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@gumpy yes that is the problem on their prices unfortunately. I am not sure whether you have a website over there that gives you the recommended value of a vehicle per year model but if they do check out what it is worth versus the price they are wanting for it. There is always room for haggling especially when you have cash, a bald tyre well that is x off, rust well that is more x off, chipped paintwork well that is more off it again. Never be afraid to haggle yourself a good price and start really low and work up from there. If you start too high on your offer then you can't come down and I always ask them what is their best price first (gives you idea on how totally unrealistic the seller is by doing this) and offer way lower (I think it is worth x because of these reasons) and haggle backwards and forwards on the price.

You have been around a while so probably know how to do this but in case haggling is not one of your better skills follow the recommendations above. I am an ex licenced motor dealer and sold cars for a living :) .
daughter and i have gotten a lot of deep cleaning done but we still have a lot to do. but i am really proud of what we've done so far. have to put it on hold tomorrow; have to go check on parents and make a quick run to the dollar tree.
Came back down from the mountain yesterday. We finished the exterior and started on the inside, we've been working on our kitchen

It's looking fantastic @Terri9630 did you make all the cabinets yourselves ?, if so you and your DH are very talented :) . The sloped roof offers a little challenge to get the angles right too.

Thanks! My brother in law does custom kitchens and came up to help and teach hubby how to build the cabinets. He did the first few and then supervised on the rest. We left the ceiling open on purpose since we heat with wood. The cookstove is going to be in the center of the kitchen (flu pipe will be right where the ceiling fan is) so we didn't go all the way to the peak between the kitchen and laundry room. All the water pipes will be in that wall and we wanted more air flow to keep the laundry room warmer.
Started off the morning with a nice warm shower and DH changed the dressings where I had the skin tags and growths removed. It is all looking good apart from 2 that were larger incisions and 1 that the dressing stuck to which is never fun :eek: . We are both still coughing from the flu but I am almost over mine but DH is still running a bit of a temperature but that could be a reaction to the recent flu vaccination he had too.

DH went and had a nap and while he was doing that I loaded up the steamer tray with enough sweet potatoes for 2 loads and filled up a bucket and washed them all and put them on the side of the sink. I then got some more lemon juice ice cubes out to thaw and set up the dipping solution for them after blanching to dip the sweet potatoes in so they don't go brown. We blanched and froze 16 more bags for the freezer and we are still not seeing too much of a dent in the 100 kg we harvested but now have a months worth of sweet potato preserved :D . Got to love it when you trade produce as all of the lemons we juiced came for free from a lovely friend in exchange for vegetables from our gardens and we also had enough to make 12 jars of lemon and orange marmalade too.

I then did an online order to pick up in store on Friday for the other $87 odd that was a credit from our last $350 for $300 e voucher and saved another $20.60 by shopping half price specials that we needed for food storage items. I then made out the shopping list for Friday when we go to pick up the other order for the last few items for our 2 month grocery shop. Seems I have done nothing but grocery shopping this last few weeks but our food storage has increased dramatically with all the discounts I took advantage of.

Then I stain removed some clothing and put on a load of washing in the washing machine, hung it out, brought it back in and watered half of one side of the house lawns with saved grey water from our showers and washing machine. Then I used our blanching water, vege washing water, and cooling water to water numerous seeds and seedlings in the vegetable gardens. DH trench composted all the vegetable scraps into the garden beds and fed lambie next store, who apparently was snatching the bread off him as we hadn't given him any for the last few days.

Sitting in front of the fire now and thawing out as we have a wickedly icy cold wind blowing across the mountain cottage.
Sounds like you planned it all out well and had a good teacher to teach you how to make the cabinets. Always helps when you have a professional to show you how to do it @Terri9630. Google tutorials work in a pinch too, we learnt to hang doors in our last old house and how to retrofit them to the not so straight door frames.
Getting a haircut at 1 pm and running to Dollar General. Calling to make sure mortgage company will be paying our home insurance and adjusting payments (I hate surprises). Sweeping and taping down rugs in bedroom that we just finished painting and hanging pictures in. Baking chicken for us and for dog treats. Hope that's it today.
Spent the day online looking for a vehicle. Something I despise doing, but a necessary evil! Lol.
Everyone thinks highly of what they have.

This is so true. Can't believe what they want and get for used cars today. It took us a long time to find a second one so we can go if this old van stops. What a hassle to find one that was. Its a 1978 but it is a great one so far although had to put work and some money into it.
Hope you find one soon Gump. :good luck::thumbs:
Well, you know those zucchini seedlings that I planted this morning.......

well, ....one word.


or as they are now known....

