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Jeez, the quadratic equation... I haven't heard about THAT in decades, lol. Hope she remembers it! I actually passed Calculus in high school, but with a 'C' grade, lol... which made sense, since I was stoned half the time, lol. Pot and calculus do NOT mix! But in reality, those higher math classes really only benefit those students moving onward and upward into engineering fields, design fields (such as aircraft, I mean, NOT clothing, lol), and other professions where such math is needed. Truth be told, plain arithmetic and geometry have served me best over the course of my life: arithmetic for shopping and doing simple math problems, geometry for laying things out, building stuff, and even truck driving! [gasp!] You might ask, "Truck driving?" Yes, TRUCK DRIVING!!! o_O

No lie, look at backing a big truck, it's ALL about geometry, knowing your wheelbase(s), knowing your turning radius, etc. I actually liked Geometry in my 'school daze'---Trigonometry & Calculus, not so much, which was reflected in my low grades, lol. I aced Geometry, since I have good spatial perception and visualization. Remember those batteries of tests they gave students in junior high & high school? I took one test that said my spatial perception was in the top one percentile of all scores nationwide! Sheeeee-it, I should've gone straight into truck driving after I came of age to do so, lol. I'd have been backing those 53' wagons into tight slots at Terminal Island and the Lower Bronx in NO TIME!!! Probably do it blindfolded after awhile! 'ZEN & THE ART OF TRUCK DRIVING!!!' :cool:

P.S. When you make an error in judgement (and math) and take out a chain-link fence with your 53' wagon, do NOT blame Geometry, it's your OWN damn fault, BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! :oops:
Packed even more canned stuff in, right to the ceiling in milk crates.
borrowed 50$ and bought the last two cold steel SR1 the guy had on sale.
packed in more meow chow, fixed my car door again, had an epic phone chat with my son and some bros in England. stored some water.
Surprisingly I can still walk. midnight dinner is beef, bean and cheese nachos slobbered in sour cream and salsa.
I just had total brainfreeze after reading the comments here so I can't remember what I was going to respond with.

Went to the post office to get mail. Stopped by TSC to get feed for the cows. Popped in to see my friend-- his gf gave me stink-eye the entire time. That girl hates other females.

Started raining when I was feeding the cows so I fed them under the trees that block most of the rain. They were ecstatic. TSC had the hay with molasses back in stock so I grabbed them a bale. It usually lasts a couple days. They started in on that while I got the sweet feed out. Then they switched to the sweet feed. I need to order them some of the big bales of hay soon.
Oh fun! We fly into Glasgow, stay there 2 days, head out to the highlands (Kilmartin), then up to Fort William and then down to Edinburgh. Staying 8 nights, wish we had more time.
You should try to go to Sterling has the Braveheart monument up front if you have time
We went there in summer and went to the Highland games.
Fort William itself was nothing that special but we hiked up Ben Nevis. It was a very long but relatively easy hike. I wouldn't do it in winter. We stayed near Glenfinnan which is a few miles from Fort William.
Too bad you have so little time. Either way have a great trip!
Oh are you driving there? It's a little weird at first. I had to not go too far to the left and off the road, and had to get used to the double roundabouts
I want a day off....
I need to clean the house but since I am doing most of the other daily chores I am too tired and don't want to reinjure my shoulder so we will just have a dirty house for thanksgiving.

Pearl, want to come clean my house??

Talked to the neighbor yesterday. She got bit by a tick and Lyme also. They must be really bad this year
I want a day off....
I need to clean the house but since I am doing most of the other daily chores I am too tired and don't want to reinjure my shoulder so we will just have a dirty house for thanksgiving.

Pearl, want to come clean my house??

