double R - thanks! We're in for 2-3 days of below freezing temps. Hopefully it kills off the germs (but not our flowering fruit trees).

@zannej - I used to sell a product that had me painting a lot of tubes. I had a scrap of pegboard that I used for it, would just slide the tubes on a long pegboard hook and had access to all sides to paint it in one go :)

@UrbanHunter - I think sharing those kind of tips/ideas helps more people then you might think. I know my wife has found all sorts of ideas on internet forums via Google searching that have really helped her with her chronic condition.

@phideaux - glad you get a day off the utility room, think how happy you'll be when it's done ;P
@UrbanHunter any chance they could change that IJ line to a PICC in her arm? It's still a central catheter but would definitely make it easier to shower. I'm guessing from the description she has a Hickman catheter which is a pain. Was also going to suggest a port, but if she's getting daily meds, it would need to stay accessed, and would also be a pain. The PICC would be less risk for infection as well. My mom had a port when she was getting chemo. I have seen so many infections with those in immunocompromised patients (mostly fungal) so I had her get it out the minute she was done with chemo. Her oncologist was telling her to keep it as she could use it for blood draws, etc and I told him the risk of infection each time it was accessed is absolutely not worth saving some pokes.

Today I'm doing some laundry. Getting ready to head back up to work. Going to help my daughter with her senior project. Need to do some grocery shopping. Then meeting @LadyLocust and @backlash for lunch!
Then back home to do some more packing, getting rid of clothes, and probably also packing up kitchen stuff and getting rid of things I no longer use.
I hope your neck is feeling better today @DrJenner . Have fun at lunch!
Hope you are feeling better, too @Bacpacker !

I walked first.
Walked dogs.
Went to hardware store.
Fenced potato patch. I don't know that it will keep anything out, but I feel like I did something.
Going to hardboil some more eggs today to put in pickle juice.
Then soft boil some eggs to preserve. They will be in a water, salt, sugar brine and steam canned (or water bathed). It's an experiment!
Also making venison teriyaki in the instant pot to put over cauliflower rice for me. The venison has been in marinade since yesterday.
Yesterday, I made chicken and pasta in the instant pot for DH.
I rushed around like a crazy lady getting things done this morning and then the dentist cancelled granddaughter's appt this morning. So she comes out to find me, feeding animals in a windstorm (fun) and tells me to drive her to school. Half hr round trip. She got a lecture all the way there that she needs to complete her 50 hr driving log. Tired of being her driver. Said I would not do it any more. She is lazy and so is her brother. They'll be 17 in a few months and we already paid for and had them do the training classes over a year ago. So dentist is rescheduled for Thursday when her brother has an eye doc appt. He will get new glasses and he won't wear them.
Husband had a foot doc appt this morning. Then went to Aldi and loaded up a cart again. Butter went up to $3.17 a lb there today. Some states were reporting sales on it at other Aldi's, but not ours. Maybe next week. Have lots to put away and will stay out of the wind the rest of the day.