What's everybody doing today?

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We slept in this morning. My alarm went off at 5 but I hit the snooze and went back to sleep. Got up at 7-ish and started my day. No work in the garage. When I woke K up he was stiff so we said we'd take today off and get back to it tomorrow.

I am slowly working on the putz. The bases take the most time as I have to cut the foam board, wrap it in drafting paper, paint it white once the glue dries then add the house, paint sidewalks or pathways, and glitter the whole thing. Currently I seal the whole thing with mod podge when it is 'done'. It takes 2-3 coats to seal the glitter but not look like I covered the whole thing in glue.

I still can't believe how much we got done in the garage. You can pull a car in there!
The local shire council - the US version would be a county I think, finally decided to spend some money out here in the slums and got a crew to insert new liners into the sewerage and water systems.
The water pressure is amazing!
It has brought its own problems.
I found out I have a serious water hammer issue in my household plumbing and now all my taps leak and I have to replace the seals.
Nothing worse than being woken at 3 in the morning at the plumbing screaming and playing musical taps - turning them on and off in different combinations to stop the noise.
Off to the hardware store to get a water hammer arrestor or a hydro seal for the water hammer issues, multiple tap seals.
While I'm there I have to get a new mixer tap for the kitchen and a cistern and cistern seal for the toilet.
I'm still trying to fix the bathroom re: cistern and cistern seal -after Landshark's night of terror.
The hardware web-site says they have these items in stock.....I'll see if that's the case when I get there.

Looks like I'll be playing plumber over the next week and I have no doubt I'll be saving hundreds of dollars by doing it myself with tuts from YT.
Just as well I'm handy.
Tank-Girl, I like the term "shire". Probably because I associate it with Lord of the Rings. LOL. Glad they are starting to fix stuff. But the water hammering sounds awful. Hope you can get it fixed quickly.

Cooked for Mom, logged into ESO (Elder Scrolls Online) for a few minutes. Internet is being pissy with this weather. I'm about to take a nap I think. Back and legs weren't cooperating enough for me to move furniture like I wanted. I tried cleaning in the living room but kept losing my balance so I decided to sit down.
Today after church, I worked on setting up my new rain barrels. It turned into a lot more work than I expected, I had to drain and remove the originals so I could install new bungs at the bottom of the barrel, I was surprised at how clean they were. I had to make new cribbing for all the barrels so they are all now level with each other. Not a lot of extra damage on the old bod, few cuts and bruises, back hurts but that sounds like a Friday... ;) I was almost done when I discovered that I was short 4 female hose fittings necessary to finish the job. We are expecting rain by noon tomorrow, so if I catch the sunrise I might have everything hooked up and ready to catch the rain in the afternoon.
We got up early this morning and headed out to buy some parts Jeeps. We bought 2 today that should have all of the parts to get Jakes Jeep on the road.

Ran the weedeater until almost 7 and must have stirred up a next of something. Hornets I expect. Something kept buzzing me, I walked away, came back a few minutes later and they did it again. SO I called it a night. No need to get stung. Made good progress, only like one area being finished.
Long day, I am beat
ABR, out of curiosity, what is making your dryer a fire hazard? I hope you can find a good dryer for a good price.
It has decided that it will stop/start and change settings on it's own. We keep the door open when not in use and unplug it if gone from home overnight. Even with the door open it will decide to try and change the settings to start. If I didn't know better I'd say it's possessed by something that hates dry clothes or wants to fry them 🤷‍♀️
It has decided that it will stop/start and change settings on it's own. We keep the door open when not in use and unplug it if gone from home overnight. Even with the door open it will decide to try and change the settings to start. If I didn't know better I'd say it's possessed by something that hates dry clothes or wants to fry them 🤷‍♀️
The ghost of lost socks
Still have company, they are on their way tomorrow morning. Took them to lunch at an old diner in the bigger town. Then went to the space museum and spent the afternoon there. Picked up pizzas and took them to my favorite cousin's house and we all met for dinner and conversation. Got to see their new born pony and two new puppies.
Still have company, they are on their way tomorrow morning. Took them to lunch at an old diner in the bigger town. Then went to the space museum and spent the afternoon there. Picked up pizzas and took them to my favorite cousin's house and we all met for dinner and conversation. Got to see their new born pony and two new puppies.
Sounds like a fun enjoyable day!! Much needed!!
Looks like the issue with the car was the MAP sensor and I have had no more issues since I put the new one on!
Praise be to God!
It started and ran from a cold start and no surging and stalling.
No need to take the back seats and matting out of the car to reach the fuel pump and filter now.
That was going to be a bear of a job because that back seat looks heavy.
Everything went sideways on our switch installation project again today. We had to replace about 25 ties that were correct on the diagram, but were actually wrong for the actual switches. That slowed us down quite a bit and now we have a full day of work for tomorrow on the holiday. Since I have to go in, I want to work a full 8 hours and no more. We get paid 8 hours of holiday pay for working on Labor Day, plus time and a half for working on a non scheduled day. Those 8 hours will be around $70 an hour. Any hours exceeding 8 hours will just be time and a half. I've got a 7 hour drive home so I'd just as soon be done at 2pm when my 8 hours is up...
It's raining again :( Well the dry week was very nice and we got a lot done.
I wonder what our road we worked on looks like this morning. It poured last night
Went to buy a tiller attachment for the tractor Saturday. I hope it works, we haven't attached it yet since there is nothing to till at the moment
Weed eated under the electric sheep fence yesterday and took dogs for a walk then it started raining
Goats are in the barn, sheep are still out but if it keeps pouring we might put them in also.
Baked a apple cake, new recipe with cream cheese in it, and it was amazingly good. I am going to make another batch and see if it bakes well in bread tins for selling at the market (a big whole round cake would probably be too much)
Made pesto for the first time ( basil, walnuts, olive oil, parmesan cheese, some parsley and garlic) . It was really good. I put it on pasta and added some grilled cherry tomatoes. Family liked it too.
Dug all my spring potatoes on Saturday, yesterday was helping my farm friend with the covering for his other high tunnel, then off to my Bil for a brunch. Then to end the day another friend had a jamfest party with another friends band along with his stepson who plays violin. Nice way to end the day. Today will be rearranging pantry as we are expected to get 3 or 4 inches of rain next 2 days. And fertilize the lawn as well. May you all enjoy Labor Day!
I was able to finish installing the rain barrels this morning.
Doing laundry now.
A buddy stopped by to discuss our opening day plans.
The wife is making casseroles for the freezer.

