What's everybody doing today?

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Amish_Heart, it sounds like even though your granddaughter is more manipulative, at least she got a job & may have move of a plan. I imagine the drugs may have a big part in the grandson's attitude. I hadn't remembered that he didn't have a driver's license. Sounds like a lot of the people around here. Don't ever bother to get licenses, although quite a few drive without them despite it being illegal.

I just woke up from a nap. I think I went to bed before 10pm. Bladder needs woke me up and I'm about to go back to sleep. Got some music that is supposed to be soothing to cats playing and the cats are gathered around the speakers. LOL. It actually helps me to sleep.
This week I am teleworking on EU time, Days have been starting at 04:00 and going till 17:00 American. I have been getting a heck of a lot done and was surprised at how fast the day went.

Then this morning I get an e-mail from someone asking why I didn't attend a different meeting? Apparently, they wanted me to speak but forgot to invite me..... I guess they just assumed that I was omni-present.

Well my breakfast break is over so it's time to get back to work.
Today starts the first day of picking up the neighbor girl and bringing her to the amish school after dropping little granddaughter off at her school. The schools are just a mile or so from each other, so it's not a pain. She will be starting first grade today and is very excited. Plan to come back and take care of the animals and the garden, and then go to fill a cart at Aldi. So far, 12 chicks hatched. Hoping for a few more during the day today, and then I'll refill the incubator.
Ok I better start working and stop reading on here ....
Went shopping yesterday in big city hour away and went to bank.
Today we are trading a goat for a ram
It stopped raining !!

I have decided to try and not shop at Walmart if I can help it any. Their prices are no longer all that cheap ( compared to other places) and the quality of stuff has gone down also, plus they are missing stuff most of the time.
Going to go to Aldi once a month, make the long trip to Sams every half year or so for big bags of sugar, dog food and peanut butter and buy the rest at the Kroger. If I want any meat ( other than what we grow) I will buy direct from the meat processor. Got some ground beef there last time. Cheaper and much better than Walmart.
Pushing myself back into the fall routine here; early up, go for a walk, feed animals and do some work in the veg patch/ poly and whatever outside chores need doing by 9am. Dropped daughter to work, it's her last week, as she and son are back to college next week. He travels up and down daily, she stays on campus.
Took her for a driving lesson yesterday. :eek: I'm proud to say I was very calm on the outside!
Picked up some groceries- now not so calm- what they ask people to pay for processed food is ridiculous, when the veg is right there - and now doing inside chores as its lashing rain. Expecting some relations from Australia next week that I forgot were stopping by. Great to see people but it's been a lot, looking forward to October when it's just family again.
Light duty again today, I'm giving my lower back a little time to recover... no need to aggravate it any further. Probably make a library & store run once I water the trees & plants, gotta get cleaned up too (which takes more time, thanks to the stiff lower back). Hopefully the problem goes away today... I still have a lot of weeding to do, but there's no way I pull weeds this morning. Thank goodness I made a full sweep for goatheads in the yard the other day, that buys me a little time, lol. Dang goatheads NEVER quit though, so I hope to resume the fight before too long... :confused:

Krazy fool kittens are going off this morning, but they're cheering me up with their antics. Z-Girl is SO funny when she dances on her hind legs... she does this crow-hopping number too, it's hilarious! All the kittens do this, but little Z-Girl is the runt of the litter so she makes a bigger statement when she takes center stage. Zorlac is the biggest of the trio, he's growing fast, while Black Diamond is not much larger than Z-Girl. She's a real cutie too... all three will make fine house cats once they're older (and fixed). Still working on the introductions with the older cats... :rolleyes:

