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Tornadoes on the ground about 40 miles southwest of me.

Turning on the live stream now. Please keep us posted as best you can. Sending prayers your way for safety!

I caught the job. Not sure when it'll start yet but it should be within 2 weeks. According to the post on the website, it'll be in Sidney, Nebraska, which will suck but it's still within an easy day's drive from home. And the furthest this gang can go is Cheyenne which is 9 hours or so, and that's OK by me...
That’s great!!! Very happy for you! Hopefully this is the right position for you. Congratulations!
Tell the truth.

Does that shelter change your attitude about tornadoes?

After I got my first 4x4 Jeep snow banks were looking at me saying "I dare you!"

After I got a bee keeper's veil and found a yellow jacket nest... I got dressed armed with modern chemistry and walked to 5hem in full daylight and laughed as they bounced off me and fell to 5he ground.

Nice thing being prepared.


Yes it does.
I just think I'll miss my house and all my stuff.

We dodged the bullet again .
Tornadoes were dropping all around us.
But no direct hit here.
Bunch of roof metal torn off the old abandoned barn behind my house.

As far as I can see no damage here.
It's still raining hard.

Yes it does.
I just think I'll miss my house and all my stuff.

We dodged the bullet again .
Tornadoes were dropping all around us.
But no direct hit here.
Bunch of roof metal torn off the old abandoned barn behind my house.

As far as I can see no damage here.
It's still raining hard.

Prayers answered! Hope it stays that way
It's starting to get dark here, and still raining pretty hard.
Rain started about 5 and so far we got 2" , according to my gage.

We only got a half inch out of all that thunder and lightning. Today at work, about 60 miles northeast of home, it actually snowed on us for a few minutes before it turned back into rain.

Mother Nature needs to go sit in the corner until she can act right...
I caught the job. Not sure when it'll start yet but it should be within 2 weeks. According to the post on the website, it'll be in Sidney, Nebraska, which will suck but it's still within an easy day's drive from home. And the furthest this gang can go is Cheyenne which is 9 hours or so, and that's OK by me...
Congrats that's fantastic! I hope you like it better!
Got up to the RV park. New neighbor rolled in with the big fancy 5th wheel, 15 bazillion pop outs and a yappy dog. I hope that thing doesn't yap when I'm trying to sleep. Ugh. He's outside screaming at it. At least this is my last week at this park, have to move to another one as you can only stay 6 months.
Can't wait to park our RV out in the middle of our property and I don't have to deal with people 😫
@Bacpacker , @Peanut ,
It's coming over towards you if it don't track more north.

It's nasty.

Big winds.

Watchin local weather right now. It's fixing to hit the Cumberland Plateau at about 60 mph. Severe thunderstorm warning from Ky line to well south of I 40. We'll get whats left once it crosses in an hour or so. Leading edge of it anyway. No tornado watches up right now.
Glad those of you that got hit made it thru safe.
Congrats on the new role Spike.

I went to work early today and had a Covid test first thing. That came back negative. Then got scheduled for an exam at the walk in clinic. Tested for flu, negative for that too. Dr said I likely had 2 issues, sinus infection for sure. Explains the headache. Also probably had a andovirus going on. Thus the cough, aches and generally feeling like crap. Was hoping to get my meds tonight but pharmacy didn't get them filled in time. So I'll start those tomorrow. Taking tomorrow off and holiday Friday, so hopefully the long weekend and meds will get me straightened out.
I caught the job. Not sure when it'll start yet but it should be within 2 weeks. According to the post on the website, it'll be in Sidney, Nebraska, which will suck but it's still within an easy day's drive from home. And the furthest this gang can go is Cheyenne which is 9 hours or so, and that's OK by me...
That's awesome!! Congratulations!!👍😃
Watchin local weather right now. It's fixing to hit the Cumberland Plateau at about 60 mph. Severe thunderstorm warning from Ky line to well south of I 40. We'll get whats left once it crosses in an hour or so. Leading edge of it anyway. No tornado watches up right now.
Glad those of you that got hit made it thru safe.
Congrats on the new role Spike.

