Yeah, it's a tough plant, and it thrives in a hot & generally dry climate like I have here... but I'm happy with the progress I made today, many of the vines pulled had heaps of goatheads on 'em, still too green to simply fall off, so they made it into the trash bin. I scraped a hundred or more smaller vines (sprouts) at ground level with the hoe, whether they come back or not remains to be seen. Thanks to yesterday's rain, many of the larger vines pulled right up, long taproot and all... so I made a dent in the rather large puncturevine population. Clearly, this is a problem I inherited with the home, the old folks who were here before probably couldn't keep up with the damned vines.
I'm still gonna try burning layers of needles over the 'carpets' of young puncturevines... I have needles galore to burn, so why NOT give it a shot? If the vines are damaged or destroyed to the point where no goathead development occurs, that will surely reduce the overall vine numbers. I'm talking about a lot of young vines, so if I can make a dent in the overall population, I'll be doing alright. Better than just leaving them to explode into even greater numbers next year. Luckily, my timing was good in this endeavor, and I caught the larger mats of puncturevine before the hundreds of goatheads on them were "ripe" enough to fall off... the burrs were still firmly attached to each vine, so into the trash bin they went!
I certainly do NOT want to use Roundup or any other poison on my property if I can help it, no future in that, lol. And I don't want to waste money on a flamethrower UNLESS burning works with the needles... and if it does, I'll probably just use more needles, there's no shortage of those here, including needles from last fall which are still under the trees out back (or to the west). I raked up heaps of needles in February & March to start fires in my stone fire ring out front (east side), and they burned like nobody's business... as long as these needles out back are dry when I torch 'em, they should go up just as quickly. Again, even if I slow or reduce the puncturevine population explosion, I'm ahead of the game, lol.