Well, I'd better get out there before that ol' sun gets any higher... at least the temps have been cooler lately, which helps. I'm looking forward to fall weather, that's for sure. Had enough hot weather for this summer, Pearl can have the rest of it, lol. Boy, I sure don't feel like messing around outside, but it has to be done... I'm gonna stick with a shorter watering session, just the essential plants & fruit trees. I'll be glad when this stiff back goes away, it doesn't bother me that often but when I aggravate it, it's a PITA. I foresee cold beer in my near future, after I make my town run... :cool:
Gah, the temporary crown I got put on one of my molars yesterday, fell off this morning. I'm waiting at the dentists office to get it put back on. Have I ever said how much I hate dentists? There's nothing worse that having somebody grinding your teeth off with some kind of Dremel tool. Just having somebody sticking their fingers in my mouth is bad enough...
Gah, the temporary crown I got put on one of my molars yesterday, fell off this morning. I'm waiting at the dentists office to get it put back on. Have I ever said how much I hate dentists? There's nothing worse that having somebody grinding your teeth off with some kind of Dremel tool. Just having somebody sticking their fingers in my mouth is bad enough...
I can't believe it fell off already!! Sorry you have to go through that again!!☹️
While I was watering, I limbered up enough to actually pull some weeds... about 100 goathead vines, and I scuffed 50 more with the Vibram soles of my boots. Some of those larger vines were loaded with goatheads too, so I'm glad I caught 'em before the burrs fall off the vines. These puncturevines are sneaky, they'll grow in hidden places under other plants, then next thing ya know, BAM!!! There's a mature vine splayed out and loaded with goatheads, lol. The good news is that the miserable vines are thinning out, so my eradication program is working... I'm sure this hard work and stoop labor will pay off next season, when I have far fewer goathead vines on my property. :confused:

I called the library and a gal told me I have a day's grace on the 7-day DVD checkout, so I put off the trip to town until tomorrow. I have plenty o' food & beer left in the fridge, so to heck with running to town, I'll do it manana... I'm just happy because my back eased up a bit, and it's not giving me as much grief. Sometimes it's like a switch is thrown, the aches & pains just disappear... hopefully I reached that magical point this morning. I don't have serious chronic back pain, but when I overdo it with the stoop labor, I get stiff & sore. Didn't have the sharp pinched nerve pain this time around, just a general ache in my lower back from too much stooping & bending... gotta bend more at the knees next time. :oops:

Anyway, I'm gonna watch some TV this afternoon, possibly read a Western and let my back fully recover. At least I filled another Walmart sack with friggin' goathead vines, can't wait for the hard frosts to put an end to the BS. All I have to do is keep interrupting the life cycle of these puncturevines until the hard frosts arrive, then I'll be golden, lol. I watered all the pine trees today, which is how or why I noticed more goathead vines waiting to be pulled... the wild birds are happy at the baths and feeders, and the kittens are happy watching the birds, lol. Little Black Diamond is trippin' on the hummingbirds, she follows their movements with her head and it's funny to watch her head move around! She sure is a cutie! :)

Oh, yeah, that reminds me, while I was watering the pine trees a hummingbird flew up close to inspect the spray, acting like she was thirsty, so I held the hose steady and this bird flew into the edge of the spray! Then she parked herself on a branch and let the spray give her a shower... she was flapping her wings at low speed while doing this, lol. This was the third time a hummer has investigated me and the hose spray in the past two weeks or so... maybe the water draws the little birds, and they zoom in close to satisfy their curiosity. Two of those birds were right near my hand, but today's visitor simply wanted a 'car wash' on the go, lol. No worries, I don't mind helping the hummers... :cool:
Wingnut, I am curious about something. I was looking at a goathead and it reminded me of something else. if you will, get a cup of white vinegar and pour it on a clump and see what it does in two days. if my association to monkey weed/Velcro plants is correct, it should kill it and only it.

Hey, I got stuff done today! I got treated like crap at the WIC office, paid my outstanding debts and got some crap to fix my door on my Blazer (I HOPE!) and even got an overpriced catfish dinner!
Made it back Monday evening and got right to work: put green beans in the canner and corn on the dehydrator. Yesterday, started in on laundry and after worked up 17 quarts of salsa. Got one batch run through the canner last night and one more this morning so now have 3-4 jars to process when I get home after work. Hubby is hoping to leave for Montana tomorrow afternoon to go hunting. I'm staying home this go-round. Not entirely comfortable with him going to a new area by himself, but I am beat and our house is a wreck because I haven't been home much for the past month. I have tomatoes to process and need to keep up on the garden if we want anything from it - 3-4 weeks late in this area.
But back to the weekend. I have so much to do, it was difficult to think about leaving, but I'm glad I did. This is not my video or my voice, but it's the best one we came up with amongst us. Niece had a blast & wants to do it again. She says she has 7.5 seconds worth of improvement to make. What was cool was that she had about 3 Papa bears plus the bullfighter looking out for her. I was with her mama who was a nervous wreck and her daddy was paralyzed until she was back up on the fence. They lived too 😂 Kinda fun to hear the announcer if you can. Super proud of her. (vid = 1.5 min)
No good deed goes unpunished… or so I’m told. I posted recently about a young guy I tried to help. The kid seemed to be trying, busting his butt everyday. I need to trim some fence lines and will have small trees to burn as scrap. This kid was going to take any of that wood he wanted to sell and clean up the brush.

