Called around, looks like I may have to ride the thumper to Las Cruces or El Paso to swap out the recalled front tire... ugh. I'll never buy another Continental tire again, I only bought this one as a stopgap measure when the cycle shop in Sierra Vista (AZ) didn't have a Dunlop tire in stock which fit my front wheel. I was camping at the time, so I went ahead and bought this piece o' Continental "dual sport" junk, thinking that I'd just ride it till it wore down, then order a Dunlop tire from my new town of Alamogordo. Wasn't but a few short months before the recall email arrived... I haven't been riding the bike as much as I normally would, since I've been tackling the home rehab effort. Now I'm wishing I had just waited till I got here, then ordered a Dunlop... but it seemed like the right thing to do at the time.
The good news is that our local library now has the latest Will Tanner book, THE VIOLENT STORM, by William W. Johnstone (and J. A. Johnstone), copyright 2022. Gotta like the 'Will Tanner, U.S. Deputy Marshal' series, good ol' Will is about the closest thing to "my kind of lawman." If an outlaw or prisoner gives him a hard time, Will just shoots the ****, lol... exactly what I would do in the wilderness, or even in town. I mean seriously, what difference does it make if the outlaw or prisoner is gonna hang ANYWAY? Can't wait to read this new Will Tanner book, plus I scored a stack of other Westerns to keep me busy when I'm not thinking about home rehab, lol. I picked up some good library DVDs too, can't rely on the Roku Streaming Stick all the time.
Guess I'll call some cycle shops in L.C. and El Paso, I need to locate a shop which does business with Continental Tire so I can get this piece o' junk swapped out and start riding those trails in the mountains. The recall has held me back, even though the tire "looks okay"---better to swap it out and be done with it, no worries about the tire disintegrating on the road. Worst-case scenario, if things get to be too much of a hassle, I toss the piece o' junk tire, buy a new Dunlop and chalk it all up to bad experience. I just finished an email survey with Continental, and I gave 'em the lowest marks possible, maybe that'll light a fire under those tards so they tell me where to get the piece o' junk tire swapped. No matter what happens, I'll never buy another one of their cr@ppy tires again, I should've just waited to order my usual Dunlop. Meh, live & learn...