What's everybody doing today?

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Yesterday the son and I got the roof on the new chicken coop expansion and last night we installed the tracks on the side by side. Our son is heading home later today. He's going with me to check my traps before he takes off. We always enjoy his visit, but don't like his girlfriend. She reminds me of a circus freak.
I've had a cold of flu for the last few days, bad cough and stuffed up. Change in weather maybe, or the icy water.
LOL 🤣 ok I gotta ask circus freak 🤪 do tell?
Sprinkled half the night here. 39 and drying out.

This is third time I got up early and plugged in my loader tractor. New customer for hay and I'm concluding he's not the type that always does what he says. So frustrating! He's cancelled at the last minute twice now and two hours late this morning (if he even shows up).

Normally, I'm more like the hay Nazi: "no hay for you! Come back next year!" But this year has been particularly frustrating. I put a lot of money and went to extra ordinary efforts to make the best barley hay. But come to learn there's a stigma to it and haven't effective at advertising how good what I have is.

Marketing F! Doesn't allow for choosing your customer!

I wished you lived close by , we would buy your hay and show up on time with the money...
Ooh, food looks good.

Yesterday I went to samsclub by myself & loaded heavy stuff. Stopped at Wendy's for takeout. Got stuck in traffic for 30min bc of detours bc the roundabout & all roads to it were closed-- police everywhere. Got temporarily blinded by a cop shining a flashlight directly into my eyes. Dropped some stuff off at friend's house & fed his cats. Missed my turn to my house (first time I've ever done that) bc I was tired and it was so dark. Night vision sucks. Made it home finally. Ate my food & then crawled into bed to rack out.

Woke up at 5 to brother coughing. Got him some soup & refilled his water (filtered water in a big jug thingy). Shoulder bugging me & I'm still tired so will nap a bit more before I have to get up and unload heavy stuff from truck & open a new bag of cat food.

Discussion of hay reminds me I need to buy some for the cows. Gotta contact the neighbor who brings it over if I give him $. He buys it from someone who doesn't deliver but he puts it on a trailer and delivers it for me.
Discussion of hay reminds me I need to buy some for the cows. Gotta contact the neighbor who brings it over if I give him $. He buys it from someone who doesn't deliver but he puts it on a trailer and delivers it for me.

We use our livestock trailer to get the hay but you can only put square bales in it, and it is a ton of work loading and unloading and then putting it up
One neighbor delivers round bales but then you never know what you get until you open them
Easy Sunday morning here... looks to be another nice day, but I'm just gonna rest and take it easy, my knee is a bit sore from where I banged it up the other day. Dunno if it happened during Wednesday's ride, but there looked to be a little fluid or "water on the knee" on Thanksgiving Day, so I lanced it and it did indeed lose some fluid. I need to buy one of those horse syringes with a large needle so I can draw fluid out of such pockets... anyway, the knee looks fine now, but it's still tender, and yesterday's ride probably didn't help, lol, but I'm glad I went because I met some cool riders & other folks who live in this area. Those riders in the 'Tarantula 100' were just my kinda people, lol... good riders too! :)

I don't remember bangin' my knee against anything in the past week, but at my age, things go kaput for no apparent reason, lol. I probably banged it against something here on the property and never thought twice about it, but I've had "water on the knee" before and the way to reduce or eliminate it is to draw the funky fluid out with a syringe, ya just gotta have a big ol' hollow needle to do it. I'm not squeamish about needles or lancing stuff, I've been dealing with injuries all my life, lol... so I'll hafta see about buying a syringe for that purpose, something with a big ol' barrel as well, to hold that funky fluid once it's drawn from the injured area. :confused:

Meh, like I said, it's no big deal this time, and lancing it did the trick because the knee looks normal, it's just a bit tender in one spot. Nothing that will keep me from riding again on Tuesday, lol... I wanna explore those bluffs I saw out in the middle of the Tularosa Basin, plus take some pics from their summits, I'll bet the views are nice up there! I really enjoyed the solitude atop that knoll yesterday, it was sublime... so peaceful and quiet, until the Tarantula riders came along, lol, but they were heller cool so no worries! We even had a beer up there as I offered a round... the kid didn't drink, of course, I'll hafta remember to throw a root beer or whatever into the saddlebag I use as a beverage cooler, lol. 😒

I'm gonna see if I can't find an email address for one rider, as I took some cool pics of him riding up the knoll to the summit... he'll probably appreciate 'em, as they make him out to be a dirt biking hero, lol. Somebody gave me a business card yesterday, I'll hafta dig it out and see if it was that guy's card, but if it isn't, that's okay, I know the name of his business. He runs a wrecking & repair service, that knowledge might come in handy if the car ever cr@ps out on me, lol. I'll fix it, but dragging it back to the house would be another story... so knowing a guy who runs a wrecker service is a good backup plan, lol. Not that I intend to go out and wreck 'The Mighty Camry'---the KLR is for rough roads, lol. ;)

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Going out to feed all the animals and clean all the rabbit cages. Maybe take a break in between, I'm still feeling very rough. Staying away from favorite cousin's tonight because I don't want her to get sick. Amazingly husband isn't sick, and hope he doesn't get sick, because he has day surgery on Thursday, about an hour away. Already got the dogs out and the barn cats taken care of and could hear the two fighting Toms in the milkhouse gobbling away, trying to get a chirp out of a hen, that is not anywhere near where they are.
I'm Zooming church this morning because I woke up to a very sore throat. I feel okay otherwise.

