What's everybody doing today?

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@phideaux You stay safe down there in Kentucky! We're getting it in Iowa now too. My town is safe for the moment but 40 miles north, they're getting hammered with tornadoes and high wind. They just showed a destroyed acreage on the news. There's supposed to be another line of storms coming in around 10pm that will reach from Minnesota to Kansas. I'll be watching that one. Or I'll sleep through it like usual, take your pick...
@Spikedriver , you keep safe too buddy.
Keep your eyes and ears open.
The weather people are talking serious about these storms.
Warnings like with the big in December.

Be on your toes.

Not in the mood for this.

Gonna keep me up Tonight.

I hope y'all are staying safe .


@phideaux @Spikedriver yep... storm watch tonight. Supposed to get here about 2am. And yes, twisty spinny things are in my warnings too.

The worst will be up your way Jim... Does @Angie know? She's going to get it also.

Went to the big town... got a 150ft roll of chicken wire, the price w/tax $217. For a roll of chicken wire? The world is officially insane.

I got spare spark plugs for the little trash pump. I also got a haircut. I really hate cfs sometimes... I had several more things to do but ran out of energy so drove home. I get so tired I can no longer think effectively. I make stupid purchases at such times so I have to just stop everything and come home.

Just watching tv this evening... then will be sitting up when the bad weather gets here. I hope there's a good movie on.
I've had hot moisture laden air coming up out of the gulf all day. still 68 degrees on my porch. Where all the heat and water meet the cold front it's going to get nasty. Right now these areas are very large. I don't think they know where the really, really bad weather will hit.

Tonight's tv weather was predicting bad things here on Thursday also, back into the 3/5 danger risk zone. The thing that bothers me... I've never seen the NWS give a 4/5 or 5/5 danger risk. 3/5 is what? supposed to make me feel better? :rolleyes:
We have one like that Phideaux, but it's big 25 ft squared. Put a rollaway bed in there, folding chairs, lighting, a closed off area with a portapotty, radio, ..... you could fix it up. Ours was an echo chamber at one time, but not anymore. It's a store room. A great place to dry laundry on racks when the weather is bad. A great place for my grow lights on shelving for my seedlings.
We have rain coming tonight, I hope anyway. The wind was so bad and it was so hot today, it felt like dustbowl weather.
Might need some air mattresses or beds in your bunker... Do you have comms set up down there? tv monitor? radio reliever?

This might get you out of that laundry room! It's nado season, finish that bunker for extended stays.

I've done nothing to the basement or bunker ....yet.
Been so busy with the house.
But, I've got lots of plans down there.
Spent $10k a month ago to waterproof the basement...and cut that door.
Plans are for wiring into bunker for outside generator.

Antenna for local TV, and radio.

I got lots of plans.
When it's 100 deg outside this summer...guess where I'll be.

I was doing some food packaging in ours this afternoon....80 degrees in the house, didn't want to open windows because of the dirt blowing. It was nice and cool down there. I have a table where I do my dehydrating down there, too. Lots of fun things to get into in the bunker. I have a rolling cart set up down there, too, that I use to transplant my seedlings into bigger pots. That's what I need to be doing tomorrow. After husband's doc appt. This week has too many appointments in it.
@Peanut , it was 80 deg here today, and humidity was 74%.

Right now at 9:30 at night it's 74 deg , humidity is 69%.

This is not good .
Supercells are already developing north of Memphis , trialing my way .

I missed them here!! Blame them east Texans!!😃
Fire department woke us up at 11:30 this evening. The vacant house next door was on fire. It burned down and is out now. The wind was away from our house, thank God! It's supposed to start raining again in about an hour. That should help. We are thankful to be ok and still have our home! The vacant house was in the process of being sold.
I love having company come in, but I don't like the cleanup. I always have a few projects out that have to be cleaned up. Right now there are a dz begonia pots all over the kitchen area.
We got a good rain last night and more coming today I think. Our area has been super dry, and hopefully the farmers that could afford the fertilizer put some down yesterday before the rain came last night. I probably don't need to water at all outside today.
Husband has a doc appt, and I have a million random things to do around here. Greenhouse work to do.
Wouldn't the nature of the concrete construction block reception and transmission signals?
But I'm gonna run a coax outside for antenna, and electric cable for gen power.
There's a pipe thru the wall , about 2 ft off floor, I suspect it had a valve on it at on time for water spicket. I'll use that for wiring.

I just ain't had time yet.

WM today , no work 😆.

Just gonna relax and hunker down.

@UrbanHunter ,@Amish Heart , I hope your company is a better experience than I had yesterday.
I even had nightmares last night.

I can't even tell ya how rude and big mouth ignorant my company was.
Ever sit for 8 hrs , not saying anything (because you can't) and listening to 2 big mouths non stop at same time.
If there's a next time I'm leaving town.

It will take me at least 4-5 days to recover.. no work😆

Hope the storms today don't get you.