Lots of work to do indoors now, I have been ignoring my indoor growing station and it looks dry..

I was thinking of the new rain barrel arrangement, you know if I made a platform above them, I could make a swing-up frame to hold another 1200 watts of emergency solar, that would be nice...
The rains finally came in, I put a glass out on the rain barrels as a rain gauge and I have my sight tube marked so I can get an accurate measurement of how much rain impacts the barrel levels. I do know how many gallons each inch represents, so a simple sight tube and a yard stick works well for keeping track of things. The new bung arrangement gave me 6" more usable storage, almost like getting 16% more use out of each barrel. It also means that I can completely drain them to avoid freezing by opening one valve. I learned the hard way that 6"s of Ice can split a barrel open.
Have you considered a heating unit for a jaccuuzi or large water heater?
Maybe just some waterproofed heat tape or some kind of agitator?
Because I can now drain them quickly I can keep them going till Late October or Early November, then in Late Winter or early spring when the first rains start back up I can start refilling them. I figure I can keep them operational about 7 or 8 months out of the year now, which is a big improvement over what I had before. I have two threaded pipe ends that open to bypass my rain water collection and 1 - 1/4 turn valve to drain or close the system, 10 minutes to make the switch, and if I get hit with some unexpected weather I can respond to that too.
ABR, yikes! No wonder you want get rid of it. My friend had a stove that did stuff like that. Oven turned on by itself and burners turned on while they were turned to off. One of the houseguests burned her hand on the stove bc it indicated it was off but was really on.

Rusty, I'm glad you found the kid before she could get hurt or killed. Couple in our neighborhood lost their baby bc no one was watching her. She crawled out the front door & into the driveway. The dad didn't know and backed out to go to work and ran her over.

Organized my tools and supplies so they would be ready for friend to mouseproof the pantry ceiling where it has big holes. Mice had cheewed through one spot already. He stuffed it with steel wool & stapled up some metal mesh. Got to use my new pneumatic staple gun. He put the compressor and stuff away in the tool closet for me. He also put screws in the hinges on pantry door. Sucker was only on with two screws. Then he helped me move a bulky end table & hauled out a heavy trash bag for me. I got him groceries in return.

Got back from getting groceries and RX and had to clean up mom's trash to get end table in place. But old end table is moved, new one is in, mom has been fed, kitties are piling on me and I'm ready for a nap.
I've had a busy summer with visitors, house sitting, dog sitting, etc. I rarely do anything fun, but today a friend from one of the dog parks had a pool party for a group of us regulars and the dogs. There were 10 of us. The hostess lost her husband a few years ago, and is a grandmother. Today she talked about how going to the dog park every day has been a life saver for her since losing her husband. She has met many friends there and it has been important to her. Five of us went to the funeral of one of the regulars last fall. Dogs create lots of entertainment and laughs. She has her grandkids over most weekends to swim, but not today.
Pizza was ordered, pipes were passed around, and a good times was had. Pipes were passed, but less than half of us partook. Not my thing, but it is Colorado. It was great to hang out and catch up with everyone. I have hardly seen these friends this summer because of schedules.
Work today was even more messed up than yesterday. None of the plates fit the rails correctly, so we had to improvise and swap them out by hand. What was supposed to be 5 hours of work turned into 9 hours and isn't really even finished right. It'll be there waiting for us when we go back.

I just got home after a 7 hour drive. Time to drag all my stuff into my place and crash out for the night...
Doing the dreaded shopping trip today , but at least it stopped raining for now so we can clean the barn and put everyone back out

One of the sheep has some weird round pink spots right above her hoofs. I sprayed them with antibacterial/fungal stuff, hope it doesn't turn into something. Never seen anything like that before but she's acting normal and not limping .

It rained all day yesterday , was still raining when I went to sleep . I spent most of the day in the kitchen , baking bread and more apple cake. The cake ended up not being large enough in the bread tins so I need to double the recipe or maybe increase by half

Weedygarden: that sounds like a fun party!!
It was a nice relaxing 3 day weekend. Got caught up on laundry and harvested a ton of tomatoes & some squash that are finally bearing fruit. Was going to harvest older quail & chickens yesterday but decided that might be a handful with the puppy. The birds have a reprieve until the little guy is crate trained.

My kids got a similar aged pup as well, and the two are getting along very well. The puppy play is absolutely adorable.
Baby chicks are starting to hatch this morning, so we'll see how many we get. I don't bother candling eggs, so it's always a surprise. Little granddaughter will be back at school today after her long week off with covid. Have no clue what's on the agenda today yet....all the kids at school, company gone. We do have family therapy late afternoon, and that's never any fun. Have hardly seen the twins at all the last week, so not sure what to talk about.

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