Talked to the neighbor yesterday. She got bit by a tick and Lyme also. They must be really bad this year
If we're close I would come clean!!♥️
"The communist state of Oregon..." Lol. Ya know, Oregon actually has conservatives in the rural areas, but their voices are never heard because the leftist scumbags control the cities and the whole state suffers as a result. I feel sorry for folks who live there, and it wasn't so very long ago that I considered buying property in the PNW, including Oregon. Never did find a decent fixer home in my price range though, and in retrospect, that's probably a good thing. It's too bad, really, because there are some beautiful areas up there, particularly as one leaves the soggy coast and heads inland, but the leftist scumbags in control (through fraudulent means, no doubt) have to RUIN IT for everybody. 😒

Today, I'm gonna start prepping for Thanksgiving, and I'm also gonna prep for a possible ride tomorrow on the bike... that depends upon the weather, and if tomorrow's sunny day actually materializes. If I do ride, I gotta remember to pull that big ol' 23-lb. turkey out of the freezer before I leave, as I'm thinking it will take 24 hours to thaw in the sink. I'm really hoping I can squeeze in a ride before the holiday, as the weather is slated to deteriorate toward the end of the week. I will try to water everything fully this afternoon, once the frozen hoses thaw out and will actually work, lol. Otherwise, I'm gonna shelve any thoughts of home rehab work and focus upon the upcoming holiday & possible bike ride manana... :cool:
"The communist state of Oregon..." Lol. Ya know, Oregon actually has conservatives in the rural areas, but their voices are never heard because the leftist scumbags control the cities and the whole state suffers as a result. I feel sorry for folks who live there, and it wasn't so very long ago that I considered buying property in the PNW, including Oregon. Never did find a decent fixer home in my price range though, and in retrospect, that's probably a good thing. It's too bad, really, because there are some beautiful areas up there, particularly as one leaves the soggy coast and heads inland, but the leftist scumbags in control (through fraudulent means, no doubt) have to RUIN IT for everybody. 😒

Today, I'm gonna start prepping for Thanksgiving, and I'm also gonna prep for a possible ride tomorrow on the bike... that depends upon the weather, and if tomorrow's sunny day actually materializes. If I do ride, I gotta remember to pull that big ol' 23-lb. turkey out of the freezer before I leave, as I'm thinking it will take 24 hours to thaw in the sink. I'm really hoping I can squeeze in a ride before the holiday, as the weather is slated to deteriorate toward the end of the week. I will try to water everything fully this afternoon, once the frozen hoses thaw out and will actually work, lol. Otherwise, I'm gonna shelve any thoughts of home rehab work and focus upon the upcoming holiday & possible bike ride manana... :cool:
You better stick that bird in the sink tonight!! I normally thaw my big birds in the fridge for a week. Two years ago I thawed a 25 pounder in the sink, put it there on Tuesday night, still had a little ice in the middle Thursday morning!! Only have a 14# bird this year!!😮
"The communist state of Oregon..." Lol. Ya know, Oregon actually has conservatives in the rural areas, but their voices are never heard because the leftist scumbags control the cities and the whole state suffers as a result. I feel sorry for folks who live there, and it wasn't so very long ago that I considered buying property in the PNW, including Oregon. Never did find a decent fixer home in my price range though, and in retrospect, that's probably a good thing. It's too bad, really, because there are some beautiful areas up there, particularly as one leaves the soggy coast and heads inland, but the leftist scumbags in control (through fraudulent means, no doubt) have to RUIN IT for everybody. 😒

Today, I'm gonna start prepping for Thanksgiving, and I'm also gonna prep for a possible ride tomorrow on the bike... that depends upon the weather, and if tomorrow's sunny day actually materializes. If I do ride, I gotta remember to pull that big ol' 23-lb. turkey out of the freezer before I leave, as I'm thinking it will take 24 hours to thaw in the sink. I'm really hoping I can squeeze in a ride before the holiday, as the weather is slated to deteriorate toward the end of the week. I will try to water everything fully this afternoon, once the frozen hoses thaw out and will actually work, lol. Otherwise, I'm gonna shelve any thoughts of home rehab work and focus upon the upcoming holiday & possible bike ride manana... :cool:
Your right. I grew up in Oregon but left 30+ years ago when the Leftist California hippy homos took over the state politics.
There is some hope though. 15 conservative county's have voted to join Idaho. Moving state lines isn't anything new.
Well, no walking for now. Wearing shoes that I ordered and didn't fit real well. now have painful area on side of small toe. Sidelined! New shoes should get here next Tuesday and am hoping sooner. I don't know what to do with myself first thing in the morning now. LOL Easy Sprits don't need breaking in if they are the right size. Sometimes, I think they are marked wrong (like jeans).
Went to local grocery for DH, Post office and drug store. That was enough walking for right now.
Not walking dogs today either.
Did laundry.
Will put down rest of quick crete this afternoon. (Tomorrow)
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Wound up doing some serious housecleaning this morning, several hours of intensive vacuuming, floor mopping, and window cleaning... good call too, since it's cloudy outside and I'm not missing anything, lol. Now I'm ready for the holidays and my home smells nice & clean! I had to swap out the vacuum bag first, it was getting full, and this upright vacuum of mine works better with a new bag. Luckily I still had one left in the box in one cabinet, lol. :)

