What's everybody doing today?

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I cleaned up in my bathroom so I could fold the sheet vinyl over. No creases but it needs to be smoothed down better. I'll have to take stuff out of the room to get it out of the way to straighten out the vinyl. Fortunately the hole I cut for the supply line was large enough for the new one to fit through. I need to find the tape I bought to do perimeter taping on the flooring (after I wipe the floor with a tack cloth to make sure there is no residual dust that the shopvac missed. The vinyl sheet itself needs some good cleaning as well.

I ordered the battery and charger for my Worx jawsaw and hopefully when they come in I can tackle more weeds.
A few days ago I started shopping for musician accessories. A 10 year ritual, see if someone has invented new picks, clamps, tuners, etc. Read music blogs and trade rags, catch up on news.

I need the whole gambit, string and finish rags, tuner batteries… I carry 4 different kinds of picks, always need extras of each. (A friend once told me he’d rather take his wife shoe shopping that go in a music shop with me… lol. I guess I can be rather anal about the subject 😁)

I’m thinking I finally need a new guitar case. This one has traveled 1000’s of miles and it shows! The duct tape is to hold the surface material only, cosmetic. The tape is also camouflage. Sometimes instruments are stolen from shows. Thieves usually steal the new cases, not a ratty old case like mine. At least that’s been my experience.

It’s still fairly solid, outlasted all the original stickers I had on it but I think it’s time to retire it. The new cases offer far superior protection though, some are even water and atmosphere proof. Anyone bought a new instrument case lately?

(Funny, the red circle below… a little kid put a bandaid on it. Said my case had an “Owie”. I liked it so I left it there.)

Case 02a.JPG
Case 03a.JPG
Case 04a.JPG
@Peanut i found a music store I used to shop at is going out of business, not in Texas. Auctioning stuff online. My violin case is pretty old too, 1940s?
New page and I can’t remember what was said page before. Chaosdawn’s dog is on the mend, thank goodness. Sonya is selling off sheep, what breed? Bacpacker, congratulations!! We always went out for dinner. Would have been 42 years in May….
:confused2::oops: :heart/flower
Gonna rest my aching back... pulled a heap of goathead vines this morning, including large mature vines loaded with goatheads, but my lower back is giving me grief. Many of those mature vines were in the dirt alley to the west, I must have missed 'em earlier... ugh. But at least I filled two large plastic sacks with goathead vines, so there are fewer to cause trouble later. I think I did too much stooping & bending today, so I'm gonna eat a late brunch and lie down to read a good book, maybe even take a nap, lol. Break tomorrow, unless my back magically feels better... :rolleyes:
A terrible day :p. Had to cut my hair and shave, driving the hayride tractor for a wedding later.

Don't get used to it :p

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If it helps, I'm Waaaaay uglier with a full shave. I resemble a peeled spud and I'm told and have down syndrome features, you're a Greek god next to me!

As to what I did today...
i finally got my new Toshiba A/C unit installed, I went shopping at a roadside produce stand and hit a flea market. As any lady will tell you, shopping is calming, cathartic and just fun! I added several books on prepping to my library, bought a big, cheap "special forces" knife that I'll be buffing the logo off of tonight since it's mall ninja grade, then scored some pizzas and a 6 of Amber Bock.
Read for a while, must have fallen asleep because it's already after 1700... meh, no worries, at least my back isn't quite as stiff & sore as it was. I gotta watch all that stooping & bending, been doing way too much of it lately. I ain't no spring chicken anymore, that much is obvious... I'll be glad when the darned weeding is DONE for the year! :confused:

Bit the bullet and bought an open air seat for horse racing at Ruidoso Downs on Labor Day! I'm interested in watching the $3M All American Futurity race, 3 MILLION DOLLARS riding on one race! Meant to go to the races earlier this season, but I got caught up in the Goathead Wars and all the other BS... time to cut loose and have a little fun, yeah? :cool:

My open air seat cost a total of $19, and I guess it allows me to watch all the races run that day. Might as well make a day of it, the first race begins at noon, and I was told by a staff member at the track that the racing runs for 5 or 6 hours. Might be a good day to bring the Tombstone hip flask, and sneak a snort or two right off the bat in the parking lot, lol. ;)

P.S. I'll be sure to bring my fully-charged camera so I can catch some of the action (and post pics afterward) for my 'good Internet friends' here at H&CL, BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Damn, sometimes I slay myself... but I still luv ya!!! Lol. Hey, look at the bright side: a day of racing means NO FRIGGIN' WEEDING!!! HOORAY!!! :thumbs:

The thought of a day with no weeding makes me wanna dance like a crazy fool!!! Check these moves!!! :dancing:
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Had a kind of crummy day with some personal stuff, so going to order pizzas with my kids and binge some TV. No work tonight except watering the yard as it needs it desperately with the heat we've been having.
Tomorrow I'm going to check out the local shelters and check out pups and cats, as the aforementioned personal drama includes a family member leaving with our cats :( The silver lining is that they're allergic to dogs, so in their absence we can have dogs again. There's a beautiful Pyrenees nearby that looks good, or a Anatolian Shepherd that might be a good fit for us. I'd love to rescue a dog rather than get a puppy, especially at the prices they charge for puppies these days. A place I checked out the other day had some for $2,500 each - and if that was too much to swallow they have a payment plan at 76% interest :eek: Thanks, but no. I definitely want something with a low prey drive so it can coexist with my flocks and future herds. Would love to have a corgi or heeler again, but they are in short supply around here.
A few days ago I started shopping for musician accessories. A 10 year ritual, see if someone has invented new picks, clamps, tuners, etc. Read music blogs and trade rags, catch up on news.
Peanut, I used to play guitar too! I still do occasionally. Played in a heavy metal garage band in my 20s....lol
What sort of music do you play? I have a Strat and a Yamaha arcustic
If it helps, I'm Waaaaay uglier with a full shave. I resemble a peeled spud and I'm told and have down syndrome features, you're a Greek god next to me!

As to what I did today...
i finally got my new Toshiba A/C unit installed, I went shopping at a roadside produce stand and hit a flea market. As any lady will tell you, shopping is calming, cathartic and just fun! I added several books on prepping to my library, bought a big, cheap "special forces" knife that I'll be buffing the logo off of tonight since it's mall ninja grade, then scored some pizzas and a 6 of Amber Bock.

YOU remind me so much of someone I used to know.....Mike is that you???? just checking ....if you wrote a Samurai book, send me a PM...ok?
So today I am again exhausted and instead of my usual banana smoothie for dinner I had 2 glasses of wine....
We are going to trade the goat for the ram , win win!
Fixed most of the fencing so the new ram has a place to go until we are ready to breed the sheep ( 2 weeks) which are Katadhins ( hair sheep)
I am currently also baking a apple cake, still in the oven
Peanut, I used to play guitar too! I still do occasionally. Played in a heavy metal garage band in my 20s....lol
What sort of music do you play? I have a Strat and a Yamaha arcustic

I didn't know you played, used to be a couple pickers here in the forum. Haven't seen them post in ages. I grew up in a family of pickers, played bluegrass. Friends and I played at a restaurant in the big town until 6 or 7 years ago. It was a lot of fun, more like a jam session than a performance. We'd just sit in rocking chairs and play in front of the big fireplace, we didn't even face the crowd. I guess we were there for ambiance. I don't play much any more, most of the bluegrass pickers I know are dead or moved away. I still own one guitar, a martin. Been thinking of getting another mandolin, probably wishful thinking at this point.
@Peanut I have a mandolin in my possession and do not know how to play it. It belongs to one of the kids.
@Bacpacker you need to take a break this weekend.
@TeeJ sorry things are crummy right now. Have you checked fake book marketplace for dogs? And check rescue websites with the name of the dog in your search...like blue heeler rescue, etc. Just trying to help!
@snappy1 snap, I hope everything went well with the food preservation. Nice to hear you've got some put back. I need to change some medical stuff and keep forgetting to do it.
@Wingnut what is the surprise you responded to on my post? Bacpacker and I are the same age, I just got married sooner.
@Peanut I have a mandolin in my possession and do not know how to play it. It belongs to one of the kids.
@Bacpacker you need to take a break this weekend.
@TeeJ sorry things are crummy right now. Have you checked fake book marketplace for dogs? And check rescue websites with the name of the dog in your search...like blue heeler rescue, etc. Just trying to help!
@snappy1 snap, I hope everything went well with the food preservation. Nice to hear you've got some put back. I need to change some medical stuff and keep forgetting to do it.
@Wingnut what is the surprise you responded to on my post? Bacpacker and I are the same age, I just got married sooner.
Maybe takin a road trip one of the three days. LOTS to catch up on around here. Being sick last week got me WAY behind
Friends came in late afternoon. They're from New Mexico (Placitas, Wingnut), but they've been traveling the US in their RV since May. The lady is ready to go home, living like a nomad has its stories, but does get old. So they decided to stay in the guest room and leave the RV by the milkhouse for tonight anyway. They're fun to have around, we'll see what trouble we can get into tomorrow. Not sure how long they're staying, but probably a few days.
@TeeJ, I would be so upset if someone left with my cats. I'm sorry that happened. But maybe you can get a dog that likes cats. I hope you will rescue cats and dogs that get along.

I got up looking for something and couldn't find it. Emptied two bins looking for it and need to do more organizing. Desperately need to clean the pantry out, seal up the holes the mice get through, and put stuff away in it (after getting rid of stuff that expired or got ruined by mice).
Slightly hung over this morning, but I need to get outside and water, plus dump more bird seed on the quail block pavers... no quail blocks at the store last time I went, so I bought a 40-lb. bag of bird seed, the doves & other birds have been gobbling up the loose feed like nobody's business, lol. I don't mind, I like having the birds around, and the cats like watching them, lol... sometimes they hunt 'em too, but I try to level the field by clearing brush away from the feeders & birdbaths. Otherwise, that Tiger cat will kill too many birds, he's a real hunter... :confused:

Anyway, I'm sipping some herbal tea after having a little juice earlier, gotta rehydrate after all those beers last night. I wound up watching 'MAGNUM FORCE' on the streaming stick, hadn't seen it in a while so it was hilarious as always. My favorite scene is where the rogue cop blasts the pimp... and how about that pimp wagon? Holy Cow!!! I can see myself cruising the beach on Ocean Boulevard in that rig... NOT. What was that on the roof? Some kind of upholstery? The orange stuff? Looked like part of a sofa, lol... that sure was some classic pimp wagon! Jeez... :oops:

Gotta make a store run later, I need to print out my ticket for the horse races on Monday, I usually do this sort of thing at the library but I'll have to use Staples today. At least the store is relatively close, and I can hit Walmart on the way home. If I get the ticket printed, I won't have to wait in line at the 'Will Call' ticket window at the racetrack, so I reckon it's worth the trouble. I don't have a printer for this laptop, you understand, and of course my flip-phone dates back to the Mesozoic Era. However, I saw a 4G flip-phone for $40 at Walmart, that will be my replacement in December, lol. ;)

Guess I'll grab another cuppa tea, I'm a cheap b@stard so I'll steep the bag twice, lol. I could grab a fresh bag, but then I wouldn't feel like I'm saving money, 10-4? And this Cinnamon Apple Spice tea from Celestial Seasonings is strong enough to steep twice, no problem. Now that the mornings are a bit cooler, the tea tastes pretty good... I didn't drink any hot tea during that hot weather we had earlier, no fun doing that, lol. This upcoming fall weather should be really nice, it always is in the high desert. I am definitely looking forward to it after the long hot summer... :cool:
P.S. Back feels better this morning, but it's still stiff & sore, so no weeding today!!! "HALLELUJAH!!!" :dancing:
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We're installing two switches on Main Track 2 today. We started at 0530 and it started out smooth but the bigwigs are running a lot of trains on Main 1 and we have to stop every time a train comes through our work zone. Right now I'm sitting in the truck waiting on another train. If we can ever get back out there and work, I'm guessing we'll be done by 8:00 tonight. If not, it could get real late. Oh well, if they don't mind paying time and a half, I don't mind being here...
Got up at 5:45 and was in the garage this morning by 6-ish. I started in the garage while K cleaned the kitchen and made coffee. I got a huge dent made this morning before we all came back in to have breakfast. The bed of K's truck is already full and the trashcans are over flowing again. We still have a chunk of work out there before we can stop but it was nice seeing how fast we got it done this morning. Lots of purging and more to come.

Mountains of empty cardboard boxes we can use for the move and dozens of empty totes as well!

K did take the rest of his work junk and tossed it in the cab of the truck to take back to the yard. And he brought home some more useless junk but I am not arguing about this since it was given to him by his boss- a set of golf clubs. I am also not going to fight him on it since I brought home a new-to-me steamer trunk on Thursday. That went right up to our room and is at the foot of the bed next to the other one. I plan to line it with cedar and use it for the quilts my mom made. (My mom has three of said steamer trunks full of quilts and heirlooms. K is in for a fight if he thinks I am getting rid of any of them when my folks go!)
Walked first.
made run to Dollar General.
Walked dogs.
Picked okra and figs.
Still need to shave DH's cheeks with dog clippers. LOL
Go out to shed and look for Christmas lights.
Print recipes to put up figs and elderberries next week.
I'm always amazed when I hear someone say they are bored. Very rare occurrence for me!
Today we are having venison stew. I ate one of the turnips that I grew and the wife was totally disgusted. This morning I seal-a-mealed the green beans that we blanched and shocked last night, we put them in layers on bakers trays separated by parchment paper to freeze overnight, then I was able to put them up while frozen. Didn't have a lot but we got 22 bags in all. But it took up some of the freezer space that I had set aside for venison...

I started working on my new rain barrel arrangement, I was able to drain my oldest barrels, and I plan to put bottom bungs in them, the barrels are the gray 60 gallon units and I have been using them for 15 years, they are still good but some of the fittings leak and I plan to repair the all to 100%. The old barrels had commercial fittings installed in such a way that there was almost 20% that was not usable, this new arrangement will allow me to fully drain them in the future without moving them out of position.... The additional new barrels are going to start out life with the bottom drains from the beginning.... I was a little upset as the local home depot did not have the fittings I needed to make my planned changes to the pump collection manifold. Old story, hurry up and wait... ;)
There's a Blues festival on in a local town, the first one in three years- brilliant line up in pubs and marquees, most of it free. Just back from a few hours of excellent music, and heading back in for the last few sessions later at 9. It'll be a late one, so dinner for tomorrow is prepped in case I'm zombie-like!
Enjoy! There aren't many music festivals where I live, but I look forward to the next one. Are there any well known musicians at your festival? I love me some blues...
The contractor crawler operators twisted a switch again so we lost an hour putting it back together. The big boss is here and he is beside himself. He got so worked up he started dropping F Bombs over the radio. The switch is nearly placed in the track now and I'm having lunch. In an hour or so, it'll be time to button it up and test the operation of the switch. If its good, hopefully we can get out of here at a decent time tonight...

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