After 10 days I’m sure of 3 things… 1) there’s a reason he can’t get a good job. 2) there’s a reason he can’t keep a good job. And 3) he’s the reason in both cases. No point in going through details… but, I can’t trust him to do anything right, do what he says or even show up. Originally he was going to save me time and make a little cash for himself.

Instead he’s been a drain on my energy and time. Today I let him cut/haul some scrap wood as firewood. Before he left I made sure he understood that if I need his services in the future I’ll give him a call. His part in my current project is over, I’m done.

It’s raining again this afternoon so I played music. Spent 2 hours working on nothing but signaling chord changes and turn arounds’. Nothing like a new set of strings to make playing a pleasure, even when it’s work.

Been thinking, I got my guitar almost 50yrs ago. Parents and grand parents chipped in, paid $800, a new car was only $3K. They were taking a big chance, I was still a kid. Even though its paid for itself in cash… It’s paid off a 1000 times over just from the sheer enjoyment its given me for 5 decades. Maybe I should get it a birthday cupcake? Heck, it’s part of the family at this point. 😁

(I highly recommend cf martin & co if you’re shopping for a guitar)
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We got our ram today...and it has some hoof rot I didn't spot until we got home. I should have looked. They offered to take him back but I don't feel like doing all that driving so I just sprayed his hoofs and gave him a shot of antibiotic for hoof rot . He's fine otherwise and the hoof rot was not horribly bad yet ( only 2 hoofs ). Not surprised with all the rain and wet we are having this year.

We have so many things to do , I don't know how to prioritize anymore.
Woke up around noon today feeling pretty good. So I went out to the Woodlot and processed around five cord and got it put up. Now I'm at work again. But should be an ok night. Just have to overhaul one machine and deal with whatever pops up.
Magus, I understand that some folks use a combo of vinegar & Epsom salts to kill these goathead vines, but I don't want to add any salts or acetic acid to the soil. And the flamethrower works great in the gravel areas, I've really knocked down the puncturevines there... catch 'em when they're young and they shrivel right up and die in the flame. My eradication program is working, I just overdid it the other day... gonna be more careful in the future, so I'm not laid up with back pain. :confused:
No good deed goes unpunished… or so I’m told. I posted recently about a young guy I tried to help. The kid seemed to be trying, busting his butt everyday. I need to trim some fence lines and will have small trees to burn as scrap. This kid was going to take any of that wood he wanted to sell and clean up the brush.

After 10 days I’m sure of 3 things… 1) there’s a reason he can’t get a good job. 2) there’s a reason he can’t keep a good job. And 3) he’s the reason in both cases. No point in going through details… but, I can’t trust him to do anything right, do what he says or even show up. Originally he was going to save me time and make a little cash for himself.

Instead he’s been a drain on my energy and time. Today I let him cut/haul some scrap wood as firewood. Before he left I made sure he understood that if I need his services in the future I’ll give him a call. His part in my current project is over, I’m done.

It’s raining again this afternoon so I played music. Spent 2 hours working on nothing but signaling chord changes and turn arounds’. Nothing like a new set of strings to make playing a pleasure, even when it’s work.

Been thinking, I got my guitar almost 50yrs ago. Parents and grand parents chipped in, paid $800, a new car was only $3K. They were taking a big chance, I was still a kid. Even though its paid for itself in cash… It’s paid off a 1000 times over just from the sheer enjoyment its given me for 5 decades. Maybe I should get it a birthday cupcake? Heck, it’s part of the family at this point. 😁

(I highly recommend cf martin & co if you’re shopping for a guitar)
It was good of you to give him the chance. Perhaps not in his eyes, but reinforces your generosity and his unreliability in the eyes of many or at least One.
We got our ram today...and it has some hoof rot I didn't spot until we got home. I should have looked. They offered to take him back but I don't feel like doing all that driving so I just sprayed his hoofs and gave him a shot of antibiotic for hoof rot . He's fine otherwise and the hoof rot was not horribly bad yet ( only 2 hoofs ). Not surprised with all the rain and wet we are having this year.