I went to work early today and had a Covid test first thing. That came back negative. Then got scheduled for an exam at the walk in clinic. Tested for flu, negative for that too. Dr said I likely had 2 issues, sinus infection for sure. Explains the headache. Also probably had a andovirus going on. Thus the cough, aches and generally feeling like crap. Was hoping to get my meds tonight but pharmacy didn't get them filled in time. So I'll start those tomorrow. Taking tomorrow off and holiday Friday, so hopefully the long weekend and meds will get me straightened out.
Feel better quick! :huggs:
Husband had a doc appt today, and his breathing has been ragged, but we've had days of really high winds. Today was better. No wind, but rain last night, and snow today. He asked about the Covid booster because he wants to get it, and the doc told him to wait till fall. No covid around now. The nurse said there was flu going around. Really? In April?
Husband had a doc appt today, and his breathing has been ragged, but we've had days of really high winds. Today was better. No wind, but rain last night, and snow today. He asked about the Covid booster because he wants to get it, and the doc told him to wait till fall. No covid around now. The nurse said there was flu going around. Really? In April?
The flu is going around here right now. And apparently 2 or 3 virus"s
Hope your hubs gets to feelin better
@snappy1 Thank God the winds weren't blowing your direction and that nobody was in it.
@phideaux @hashbrown @Peanut @Supervisor42 Not sure who else is in the path but hang on tight and don't let anyone hold your beer ;)
@Bacpacker Geesh - My opinion here: you oughta just get better! Got that? Okay, settled then! 😊
@Spikedriver Congrats! I hope it works out more to your liking and still allows you to spend more time at home.
@DrJenner I just thought of this - have you changed the shoes you're wearing? Sometimes a different pair of shoes makes a difference in the head/neck jarring. (Yes, I know you know that, but sometimes when it's our own issue, we don't think of it.)

Crazy weather, snow, sleet, sun. Spring is supposed to return here this weekend I think. Haven't done anything exciting so haven't said much. I'm feeling a little cluttered so am trying to go room by room and clean to the corners as I like to call it. It seems like "things" just grow or appear out of nowhere and begin taking over the house. I can't handle it. I've been kinda bad about buying books lately (but but but, I need them 😂) so those get to stacking up. They don't go on the book shelf unless they are keepers which means I have to read them first.

Anyone seen @Patchouli ?
@snappy1 Thank God the winds weren't blowing your direction and that nobody was in it.
@phideaux @hashbrown @Peanut @Supervisor42 Not sure who else is in the path but hang on tight and don't let anyone hold your beer ;)
@Bacpacker Geesh - My opinion here: you oughta just get better! Got that? Okay, settled then! 😊
@Spikedriver Congrats! I hope it works out more to your liking and still allows you to spend more time at home.
@DrJenner I just thought of this - have you changed the shoes you're wearing? Sometimes a different pair of shoes makes a difference in the head/neck jarring. (Yes, I know you know that, but sometimes when it's our own issue, we don't think of it.)

Crazy weather, snow, sleet, sun. Spring is supposed to return here this weekend I think. Haven't done anything exciting so haven't said much. I'm feeling a little cluttered so am trying to go room by room and clean to the corners as I like to call it. It seems like "things" just grow or appear out of nowhere and begin taking over the house. I can't handle it. I've been kinda bad about buying books lately (but but but, I need them 😂) so those get to stacking up. They don't go on the book shelf unless they are keepers which means I have to read them first.