Pearl, I will put that bird in the sink tonight as you suggested... it's a big bird and it's frozen solid too, so maybe the extra time will make a difference. I usually rinse the turkeys I cook with hot water prior to stuffing 'em, just to make sure there's no ice left in the cavity or elsewhere. The last bird I thawed was a 15-pounder, so I left it out overnight in a sink full of water and there was just a little ice in the cavity, but this 23-pounder will certainly take longer, it's a big bird! :oops:

Not THE Big Bird, but big enough, I reckon I'll be macking turkey sandwiches into December, lol. Looking forward to 'em as well, I LIKE turkey sandwiches! Especially as picnic lunches on cycle rides! I'm sure hoping I can go tomorrow, but these clouds don't look promising! Hopefully they beat it before sunrise manana, so I can have some fun instead of doing today's drudgery. I'll be slaving over a hot oven on Thursday, gotta get some R&R whenever possible! Carpe diem!!! :cool:
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I bring an ice chest in the house and thaw large turkeys in it that way. Have a 20 pounder in it right now. When it starts thawing, I throw an ice pack in there.
Company left this morning, after a send off big breakfast. Did the dishes and clean up, started the sheet washing, did the animals. Husband and I went into the bigger town for rx pickup, lab work for him, gas, bank, Aldi (filled a cart), Walmart for his haircut, so I did half a cart there. Taken me forever to put away. Coming down with the sore throat muck and cough little granddaughter has had, that she got from other granddaughter. Neighbor came by for eggs, and chickens aren't laying right now, so oh well. Feeling kinda bleech, but need to get up and make dinner.
Got the trailer hitched up and ready to go to pick up feed and supplies. Tuesday is old timers day at the farm supply store and everything is 10% off. And since we drive the 125 miles to the communist state of Oregon we save an additional 6% for no sales tax.
Supposed to snow later today too.
My folks are on the OR side. Pa called me the other day asking if we found a place yet. I said, still looking. I asked why. He might have had a few special words for OR that aren't in most dictionaries.
I bring an ice chest in the house and thaw large turkeys in it that way. Have a 20 pounder in it right now. When it starts thawing, I throw an ice pack in there.
Company left this morning, after a send off big breakfast. Did the dishes and clean up, started the sheet washing, did the animals. Husband and I went into the bigger town for rx pickup, lab work for him, gas, bank, Aldi (filled a cart), Walmart for his haircut, so I did half a cart there. Taken me forever to put away. Coming down with the sore throat muck and cough little granddaughter has had, that she got from other granddaughter. Neighbor came by for eggs, and chickens aren't laying right now, so oh well. Feeling kinda bleech, but need to get up and make dinner.
Have a cup of hot tea and put your feet up for a few. 💕
Wound up doing some serious housecleaning this morning, several hours of intensive vacuuming, floor mopping, and window cleaning... good call too, since it's cloudy outside and I'm not missing anything, lol. Now I'm ready for the holidays and my home smells nice & clean! I had to swap out the vacuum bag first, it was getting full, and this upright vacuum of mine works better with a new bag. Luckily I still had one left in the box in one cabinet, lol. :)

