What's everybody doing today?

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Went to the FFA rodeo last night and had the best time. Looks like Jake may have met his first girlfriend, we giggled about it all evening.

I just starting picking green beans. They're coming slowly but surely. Went to Sams to stock up, and got all of that put away. Just sold 2 hens, a red and a jersey giant red mix for $20 each. They should start laying any time now. Granddaughter has a friend spending the night, so they are off and out of sight. I'm sure they'll poke their heads out at suppertime. The kids and grandkids will be around tomorrow afternoon to celebrate the twins turning 13. We'll have lots of dinner and cake.
I went out after 6pm to bush hog around the chicken pen and my herb bed. I was in the shade on the old ford tractor and still soaked my shirt with sweat in less than 10 minutes. It was hot! I ran the weed eater after that, even hotter. I got a load of clothes in the wash at the moment.
Long, busy, tiring day yesterday so I thought I would sleep well. Not! Two nights in a row of less than 4 hours of sleep! Went to Church this morning and started Red beans in the crockpot when I got home. Also roasted in the oven a mix of sweet potatoes, white potatoes, squash, carrots, onions, and garlic cloves. A little olive oil on the bottom of pan and Italian dressing sprinkled over. Boy, is that good! Then had apple slices spread with peanut butter, pecan pieces and blueberries. Trying to get more veggies in us.
We're trying to get rid of the ungaa mungaa of the lungs, a nasty hacking that we picked up at the hospital when I went in for X-rays, we'll probably never enter that place without face masks from now on, someone was coughing in line behind us. My dad used to say that if you want to get sick, go to a hospital.
I am an ex nurse @viking and I will second that you get sicker by entering hospitals, :oops: did I say that :), there are more bugs there than anywhere else.

Personally I just have to go to church to get sick because for some unknown reason they all insist on coming to church with pneumonia, flu, colds and you name it. It is a personal bug bear of mine if you are sick stay home no-one else needs your germs. We will not go out if we are contagious.
Round 1 started off the morning with DH washing up the dishes and cleaning the kitchen benches and I wiped them and put them away and we even gave some of our stainless steel pots a go over with stainless steel cleaner as they are getting a little stained. We will do them one at a time as we use them and they need washing up.

Then I put on the drip irrigation systems to water the front and back vegeable garden beds and used the dish rinsing water to get some spills off the vinyl in the kitchen and then put it on the newly emerged vegetable seedlings in the garden and the more dirty rinsing water went on the back lawn and fed lambie next door some bread. Then watered half of the driveway lawns with saved grey water from our showers and washing machine. Back inside where I shook out the bathroom mats and swept the kitchen, toilet and laundry area.

DH is having a nap for an hour and then we will head into town to do postage of some seeds I sold on eBay and get a new seal for the oil filler on our 251 chainsaw that is leaking. We might pick up a few replacement seals for both the 661 and 251 to have in stock for replacements as they seem to go regularly.
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A quite day… I got a couple of light rain showers this afternoon, barely enough to wet the sides of my truck. Still the garden drank it all up, got a 50% chance for rain tomorrow and Tues. Fingers crossed! The garden needs it.

Since the raccoon killed one of my hens a week or so ago I’ve been shutting them in their “Fort Knox Coop” every night. Chickens are stupid anyway, but this one hen is a pain, driving me nuts… I take a paper plate of dinner scraps etc. All the other chickens run over me trying to get in the coop… except for the idiot. I usually have to go back down there after dark, pluck her off the little laying house and put her in the coop. She keeps this up and I’ll be planning a crock pot of chicken & dumplings real soon.
Ugh just checked our water restrictions now we are drought declared and our water restrictions have gone from 230 lts per person per day down to 200 lts per person per day. Just as well we shut down the large 10 x 5 mt vegetable garden bed now that the pumpkins are finished and the bed will lay fallow until winter is over with a layer of grass clippings, leaves and hay over the top.

Fortunately we are way under that water usage with about 307lts of water for the 2 of us including watering the vegetable garden beds.
Sunday - Church. In-law family meal. Take the SIL home. Unload the car. Chick chores. Check out what I want to add to the tinned basic first aid kits that came in Saturday's mail. Wake up to finish off the pie left over from the In-laws. Watch a western I hadn't seen before heading to bed....BUZZZZZZZZZ....Monday morning already?!?!

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But you can't plow or have fun driving through rain drifts ;)
I was doing 50 or 60 down the two lane road when my speedometer went to zero. The speedometer on my '63 VW Bug was run by a cable to my left front wheel. I knew immediately that my car was hydroplaning and that I had no steering. That was enough "fun" driving through the rain as I want.
Rode 5 miles on my bike today. When I was younger I rode 50 miles in a day many times. Now I had to work up to do just 5 miles. I'm hoping I can at least get up to 10 miles a day this summer.

What we used to do all day, now takes all day to do. We are older, we are wiser and we are much slower. 2 out of 3 ain't too bad. :ghostly:

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