I have a couple of folding chairs to pick up that someone is giving away that I will refurbish. I did this with a couple of folding chairs when I was a teenager (no idea what happened to them after I left home) and a couple of chairs I got at a sale a few years ago. I removed the seats and back rests, sanded down the metal parts and spray painted them, recovered the other parts and put them back together. We use these when we are having dinners and get togethers. It is great to have folding chairs that are easy to stash away. Since I only have two, I have been on the lookout for another couple to make all match that will go with my folding (card) table, that I have also redone. I have some naugahyde left that I can use to do this pair so that all of these will match up when I am finished. I need to buy some more spray paint, Antique bronze.
Was wondering where your were!! Hope your dad is ok!!
He's doing better, thank you.

I'm researching medicinal teas. I really need to try that. I've grown mint and echinacea here before so I can start with that. I also need to find out about purple top turnips. Someone gave me some free seed for that.

Yesterday I got the Singer 127 out and did minor repairs on some clothing.
Spent Thanksgiving with DIL’s family. Her father is laid up for awhile because of a farming accident. We got his cattle moved to their winter range and put the dual tires on his tractor. He was very appreciative.

Thanksgiving on the wife’s side was canceled. MIL’s caregiver is sick. Evidently caregiver didn’t like the negative test for the China flu so she retested. Tested positive the second time. So the wife’s family is taboo for now.

Carried the upstairs stuff to the basement to make room for me to carry the Christmas decorations upstairs. If I can ever convince the wife to get rid of stuff instead of just moving it around I’ll buy a winning lottery ticket.
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Resting today bc I feel tired. Cooked for Mom and fed kitties & doggies. Bro is off work today & feeling really cruddy. He's coughing up large chunks of greenish mucus so he probably has an infection. Need to get him to doctor on Monday if possible.

I prefer the round bales of hay because you get more bang for your buck. The rectangular ones don't last nearly as long. I still try to get the ones with molasses for the cows though. The love those. Need to grab some tomorrow.
Made 4 chocolates pies Wednesday after work. All gone. Yesterday I made 8 pound cakes and it 7 in freezer. (24 cups sugar and flour, 4 dozen eggs, 8 cups Crisco and buttermilk). Love my pantry. Piano today for church, nursing home to check MIL, pulled out fabric for granddaughter to pick for musical she is in next weekend. Skirt, top and belt done. Need to make vest and bloomers/drawers. Sewing machine messed up and won’t adjust tension right. Had to pull out backup machine. Tomorrow
Trash day, the driver came early so the bin's already empty, I'll fill it later once the temp is warmer... there's a ginormous weed I need to take out, it's like three or four bushes in one, and it has already died so it's ugly as sin. I'll chop it up later with the loppers and get rid of it, I only left it as long as I did because it offered cover for the kittens... :rolleyes:

Same goes for the weed patch outside our back door, the weeds have all died so it's time for them to go. They offered good cover and concealment for the kittens earlier this year, and I used the weed patch as a tool for their survival training, always encouraging the kittens to hide among the weeds. They've come far with their training, which is good. :)

Gotta make a town run later today, I'm outta beer... might buy a little wine too, I'm not a big wino but this IS the holiday season, and some of that mulled spiced wine might be tasty, lol. Hot rum toddies too, those are always delicious! And good on a cold night! Hey, rum was good enough for the Royal Navy to use for "medicinal purposes!" And "grog!" ;)

Otherwise, I'll be prepping for tomorrow's ride, I'm already looking forward to it after a restorative day yesterday! Slowly, I am toughening up for these dirt bike rides, lol. They take it out of ya when you're 60 years old, or 60 years young! That bike is a beast on the trail too, gotta watch it or it'll get out of control and then it'll be 'Dump City' in the dirt or sand, lol. :oops:

Well, time to make breakfast, another leftover turkey concoction... I've been enjoying these various turkey meals, and I'm STILL not through the breast meat on the bird, lol. Almost, but not quite... I haven't even touched the drumsticks or any other parts, I'll make a ginormous pot of homemade turkey soup later with heaps of veggies & meat chunks! 😍

Turkey soup is good, Wingnut!
Took the two little girls to their schools first thing. The other little girl's mama got sick the same time, and same as me. Feel like we're both crawling out of it. Bummer is that she has amish schoolbus duty for the afternoons all week, so no rest for her. Husband thinks he's coming down with it, and it's not covid (he tested twice ha), so he cancelled his surgery scheduled for Thursday, till he feels 100%. With his lungs, it's a smart move, really. Animals are done for the morning. Granddaughter nearly hit my Challenger this morning, missed by an inch, and I have to say that she was pushing it on purpose, I was standing right over it, scraping my front windshield. After blocking me in and refusing to move last week, I decided to move my truck and my Challenger to different spots. So now I dont think she can get to my car, and if she wants to hit the big truck with her car door or side mirror, I think the truck will win. Laundry to do, and plant bulbs to go through...to see which ones need to go in the ground ASAP, and which ones wait till spring. Otherwise, doing some more resting to kick this bug.

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