What's everybody doing today?

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The storms kind of petered out before they got to my town. An hour west and an hour north of me got hit pretty hard but we seemed to come through it ok. Lots of wind, lots of sound and fury, but little to no damage.

Today at work is nothing new. We're sitting here waiting on trains, again. You could say it's a good thing to get paid over 30 bucks an hour to sit in the truck, but it's driving me nuts. I hope I catch one of the positions I bid on. The one I have now just isn't for me...
I hope everyone is safe from the storms. They passed through a little and are now to the north. One of my cats just jumped on my legs because he must see a lizard or something in the window behind me.

The pole I primed got a little rain splashed on it. I realized there are tool hooks in the car port and attempted to hang the pipe on one but it bent down. Pipe is diagonal but still lifted up enough to be ok. I did some touch-up primer this morning and primed a mounting board. I'm waiting for them to dry so I can do a final coat. The primer is supposed to be dry to the touch in 15min but I'll give it longer.

It looks like it might rain but I'm debating whether or not I should do litterbox cleaning in a bit. I really need to do it but motivating myself isn't so easy.
The storms kind of petered out before they got to my town. An hour west and an hour north of me got hit pretty hard but we seemed to come through it ok. Lots of wind, lots of sound and fury, but little to no damage.

Today at work is nothing new. We're sitting here waiting on trains, again. You could say it's a good thing to get paid over 30 bucks an hour to sit in the truck, but it's driving me nuts. I hope I catch one of the positions I bid on. The one I have now just isn't for me...
Being bored at work is the worst. That would drive me crazy. While my job isn’t as physical it’s very cerebral which the nerd 🤓 in me enjoys.
I hope you get one of those other positions!
Woke up early to videos of my cute nephews (they are 3 and 6 mos old). Had coffee. Going to exercise soon if my neck can handle it. My neck is hurting worse again today. I’m hoping it resolves as I am headed back up north this afternoon to start my 6 day work stretch (so I may be MIA for a few days).
Finishing the last of the laundry and getting the car packed up. Will head to the market for food for the week once I get up there. Hope everyone has a good day!
Woke up early to videos of my cute nephews (they are 3 and 6 mos old). Had coffee. Going to exercise soon if my neck can handle it. My neck is hurting worse again today. I’m hoping it resolves as I am headed back up north this afternoon to start my 6 day work stretch (so I may be MIA for a few days).
Finishing the last of the laundry and getting the car packed up. Will head to the market for food for the week once I get up there. Hope everyone has a good day!
Be safe!!
Being bored at work is the worst. That would drive me crazy. While my job isn’t as physical it’s very cerebral which the nerd 🤓 in me enjoys.
I hope you get one of those other positions!
Thanks. The assignments for those positions should be posted on our company's website around 4pm, so I'll either be happy or grumpy this evening...😉
As usual, keeping the bench warm at WM.

I don't maeander around shopping very well.
So I let her do it.

Canned green peas on sale 54 cents a large can....grabbed a bunch of those for my storage.

I'll be here a while...uuugghh.

Better than the torture chamber😉😁
Restoring a computer from an image backup today. It will take all day, or longer (1Tb image). It's one of the wife's Windows computers (I am Linux myself). The hard disk died so I replaced that with an SSD. Because it's Windows, I will be installing a fresh copy of Windows eventually. But now - after a harddrive going bad - is the perfect time to test if my image backups/restores work in the real world, not just theoretically. So I'm going through this long bare-medal restore process just to test if it works. Then I will scrap that and re-install Windows from scratch. I do file backups on a daily basis, keeping a years worth of daily snapshots available to choose from. And I do image backups once a month (that's probably overkill). I know the file backups/restores are solid and work perfectly. This is the first time that I have attempted to test/verify the restore of an image backup though. Windows gets so dirty so quickly that I don't see much use for image backups, and prefer a clean install from scratch. But I still do the image backups anyway, as part of my overall backup strategy. I have been keeping three monthly image backups per computer then roll those over into one image per three months, and keep four of those rollovers, for a year's total of image backups per computer. But I just reconfigured that to only keep the latest two image backups per computer. File backups keep you covered 99% of the time, unless you really, really screw up as a user ... or your harddisk goes totally belly up. I have successfully restored different image backups in the past, but not while using my current backup server, "UrBackup", so today's work is a good test for UrBackup.

We got lots of rain last night, and it started snowing at about 9 this morning for a couple of hours. All melted now, but what a surprise! Especially since yesterday was suntan weather at eighty something.
Sorry you guys have ill mannered company. If we get bad company, I just go along my merry way and let them figure things out on their own. So far the only weirdo was our son's new girlfriend at Christmastime. She was odd and annoying. Husband had a doc appt and then we stopped in at Walmart for a few things. They had a few of the two pack whole chickens, Tyson brand, but a week or so ago they were $1 a lb. Today $1.11 a lb. Still a good deal. I cook the whole chickens, strip the meat, and freeze it for meals. Need to get to my seedlings today.
Well, got outta WM in one piece , but $170 lighter.

Went to Oasis Steak house for a real burger.
Resting now.
Daughter called , they're all coming at 4:30 to hide in bunker.

Just got the official notice , we are in tornado watch , until it goes warning , till 9pm.

It was 82 deg an hour ago and 67% humidity. That is bad. Sets us up for serious problems when the cold front hits.

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See Mayfield then Benton , then me 40 miles east of Paducah.

It's moving in quickly.
We got some drywall and hardy board in the second bath.


There had been a lot of activity at the VFC that has kept my brother busy so finishes some insulation that I had missed.

I spent the day in the garden weeding and control my urge to plant out the seedlings.

Tornadoes on the ground about 40 miles southwest of me.

Tell the truth.

Does that shelter change your attitude about tornadoes?

After I got my first 4x4 Jeep snow banks were looking at me saying "I dare you!"

After I got a bee keeper's veil and found a yellow jacket nest... I got dressed armed with modern chemistry and walked to 5hem in full daylight and laughed as they bounced off me and fell to 5he ground.

Nice thing being prepared.

Restoring a computer from an image backup today. It will take all day, or longer (1Tb image).
The software's estimate was not linear. It only took about 2-1/2 hours to restore the image. Booted perfectly after that. Next I did a file restore of all files changed/created/deleted since the image was taken (but before the harddisk died obviously). That went smoothly as well.

So I'm very happy. I verified a perfect bare-medal image restore, followed by a file restore, direct from my backup server over the network using the very simple application GUI. Now I guess I'll do a complete re-installation of Windows from scratch, because Windows always benefits from a re-installation - even though my restore today resulted in a perfectly functional system right back to the way it was before the harddisk death. Moving from harddisk to SSD makes a BIG difference in Windows boot time. On Linux, not as much, since Linux is much faster than Windows in the first place. But the speed change you see in Windows is dramatic.
Keep us posted!
I caught the job. Not sure when it'll start yet but it should be within 2 weeks. According to the post on the website, it'll be in Sidney, Nebraska, which will suck but it's still within an easy day's drive from home. And the furthest this gang can go is Cheyenne which is 9 hours or so, and that's OK by me...

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