Anyone seen @Patchouli ?
Patch was here a day or two ago.
@LadyLocust funny you mention the shoes
I noticed a difference when I run with my vibras which are most like our feet as opposed to my running shoes, but other than that I haven’t noticed anything. I’m mostly around the house in slippers. Today I wore tennis shoes and probably have some neck strain from the drive up here and the crazy drivers coming over from Seattle 😩
@phideaux @hashbrown @Peanut @Supervisor42 Not sure who else is in the path but hang on tight and don't let anyone hold your beer ;)
We are getting hammered as I speak, (weatherwise, not beer).
Radar shows it will be another "drive-by" like yesterday.
More CTG (cloud to ground) lightening tonight than yesterday. I watch that. It is important.
Our lights blinked, once. (for the battle-hardened system here, that is major:oops:)
But... I do have a good grip on my beer! :D
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Stay safe, Jim.
Nasty thunderstorms last night. TV went out but internet stayed on. Cats climbed under the covers and I slept through most of it.

It rained most of yesterday so I didn't get the pole painted then but I went out this morning and painted it. Dripped like crazy so it is messy and sloppy but I don't care. It still has primer on it so even if the paint comes off in spots it is protected from rust.

I'm on season 7 of Midsomer Murders now. I'm not liking DS Scott. The actor admitted he wasn't well-liked and that he was pretty terrible.

I walked the puppies for a bit but they kept jumping on me and I forgot to put on pants so my legs were getting scratched up. I decided to go in before they could draw blood.

I found some cheap shoes on clearance that are in my size (needed new ones bc puppies chewed my old ones) but now I need to figure out where my socks are. They disappeared. I hate getting new shoes. They never fit as nicely as the old ones and breaking them in sucks. hashtag firstworldproblems.
I caught the job. Not sure when it'll start yet but it should be within 2 weeks. According to the post on the website, it'll be in Sidney, Nebraska, which will suck but it's still within an easy day's drive from home. And the furthest this gang can go is Cheyenne which is 9 hours or so, and that's OK by me...
That is way out in western Nebraska, west of where I-76, which is a main road from Denver, meets up with I-80. When I was doing some genealogy research, I had a lot of focus on Sidney for a while. My g grandmother died young, and her family name is a common Czech name. I had a hard time finding her and her family and there was a family who helped develop Sidney with the same name. Many of the children in that family had the same given names as g grandmother's and were the same age. I thought for several years that they were my relatives, but eventually figured out that they were not.
Husband had a doc appt today, and his breathing has been ragged, but we've had days of really high winds. Today was better. No wind, but rain last night, and snow today. He asked about the Covid booster because he wants to get it, and the doc told him to wait till fall. No covid around now. The nurse said there was flu going around. Really? In April?
Yes, lots of people I know have had it.
Last night I worked past midnight cleaning stuff out, the trash guys must hate me, we put out about 6 trash cans worth of garbage and 3 bins of recycling. We have company here till Sunday and everyone is wearing a mask, the joys of having a high risk environment. I had hoped to work outside this evening but the weatherman is making things difficult.

I need to transplant about 3 shelves of plants before I lose them. The work phone is making me insane, people are talking but no one is listening... :(
When I left for work this morning I noticed my shop door was open. I stopped to see what had happened and noticed a bag of trash I had sitting in my shop up the hill tore all to pieces. I inspected closer and there were bear tracks all over the shop where he had stepped in oil where my old Harley sits and walked around. Looks like it pushed the door open, I probably didn’t have it shut good anyway and drug the trash bag up the hill and tore it up. Bears are new to our area but this makes several times we have had them in our trash and making messes around our place.

When I left for work this morning I noticed my shop door was open. I stopped to see what had happened and noticed a bag of trash I had sitting in my shop up the hill tore all to pieces. I inspected closer and there were bear tracks all over the shop where he had stepped in oil where my old Harley sits and walked around. Looks like it pushed the door open, I probably didn’t have it shut good anyway and drug the trash bag up the hill and tore it up. Bears are new to our area but this makes several times we have had them in our trash and making messes around our place.

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Hmm. Are they protected in Missouri? Mountain Lions have returned to Iowa, but they have no official status. See one, shoot one.

Time to organize a bear hunt...

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