@gumpy yes that is the problem on their prices unfortunately. I am not sure whether you have a website over there that gives you the recommended value of a vehicle per year model but if they do check out what it is worth versus the price they are wanting for it. There is always room for haggling especially when you have cash, a bald tyre well that is x off, rust well that is more x off, chipped paintwork well that is more off it again. Never be afraid to haggle yourself a good price and start really low and work up from there. If you start too high on your offer then you can't come down and I always ask them what is their best price first (gives you idea on how totally unrealistic the seller is by doing this) and offer way lower (I think it is worth x because of these reasons) and haggle backwards and forwards on the price.
You have been around a while so probably know how to do this but in case haggling is not one of your better skills follow the recommendations above. I am an ex licenced motor dealer and sold cars for a living
You have been around a while so probably know how to do this but in case haggling is not one of your better skills follow the recommendations above. I am an ex licenced motor dealer and sold cars for a living