Pearl, I will put that bird in the sink tonight as you suggested... it's a big bird and it's frozen solid too, so maybe the extra time will make a difference. I usually rinse the turkeys I cook with hot water prior to stuffing 'em, just to make sure there's no ice left in the cavity or elsewhere. The last bird I thawed was a 15-pounder, so I left it out overnight in a sink full of water and there was just a little ice in the cavity, but this 23-pounder will certainly take longer, it's a big bird! :oops:

Not THE Big Bird, but big enough, I reckon I'll be macking turkey sandwiches into December, lol. Looking forward to 'em as well, I LIKE turkey sandwiches! Especially as picnic lunches on cycle rides! I'm sure hoping I can go tomorrow, but these clouds don't look promising! Hopefully they beat it before sunrise manana, so I can have some fun instead of doing today's drudgery. I'll be slaving over a hot oven on Thursday, gotta get some R&R whenever possible! Carpe diem!!! :cool:
I got about a million recipes for turkey, including making more stuffing to freeze and use for Xmas. Most of them are Bachelor based and simple.
Got a message on Facebook from a local cop wanting me to call him, so I did. He found a credit card with my name on it in a car he searched. The card expired in 2009. He said them stealing it was a misdemeanor and he already had them on 2 felony drug charges. I told him just to cut it up.
The day didn't go as planned. Eldest granddaughter has the dlu so no math fun.

Got started digging up the Persimmon tree but that was complicated byt 5he ground being frozen and the other trees in that box are much too small to transplant. I could dorce the Persimmon but I would destroy 6 other trees in the process.

Decided I should defer until tomorrow and order stuff needed for garden projects. More lettuce seeds and stuff used when grafting trees. I thought I could use a 10% off code from Territorial Seed but the shipping cost more than the seeds! Just went with Amazon for everything.

I bring an ice chest in the house and thaw large turkeys in it that way. Have a 20 pounder in it right now. When it starts thawing, I throw an ice pack in there.
Company left this morning, after a send off big breakfast. Did the dishes and clean up, started the sheet washing, did the animals. Husband and I went into the bigger town for rx pickup, lab work for him, gas, bank, Aldi (filled a cart), Walmart for his haircut, so I did half a cart there. Taken me forever to put away. Coming down with the sore throat muck and cough little granddaughter has had, that she got from other granddaughter. Neighbor came by for eggs, and chickens aren't laying right now, so oh well. Feeling kinda bleech, but need to get up and make dinner.
REST, hahaha!! But you need to!!
What is rest? Little granddaughter is barking like a seal, so I just took out a spare nebulizer and put in some albuterol for her. No fever, but she did have a low grade one Saturday. Her 02 is 98, and temp is normal, so not too worried. Gave her some motrin and tussin. Hope she can sleep.
Tomorrow is a cooking day. All day.
Got up this morning just in time to throw up. Actually felt a bit better. For the past three days I have had a funky flu with cough and even some upper chest pains. Generally bad feeling with headache that was unrelenting. Took some ivermectin, oil of oregano, black walnut tincture and zinc and vitamin C. Slept most of the day then by dinner I was ready to eat a real meal. I do like the feeling of getting over being sick.
Today I rested and slept in. Got up and washed dishes. Electric kettle stopped working. Induction cooktop stopped working properly in the middle of cooking. Managed to get it working somewhat but it took a lot longer to cook. Computer programs kept freezing up and crashing. Had to reboot computer. Two USB (out of 3) on my desk tray died. And I'm not having luck with electronic stuff.

I meant to post earlier but computer kept being uncooperative.

At least my spaghetti came out ok.
Found that in front of the barn yesterday morning. It was stiff but could not have been there more than overnight. It was shot in the side, some hunter missed the vital organs....
So we processed it and it's going to the dogs , would be a shame to waste a nice big buck like that. The meat looked still good enough to eat ( for us) but I don't want to take a chance....


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So we spend half the day yesterday ( son and myself, husband came out for a little while he's better but not great) processing the deer buck and nothing else got done, the barn didn't even get cleaned, just threw some new bedding on it
Today after animals chores I am going to make some pies for tomorrow and attempt to do some laundry if the hoses are not all frozen

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