Creatures of mass garden destruction.

They've been fine in their pen for months and then zucchini plants hit dirt and...BAM.


The allies should kick them out of helicopters over Iran.

Sorry Tank, with u it was the rabbits. Hope we fixed it will know soon.

Today I keep looking at the chicken pen we took them out of last month. It is a cool day compared to last week. But I'm lazy and don't want to clean it yet.
Went to work, shopped specials at the store. Canned ravioli at 50 cents a can, 36 pack of bottled water, $2.00 a pack. Filled the cart. And it was senior discount day, so 10% off all. Need to start chores. Commercial real estate guy coming by this evening to present his market analysis on the school and to start the listing.
Went to work, shopped specials at the store. Canned ravioli at 50 cents a can, 36 pack of bottled water, $2.00 a pack. Filled the cart. And it was senior discount day, so 10% off all. Need to start chores. Commercial real estate guy coming by this evening to present his market analysis on the school and to start the listing.

Good luck with the sale.
Thanks. It'll probably take a while. Supposed to go on commercial MLS, but with no sign outside. I do not want to lose customers or employees. Told him we would think about a sign if it's still available in 6 months. We still have to meet with a business broker to sell the actual business. This would be one and a third acre and the school building itself. But we built it so it could be a number of things. It has a full commercial kitchen and would also make a great restaurant.
Took a drive today to see a lake and waterfalls we hadn’t seen. They are physically about 30km away but you can’t get there from here. It is 60 k on mountainous logging roads. Nice drive saw a black bear and some deer. There are options on the way home, we could go back, or drive to a committee about an hour from home after about 65 k of gravel or to another community about an hour and a half from home after 80 k of gravel. We opt for option 2. We have the wife,s Subaru, no maps but the gravel is signed .... at the start. 40 k of gravel into the trip welcome to a fork. To the left is a beat up logging road. To the right good gravel. I go right ... bad move ... eventually we end up in some communities I have heard of but not anywhere near where we want to be. 275 km later we are back home. Pretty country. Good company. New places seen. Next time I will try the other fork.
For a week the FBI has been warning folks with home routers about a russian malware attack. Today I figured out how to update my router firmware to a new safe release. Got another load of cloths washed. Watered all my porch plants. For some reason my Cilantro plant died a couple of weeks ago. One day it was fine, the next it was dead. My lemon balm died during the tropical storm last week. I thought I had it in an out door pot so excess water could drain out. Evidently it wasn't, so it drowned in all that rain. I was just getting ready to harvest it and make tincture, darn.
Thanks! Just met with the land/building agent, but we need to next meet with the business agent for the business/building package. He did do a good market analysis on the land and building. Also offered different ways to sell...the business to someone who wants to run it and investment people who want to buy the land and building to lease it to them. Or, we hold the lease while husband is still working so we aren't socked right away with taxes. So..next is to meet with the business broker.
Finished our 2 months grocery shop today at Aldi and did go $45 over but as we have quite a lot of excess food from the discounts we got from vouchers our shopping bill in August should be dramatically lower. Tomorrow we still have to pick up the other order I did with the rest of our $350 e-voucher out of stock items. Whilst out we also picked up some bread improver from Coles and some potting mix to re pot our lemon and mandarin tree on the back veranda. I brought the washing in off the clothes line before we left too.

As we now know our grocery e-vouchers will come on regularly every 3 months on eBay we have decided to move our shop out to 3 monthly to take advantage of the added discounts by putting $100 in a high interest account and earning bank interest on it in the meantime too. The only thing we will have to get will be butter and fresh fruit should we need it.

We went to the chapel and did our rostered clean up and when we got there the carpets had been steam cleaned so we didn't have to vacuum so as an addition I cleaned all the outside windows and doors of the chapel, damp dusted all the skirting boards and doors and DH disinfected all the door handles and surrounds and we did the usual cleaning and mopping of toilets. It looks much cleaner now and the windows sparkle without little child hand prints all over them which will probably last under a week at my reckoning :) .

Got home and our lovely missionaries delivered us some homemade soup to have for our dinner tonight as they heard we have the flu. We think we know the lovely couple who made it for us and will have the soup with homemade bread and butter. Fire on again as we still have cold icy winds blowing over the mountain cottage.
Drove to work with the day's work plan outlined in my head. My plan lasted until I fired up the computer, the first email...

Spend most of my work day putting out fires. Sure wish Senior Management would allow us to take the matches away from the most troublesome employees...would increase productive exponentially!