We have so many things to do , I don't know how to prioritize anymore.
Everyone I know with half a wit is feeling overwhelmed lately.
Woke up this morning. Mom was sick to her stomach. So I had to do what I could in the garden and drive the Cruiser to the local Walmart for some supplies. There is a kitchen scale that we needed for the new sourdough starter and the recipe...these call for grams, not cups, etc. It had several 5 star reviews. Yes it was $21 but i take reviews pretty seriously. Planted more lettuce and cabbage. Shelled some purple hull peas. Peeled, cut and blanched some potatoes to get them ready for the dehydrator tomorrow. Got my new sourdough starter in the mail. I plan to start rehydrating it in the next day or two. 20220907_213732.jpg
Magus, I understand that some folks use a combo of vinegar & Epsom salts to kill these goathead vines, but I don't want to add any salts or acetic acid to the soil. And the flamethrower works great in the gravel areas, I've really knocked down the puncturevines there... catch 'em when they're young and they shrivel right up and die in the flame. My eradication program is working, I just overdid it the other day... gonna be more careful in the future, so I'm not laid up with back pain. :confused:
No epsom salt, just straight white vinegar, but OK. whatever is working. :)
It killed the crap out of our monkey weeds!
So no sooner than I got done posting about how today shouldn't be too bad of a day a shaft on the conveyance that brings the cups from the cupper up to the mezzanine snapped. So I've been fighting with it for the last 8 hours. I should of known better to talk about having a good day before the day is over.
Went to the two bin store sales in the other town. Then picked up mom and took her to DG. She bought the usual junk food, and brought her to her place and visited. Met up with husband for tacos in town, and then to the menno bulk store on my way back looking for Mrs Wages crisper granules to use for canning peppers tomorrow. Luckily they had it, but did order bulk from Hoosier Farms. Wiped out now, it's hot outside. My favorite cousin's daughter and their family were doing honey today, and I normally go help, but already promised mom the DG trip. Turns out, they've had some african bees settle in a hive and everyone's been getting stung lately and welted. Those are getting removed. They are extracting from the "nice" bees today.
Today was the last of my early days, I got off at 14:00 and decided to treat all my camo with bug juice, I made up 3 gallons in a five gallon bucket and dipped each item of clothing in it for a couple of minutes, wrung it out in another bucket, and then hung up the wet item. I then poured the collected juice back into the soaking bucket and added more clothes. I kept this up till all the juice was gone.. This is the first time I have used this stuff so I can't tell you how it works. Tomorrow is opening day and I am getting off at noon to go for a walk.

FYI, my DW has managed to fill every freezer we have with garden stuff and casseroles, so I have no idea what I will do if I harvest something. ;)
Well, this old hardhead finally got something done today that he had been dreading for years...
Verizon had been sending me warnings that they would be ending their 3G service at the end of the year, and I HAD to get a new phone!
I refused, and they finally broke down and sent me a new phone, for free:) without me even asking for it.
Here was the problem: they assume that everyone has a smartphone, and their instructions to transfer your contacts was this:
"🤪It's simple! Just log onto the internet and upload your contacts to the 'Verizon Cloud' and download them onto your new phone! 🤪".
Guess what, a 2012 phone don't do internet.:mad:
The girl at the Verizon store said they charge $19.95 to do the transfer.
I told her: "Go for it!!!"
I got my money's worth.
She didn't even make the California minimum-wage of $22/hr because it took her over an hour, and she knew what she was doing:eyeballs:.
I thanked her and told her I would be back........in 10 years:oops:.

Edit: I forgot the bonus. The Samsung guy just happened to be there working on their display table in there. I showed him my old phone and the name Samsung on it.
When I told him that this is what reliable looks like, and that it had been in continuous operation for over 87,600 hours, his eyes got really big:eek:.
He got a promo folding coffee cup from his car to give to me.:D
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