Jeez, the quadratic equation... I haven't heard about THAT in decades, lol. Hope she remembers it! I actually passed Calculus in high school, but with a 'C' grade, lol... which made sense, since I was stoned half the time, lol. Pot and calculus do NOT mix! But in reality, those higher math classes really only benefit those students moving onward and upward into engineering fields, design fields (such as aircraft, I mean, NOT clothing, lol), and other professions where such math is needed. Truth be told, plain arithmetic and geometry have served me best over the course of my life: arithmetic for shopping and doing simple math problems, geometry for laying things out, building stuff, and even truck driving! [gasp!] You might ask, "Truck driving?" Yes, TRUCK DRIVING!!! 
No lie, look at backing a big truck, it's ALL about geometry, knowing your wheelbase(s), knowing your turning radius, etc. I actually liked Geometry in my 'school daze'---Trigonometry & Calculus, not so much, which was reflected in my low grades, lol. I aced Geometry, since I have good spatial perception and visualization. Remember those batteries of tests they gave students in junior high & high school? I took one test that said my spatial perception was in the top one percentile of all scores nationwide! Sheeeee-it, I should've gone straight into truck driving after I came of age to do so, lol. I'd have been backing those 53' wagons into tight slots at Terminal Island and the Lower Bronx in NO TIME!!! Probably do it blindfolded after awhile! 'ZEN & THE ART OF TRUCK DRIVING!!!'
P.S. When you make an error in judgement (and math) and take out a chain-link fence with your 53' wagon, do NOT blame Geometry, it's your OWN damn fault, BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
No lie, look at backing a big truck, it's ALL about geometry, knowing your wheelbase(s), knowing your turning radius, etc. I actually liked Geometry in my 'school daze'---Trigonometry & Calculus, not so much, which was reflected in my low grades, lol. I aced Geometry, since I have good spatial perception and visualization. Remember those batteries of tests they gave students in junior high & high school? I took one test that said my spatial perception was in the top one percentile of all scores nationwide! Sheeeee-it, I should've gone straight into truck driving after I came of age to do so, lol. I'd have been backing those 53' wagons into tight slots at Terminal Island and the Lower Bronx in NO TIME!!! Probably do it blindfolded after awhile! 'ZEN & THE ART OF TRUCK DRIVING!!!'
P.S. When you make an error in judgement (and math) and take out a chain-link fence with your 53' wagon, do NOT blame Geometry, it's your OWN damn fault, BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!